Fighting against Titled Douluo

Dugu Bo, the Jade Snake King, now was surprised to see this Purple Lightning, the similar Lightning attack which had been used against him some time ago by that Blue haired kid.

Ryusei suddenly charged towards the Jade Snake King with lightning speed, not giving it a chance to counter or dodge his attack. As the First Hit connected, Dugu Bo realized how bad an idea it was to have a large target against someone very fast.

There was no time or ability to react to that attack at all. Dugu Bo was thrown back miles away, but that didn't stop at all. Ryusei teleported before he got out of his Thunder Domain and hit him with his full power and speed, forcing his body to hit the Jade Snake King at the full potential.

Each hit of Ryusei was at full power, they were a lot stronger than his regular Purple Dragon's Claw, since the time his own Spirit Rings had evolved, each one of them held enough power to go head to head against the 100,000-year-old beast.

Though this had a single disadvantage, each one of them required a vast amount of Spirit Energy to use. It would have been tough for Ryusei to achieve, but because of the fact he was Twin Spirit user, he was able to get through that disadvantage.

The considerable momentum, the teleportation used to reach the Snake King's body before it could react, and the Thunder Dragon's Fury which assisted his whole body, letting it transcend to another level for some minutes.

Ryusei continued to use these abilities at the same time, beating the Snake King as if it was trash. Throwing all his frustrations at it…

The Golden Saint Dragon had already dispersed. Yu Xiaogang, Principal Flender, and Liu Erlong were lying on the ground while taking deep breaths to recover and observing the battle.

After some seconds, the Dugu Bo released the Spirit Avatar form. He felt that if he continued to use it, then the Spirit Avatar form would break apart, which would give him a massive backlash.

It was better to fight using his other abilities. He used his 8th Ability Time Freeze. The Time froze for some time, even Ryusei was affected by this ability.

Dugu Bo whispered with a low voice, "To think a boy who isn't even a Spirit Saint has pushed me so far. 9th Ability Jade Phosphor Divine Light."

A beam of greenish light shot out of his hands and hits Ryusei. It was a direct hit while Ryusei couldn't move because of Time Freeze ability.

After he was hit and crashed into the ground. The Time Stop ability stopped working, and Ryusei coughed out some blood. He was bewildered at what happened.

Ryusei was sure that he was at an advantage so how did Dugu Bo turn the tables. He didn't understand why it excited him a bit.

He used his ability Lightning Flash and instantly covered the distance between him and Dugu Bo. Ryusei's hand transformed into Purple Dragon's Claw as he morphed it into a fist while it charged towards Dugu Bo.

This was the first time Dugu Bo felt fear. The fear of death even though he was fighting against a mere Spirit Emperor.

Dugu Bo closed his eyes as he saw the upcoming fist. He silently cursed his own luck while thinking that he provoked such a monster.

Ryusei's fist stopped right in front of Dugu Bo's face. The shockwave generated from his punch caused multiple trees to be uprooted while other thick trees were swinging as if it was a storm.

As Dugu Bo opened his eyes, he nearly fell on the ground as he saw a Great Claw right in front of his face, which radiated energy. The energy of a 100,000-year-old beast.

Ryusei spoke with a cold tone, "Why did you attack them? Actually, what sort of reason was it that a dignified Titled Douluo attacked by friends…"

The place was somewhat far away from the Heavenly Dou Academy. Other than Principal Flender, Zhao Wuji, Tang San, and others. No one was in the surrounding area.

He wanted to understand just why would a Titled Douluo even attack the Shrek. Was it due to something related to himself, or was it an entirely separate matter?

Dugu Bo let out a relieved sigh when he realized that he hadn't been killed. He started speaking, "I am Dugu Bo. As you know, my spirit is Jade Phosphor Serpent. It's a poison type of spirit. My granddaughter inherited the same spirit as me with similar poison strength in her spirit. I heard from my granddaughter that Tang San was able to neutralize her poison. I wanted to kill him to prevent him from spreading the anti-dote."

This matter caused Ryusei to frown a bit. He understood what Dugu Bo was saying and why he was saying this. If the anti-dote of his poison spread around, his poison would practically be useless if someone had its anti-dote.

However, it was also not Tang San's fault since he surely wouldn't allow himself or his team to die just because of poison.

Ryusei slowly lowered his fist. The reason he had been so enraged earlier was that he thought that it was someone from the Spirit Hall who attacked the Shrek Academy because of him.

He calmed down after understand that this matter had nothing to do with himself. He also thought with a frown 'Again… This emotion instability happened again. I truly need to investigate this matter. It wouldn't be good if I make any rasher decisions.'

"I see…you do not target them any more if Tang San doesn't spread the antidote?" Ryusei asked with a straight and calm look. He didn't want to escalate this any further. It was good that there was no one around here or else his name would be spread everywhere.

However, if he killed a Titled Douluo, then there would be no way it could be kept under wraps.

Dugu Bo was somewhat shocked as he heard Ryusei's words. He knew well enough that Ryusei was completely capable of killing him right now, it wasn't like someone was there to take revenge for him after Dugu Bo died. He had neither the backing nor the power to protect himself in front of this boy.

"Why are you not killing me? You have the strength to kill me. Just what is stopping you?" Dugu Bo asked with a startled face. He was indeed inquisitive about this.

Ryusei thought in his head with a dumbfound expression 'Wouldn't that just be courting death? Even if I hide my identity as your killer. Your death will surely alert the Spirit Hall that some unknown person has killed a Titled Douluo. Furthermore, this unknown person has some connection with the Shrek Academy. It would simply highlight the Shrek Academy and me.'

He turned around and pointed towards the direction of Principal Flender and others, "Well, there are three reasons. First is that none among my allies has died. If even one of them had died, I would have killed you without a second thought. Though I don't understand why you didn't use your full power to kill them from the start. I am grateful to you for that."

"The second reason is that you already seem like a dead man to me." As Ryusei finished speaking. Dugu Bo's eyes widened in surprise. This was his secret that he had never even told someone else in his life.

"What did you say?" With a heavy heart, he asked Ryusei. He wanted to confirm his inner thoughts.

"Do I really need to repeat? You should be clear about the condition of your body. It surprises me that you are still alive." Ryusei was very calm as he spoke out.

Gritting his teeth, Dugu Bo spoke out, "How do you know? I have never told this to anyone…"

Ryusei remained calm while telling him, "My eyes can see that your Spirit Power is infused with another power. It is inhibiting your spirit power while also damaging your body."