
Around this time, Tang San and others approached the two of them. Liu Erlong, Principal Flender and Yu Xiaogang also approached them from the other direction. There were traces of injuries on their bodies but nothing too major.

Tang San heard what Ryusei was saying and carefully observed Dugu Bo. He started speaking with a stern expression, "You are truly poisoned. Moreover, it's dire. Your arms become numb in humid weather. It also happens once in afternoon and midnight… Plus, your body feels as though it is being poked with sharp needles for an hour. I guess time must increase every day. Even your great spirit power has no way to stop this poison invading you."

This time, Dugu Bo was even more surprised. He could get the reason why Ryusei could know about his poison. The power Ryusei held at such a young age was enough to defeat a titled Douluo. He evidently had his secrets. But to think a young boy who wasn't even half as strong as himself could know about it.

"No need to act surprised. Your hairs and your pupils have been dyed all the way by this poison." Tang San finished speaking which told Dugu Bo precisely what he wanted to hear.

Ryusei turned his head and stared at Liu Erlong as he was wondering what she was doing here. She was also the part of that Spirit Fusion that was fighting against Dugu Bo. It made him curious about her identity, and he was judging whether she was an ally or not.

He wasn't surprised to hear Tang San deduce all that. From the time he met Tang San, he was pretty sure that he was exceptional.

He looked towards Yu Xiaogang and said, "I am delighted to see that you are alright uncle, Xiaogang."

"Uncle?" Liu Erlong spoke with some confusion written on her face. She was surprised by choice of words that Ryusei used to address Yun Xiaogang. She could see that he was dominant through his fight against Dugu Bo.

Yu Xiaogang's face turned into a small smile as he stared at Ryusei and nodded. He looked towards Liu Erlong and said, "He is Yu Qing's son… She was like me who hadn't awakened the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit. She married the patriarch of the Lei Clan to strengthen the ties between Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and Lei Clan."

Liu Erlong's eyes widened as she heard him, "Wat… I heard that the Lei Clan was annihilated. Didn't all the Lei Clan members die?"

Ryusei spoke with a composed expression, "I am Lei Feng. I, fortunately, survived with the assistance from my grandmother."

"And who are you?" Ryusei asked her. He was curious about this woman. Not only she knew Yu Xiaogang and Principal Flender, but she also knew about his mother.

Liu Erlong cheerfully introduced herself, "I am Liu Erlong. I am childhood friends with Xiaogang and your Principal Flender. I… I am also a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and the principal of the Blue Tyrant Academy." The start of her introduction was rather cheerful, but towards her last line was spoken with a sad expression.

"I see…" Ryusei said while mentally noting down this woman. He deduced within his mind 'Is she the reason why Uncle Xiaogang had seemingly disappeared from the world? Anyways… Since she is with Principal Flender and Uncle Xiaogang, she shouldn't have an alliance with the Spirit Hall, which is good enough for me.'

"I do not think I have met your mother, I am sure she must have been a wondering woman." Liu Erlong said to Ryusei.

Ryusei just nodded at those words, they were words of consolation, nothing else.

He then turned towards Principal Flender and asked him, "Can you explain to me what occurred here? Give me a summary of the situation."

Principal Flender did precisely as Ryusei asked.

After a summary of what had occurred, Ryusei was about to speak when suddenly, a bright light interrupted him.

Ning Rongrong and Feng Cai'er had come.

When Tang San and others saw Ning Rongrong and Feng Cai'er had come. Dugu Bo was the one who was most surprised at their teleportation.

He was sure he didn't sense their presence nearby. It was like they had appeared from nothing.

Moreover, as he looked at Feng Cai'er, he didn't understand why, but he started sweating for some reason. It was like he was staring at his natural enemy. And this natural enemy was about to take a bite out of him.

"Brother Tian! Why did you leave Sister Rongrong and me behind? You can't do that again." Feng Cai'er seemed to be lecturing Ryusei while pouting.

Ryusei looks at Ning Rongong as if asking her, why come here?

Though he didn't need to think much about her answer. This still complicated a lot of things.

Ryusei then spoke to Rongrong, "Rongrong, how about you introduce Feng Cai'er to others? I will have a conversation with Dugu Bo in the meantime."

"Alright." Rongrong agreed to him, she didn't understand what was going on. It worked for that since she could find that out from the other Shrek Monsters.

Meanwhile, Principal Flender, Yu Xiaogang, and Liu Erlong also walked towards an empty place, probably to have their own private conversation.

After creating some distance between them and the others, Ryusei stared at Dugu Bo, "I told you that my eyes could see through your condition, what I did not mention was that I can also cure you."

"What?! Impossible! I have a great garden of mystical herbs. Even after studying poison for so many years, I can still not cure this!" Dugu Bo didn't believe Ryusei at all.

"I never said I would cure you using a herb or anything. Even though your poison may be life-threatening to other Spirits, to mine, it is nothing short of nourishment." Ryusei started speaking with a casual look.

"A Spirit which takes Jade Snake King's Poison as nourishment. Please do tell me about this Spirit." Dugu Bo sarcastically asks Ryusei.

"I can show you a specimen." Ryusei extended his arm out and touched his forehead with his index fingers.

"Azure Dragon Ability: Heavenly Energy of the Azure Dragon," Ryusei muttered with a low voice as strange energy entered in Dugu Bo's forehead.

Instantly, he felt a tremendous amount of energy flooding his body. This power was so dense and so dominating that Dugu Bo knew that he was at Ryusei's mercy.