The weekend was a beautiful memory. A fairy tale. And just like every fairy tale it eventually came to an end. Before she knew it Elle was back at work on Monday morning.
Work had piled up since she had been away on Friday. There was a domineering tower of items that needed her attention so Elle begrudgingly rolled her sleeves up and started going through them one by one.
The day went by in a tedious but productive way. The sun was already beginning to set when Elle decided to go for a walk and stretch her stiff legs. She was passing through the lobby of Tae's building when she bumped into a friendly face.
"Elle!" Abby called out. She was walking with her arm linked through Jacob's.
"Abby!" Elle said with a smile. "How are you?"
"I'm fine. What about you? I haven't heard from you in so long."
"Things are fine." Elle said stiffly. "The same as always, extremely busy."
"Why don't you go wait in the car." Abby said to Jacob who nodded and followed her instruction. Once they were alone Abby continued their conversation. "How is Adam?" She asked in a hushed voice.
"He's doing well. The both of us are really busy, but he's really good about spending time together."
"That's good to hear! I know what you mean, you don't realize how much time a relationship eats up until you're in one yourself."
Their conversation continued on. Abby spoke for the most part, telling Elle how her work was going, and bringing up some of their old friends from their school days. Elle nodded along, adding a word or two in here and there.
Abby glanced down at her watch and realized how much time had passed. "Jacob will be waiting for me, I should go now."
"Sure, sure. Let's catch up soon." Elle offered. She watched Abby go with a smile fixed to her face but with a sullen feeling in her heart.
Abby had once been her best friend in the entire world. The one person who she told everything to. The person who she confided in and sought advice from. Without even realizing it their relationship had changed.
Elle no longer sought Abby's advice or confided in her. To be perfectly honest, Elle didn't know how much she valued Abby's advice anymore. She still loved her dearly, and remembered her fondly, but what was this feeling?
As Elle stood in the lobby, still staring off in the direction Abby had left, someone came and stood by her side.
"Is something wrong?" Director Collins asked. He was the Director of the Sales department. He was known for being strict, but he was respectable. Elle recalled how his stern face had once smiled as he celebrated her victory with her.
"I was just reflecting." Elle replied lightly. "It seems I've grown quite a bit as a person without even realizing."
"Shouldn't you be proud of that?" Collins asked with confused frown.
"You're right, I should be, but instead I feel guilty for the things I've left behind."
"I see." He nodded. "It's not a good feeling, but it's a natural part of life. Hopefully having a few drinks tonight will lighten your somber mood."
"What do you mean?" Elle asked.
"You didn't know? The Chairman has called for a business dinner tonight. All the directors will be there."
"When did he send the notice?"
"It was sudden, I think it was only last Friday."
Elle groaned. "I was away last Friday. I'm still catching up on my work, I must not have seen it yet."
"Well then it's good luck that we bumped into each other here. Why don't you go grab your things and I'll wait here for you. We can head to the restaurant together."
"Sure. I'll be right back." Elle said as she rushed off.
After a few minutes and a short drive they arrived at the restaurant where the dinner was being hosted at. As they walked in Elle saw that most of the others had already arrived.
"How fitting for sales and marketing to arrive hand in hand." One of the other director's teased.
"It would have been more fitting if we had raced each other here." Elle teased back, ignoring her father's looming gaze.
Elle had always found such events to be dull. Everyone spoke business around her while Elle smiled politely and snuck texts to Adam under the table.
After a couple drinks had been had the conversation began to shift.
"You've been taking some time off recently right, Director Shaw?" One of the older Directors asked. Elle knew him well, he had worked at Tae for a number of years and had always been something of a friend to her father.
"That's right." Elle replied.
"Where did you go in your time off? I hope you were able to relax comfortably."
"Just here and there. It was nice."
"You should have taken more than just a few days here and there. I always thought you worked too hard."
Elle smiled stiffly. "Really? Doesn't everyone work this hard?"
"No, no. Our Chairman is very fortunate to have such a daughter; beautiful and accomplished. You're still so young. You should be out dating instead of wasting your evenings at the company."
"Is that so?" Elle asked, just trying to end the conversation.
"Are you seeing anyone now? I have a nephew who's about your age. He's very successful as well. You two are well suited, should I set you up?"
Elle saw the Director Collins frown and open his mouth, surely to shut the nosy director down, but Elle replied before he could.
In a clear and happy voice she said, "There's no need to sir, I'm perfectly capable of working hard while dating someone too."
"Yes, I'm seeing someone right now."
"Ah, what a shame. I should have guessed that some man would be wise enough to snatch up a diamond like you."
Elle forced a smile, and thankfully the others all forced the conversation to something else. It was some time later, dinner had finished and everyone began making their way out to the front of the restaurant. Elle had already gone out first and was on the phone when the others joined her. She quickly hung up and joined them.
"Thank you for the meal Chairman. Should we call you a cab?"
"No need, Elle and I will head home together." He replied. "Good work today everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow."
Elle said her goodbyes before hailing a cab. As one pulled up in front of her she held the door open and gestured for her father to get in.
"Aren't you getting in as well?" He asked.
"No sir, my home is in the other direction."
"Why don't you just come to the family home tonight and rest well. It must be tiring living on your own. Come rest easily and have a home cooked meal."
"Thank you for your concern, but I'm perfectly fine. I'm not living on my own after all." Elle replied.
Her father stared at her blankly. "What?"
"You didn't hear me earlier? I'm seeing someone now. We're living together so you needn't worry about me being on my own."
"I thought you were only saying it to avoid the director? Who is this person? What does he do? How did you meet?" A slew of questions began.
"You don't need to worry about such things." Elle replied. "You raised me to be clever. I'm perfectly capable of finding a good match on my own."
"You should have told me." Her father said sternly.
"The way you told me when you found someone new?" Elle rebuked. Her father stepped back, an emotion Elle didn't recognize was reflected in his eyes. Something close to guilt. "It's late. You had better go home."
This time he obliged and silently let Elle help him into the cab.
Elle was about to shut the door when she quietly added, "You're not as young as you were before. You should drink less and take good care of your health." With that she quickly shut the door and the taxi pulled away. Elle stood and watched it leave even after it had driven out of sight.
"Are you okay?" A warm voice sounded from behind her.
"I'm fine. Just tired."
"Come on then, let's go home." Adam said, reaching out for her.
Hand in hand they returned home together. It was a day of many emotions but Elle slept especially peacefully that night.