Black Spirit

Elle watched the scene in front of her unfold with a frown. She was on set again today, and was sitting with the rest of the crew as filming continued to progress. The smile she had originally worn had faded, and instead Elle wore a tight frown and a furrowed brow.

This morning the scene being filmed was one between Amelia and Chris, meant to be one of their first meetings.

"Cut." The director called for the seventh or eighth time. They had been shooting the same scene all morning but had yet to get a single clean take.

"Amelia, focus more." The director chided. "You're supposed to be conveying innocence but you're expression isn't innocent at all."

The crew around them were fussing, they had all grown tired of the multiple takes.

The director sighed. "Let's take a break. Amelia why don't you go clear your head for a bit." The crew thankfully dispersed.

"Why can't I convey it properly?" Amelia grumbled in frustration. She was only speaking to herself and yet a clear voice answered her.

"It's because your spirit is black but the spirit of the character is very clear." Christopher commented quietly from beside her.

"What?" Amelia asked almost angrily.

"You've become twisted up inside." Christopher commented. Not in a mean way, but in an honest and matter-of -fact tone. "It doesn't suit you Em."

"I don't recall giving you permission to call me by my nickname." She snapped.

Christopher simply shrugged his shoulders. "You'll find a lot more peace if you're honest with yourself." Was the advice he gave as he walked away.

It was some time later when the director finally called cut on the last scene for the day. Chris glanced around and saw that Elle was still sitting by in the shadows. She met his eyes and flashed him a thumbs up. With a smile Chris went over to her.

"Good work today." She offered.

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then will you treat me to dinner?"

Elle laughed. She knew he was close in age to her but he was exactly like the little brother she never had. "Sure, sure. I'll treat you so go get changed."

"Wait here," Chris instructed. "I'll be right back."

Christopher quickly got out of his makeup and his character's clothes and changed into something casual and comfortable. On his way out of his dressing room he spotted Amelia who was leaning against the wall, seemingly waiting for him.

"Did you need me?"

"Can you really tell?" She asked softly.

"Tell what?"

"Is my spirit really black?"

Christopher gauged her for a moment. "You already know the answer, don't you?"

"How do you know about it?" Amelia asked.

"Maybe you never took notice of me, but we're in the same business. I've run into you a lot, it isn't hard to tell if you look properly."

"What should I do? What can I do to fix it?"

" already know this too, right? You have to let go of the ugly emotion in yourself."

"What if I can't?"

Christopher scoffed. "Of course you can. Your problem is that you don't want to."

Amelia frowned. Christopher reached forward and ruffled her hair lightly. "Cheer up. You'll feel much better after letting it go. Trust me."

Without waiting for her response Chris walked off to where Elle was waiting for him. Unbeknownst to them both, Elle had seen the intimate interaction between Chris and Amelia.

"You seem to get along with Amelia very well." Elle said suggestively. "Do you like her?"

Christopher reached out to playfully push her head forward. "Do I like her?" He asked, mimicking Elle's tone. "What is this, high school?"

Elle laughed and walked on ahead while Christopher lagged behind a few steps.

"I don't like her." He said, only to himself. "I pity her."