Junior Feng is close to his Senior Xiao Yu.

Saturday. 7 AM.

Feng woke up early because every Saturday, he has to go to the gym along with the team.

Though the team didn't really have to work out with him, they still did it to show support and encouragement to him.

Feng Qiao finished taking a bath and is now staring at his closet.

Words from Xiao Yu echoes in his mind.

'Listen to me junior Feng, the quickest way to make someone notice you is your appearance! You had to make yourself presentable in front of him for him to take notice of you!'

Feng Qiao didn't know whether he would take Xiao Yu's advice or not. Would he really take the risk of making Zhao Lin fall for him?

After a couple of minutes of contemplating, Feng Qiao steeled himself and searched his closet for some decent clothes.

He had a hard time searching because almost all of his clothes are either baggy or out of style.

Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly caught sight of something black at the back.

He reached for it and it turns out to be a sleeveless jacket hoodie. Feng Qiao's eyes lit up upon seeing this. This is the one!

He chooses plain black jogging pants as a pair and then proceeds to change in the bathroom.

After changing he looked at himself in the mirror to check if his outfit is fine.

His outfit is not just fine but it looks stunning with him wearing it. The black color was perfect with his black hair and it greatly compliments his fair white skin.

He looks hot and alluring as droplets of water cascaded down from his still wet hair to his fair white shoulders whos visible due to the sleeveless hoodie jacket.

Feng Qiao felt satisfied with himself and. dried his hair. He briefly styled his hair and pondered whether to put some powder on his face but decided not to in the end.

His face doesn't need any makeup. His natural beauty could put any girls to shame.

With a pair of sneakers as the last touch, Feng Qiao is now ready to go!

Feng Qiao took a deep breath and said to himself: Let's do this!


At 8:00 AM, Feng Qiao arrived at the gym.

He went in and saw no one in there. It seems like he's the first one to arrive today. It's no wonder since their meet up time was 8 AM.

"Good Morning" A deep voice behind him was heard.

Feng Qiao nearly jumped when someone suddenly talked behind him. He looked behind and saw Senior Shao Wei in gym clothes, staring at him.

"E-Ey! Good morning Senior" Feng Qiao smiled and held his chest. He could still feel his heart beating fast. That nearly scared him to death.

Shao Wei nodded at him and walked towards the treadmill.

Feng Qiao felt awkward just standing there so he also used the treadmill beside the one Shao Wei was using.

Silence permeated the air and only sounds of treadmill could be heard.

Feng Qiao was at a loss on what to do. Among all the members in the team, Shao Wei was the only one he doesn't know how to talk to. With Zhao Lin, he could still hold up small conversations but with Shao Wei? Don't expect anything. He also doesn't see him talk to other members that much but he's always with either Wang Shu or Xiao Yu.

He really doesn't like to talk much. Feng Qiao was even curious about how can a silent person like Shao Wei be close to a loud person like Wang Shu. They are the polar opposite of each other.

"Uhm senior? Senior Wang is not with you today?" Feng Qiao cautiously asked.

"Hmm" Shao Wei nodded while still running at a steady pace in the treadmill.

"Oh, why? Is there a problem?"

"He was asked by his parents to manage their boutique for a while."

Oh! A complete sentence! Feng Qiao was amazed, this was probably the longest thing Shao Wei said to him.

Just when Feng Qiao was about to reply, the door opened and Xiao Yu with Zhao Lin and other members came in.

Shao Wei and Feng Qiao stopped the treadmill to go and greet others.

While greeting others, he suddenly felt someone hooked his head with their arm. He looked up and saw that it was Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was smaller than Feng Qiao that's why he was now bent as Xiao Yu captured his head with her arms.

"Hey Junior Feng~ Good morning!" Xiao Yu chirped happily while looking down at this junior in her arms. As she observed how he was dressed today, her grin grew wider.

Kekeke, looks like the plan is in motion.

"Good morning Senior Xiao. Could you please release me now?" Feng Qiao tapped her arms in his neck in defeat.

Xiao Yu released him and patted him in the shoulder while saying loudly, "Hehe why do you look so good today junior Feng? Don't dress up too much or else someone might fall in love with you here"

Hearing that, Feng Qiao blushed as he saw the members now staring at him. However what made him more embarrassed was that Zhao Lin was also starting at him!

"Oh yeah, junior Feng looks exceptionally good today!"

"You outfit suits you!"

"Kyaahh, you look hot and cute at the same time in the hoodie!"

"Hmm, Junior Feng looks beautiful all the time but it was even more today. Why is that?"

The members complimented him when they noticed how he was dressed up today. Feng Qiao thanked them and looked at Xiao Yu who was grinning to the side.

He moved closer to her and whispered in her ears, "What are you doing? You are exposing me.."

"Don't worry! You won't be exposed hehe leave it to me!" Xiao Yu whispered back.

The two continued whispering with each other oblivious to someone who is staring at them with a frown on his face.