Feng Qiao was abducted

Looking at those two people whispering closely, Zhao Lin frowned. He doesn't know why but he was irritated whenever he saw Feng Qiao acting so close with other members.

Why is he so close with others but not with me?

Zhao Lin convinced himself that he was feeling like this because Junior Feng is now part of their team and as a team, they must be all united.

Yes. That's it!

He has to hurry up and tame this aloof cat so that the team would be 'united' and in 'sync' with each other.

Zhao Lin looked at Xiao Yu and Feng Qiao again. They were still whispering with each other.

"Come on, let's start training!" Zhao Lin declared.

The group complied with their pres and start on their different training regime. This also includes Feng Qiao since this training was solely for him.

Feng Qiao quickly dispersed all of his distracting thoughts and focused on training. He was a stubborn type of guy, once he decided on something, he'll do it till the end.

After hours of rigorous training, Feng Qiao was drenched in sweat and was panting heavily. It was much better than when he first started because his body almost collapsed back then.

Feng Qiao went to the water station and gulped mouthful of waters. He needed to replenish his body to avoid dehydration. After that, he went to sit on the vacant seat to take a break.

He looked around and saw Zhao Lin not far away, sitting as well. He looks so dreamy in those gym clothes soaked with his sweat. His sweat must be fragrant too...

No! I must not think like this! Feng Qiao shook his head to erase these thoughts! This is not the appropriate time to be fantasizing ah!

Feng Qiao turned away to avoid looking at this walking temptation. After a while, he saw Xiao Yu walking towards him and sat on his side.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Yeah, I'm much better now." Feng Qiao smiled, it was really embarrassing remembering the state he was in when he first started.

Xiao Yu stared at Feng Qiao and grinned, "Hey Junior Feng! You go home alone right?"

"Uh yes..." Feng Qiao looked at Xiao Yu with a question mark written all over his face.

" Isn't too dangerous for you? I've heard much news about people targeting lone people especially teens!" Xiao Yu slightly raised her voice to attract others attention. She did right because a certain someone perked up his ears when he heard this.

"Eh? I'm a guy so I'll be fine." Feng Qiao still felt confused, why is Xiao Yu talking about this now?

"That's no good! You have such an innocent face, people would surely target someone like you!" Xiao Yu acted like she was really a concerned senior to her junior. However, inside, she was grinning wide because someone caught the bait kekeke.

"Yes, junior Feng looks so innocent and naive, like someone who is easily deceived"

"Omg, I've heard of those cases! Tsk, the society of today is getting worse."

"With such a beautiful face, it is worrying that you are going home alone Junior Feng."

The members also expressed their thoughts about this matter, Feng Qiao is now one of them. Of course, they had to take care of this junior.

"See? I think it's better if you had someone who will take you home from now on!" Xiao Yu suggested.

"Eehh? No, it's fine really! I can take care of myself and I always took public transportation so it's not dangerous at all." Feng Qiao shook his head. Seriously, what is Senior Xiao Yu thinking? Why would she suggest this?

Xiao Yu widened her eyes at Feng Qiao signaling him to just go with the flow but unfortunately, Feng Qiao and she are not on the same page.

Feng Qiao stared at her, confused at what she was implying.

"No, Junior Feng, you really need it! It's for your safety." Just agree on Junior Feng! and I'll push the responsibility of sending you home to pres! This is a godly opportunity!!

Xiao Yu tried sending signals but Feng Qiao still remains confused at what's going on. "But I'm fine, really. I don't need it..."

Xiao Yu face palmed internally. I'm creating an opportunity for you! Why can't you see it? How could you be this oblivious!?

"Pfft, just leave him be Xiao Yu. I think he can handle himself just fine."

"Yeah, and aren't you guys hungry? Let's go and eat!"

"Yeah!! The snake in my stomach is now wreaking havoc, I have to feed it"

"What snake? It must be an anaconda! You glutton!"


Xiao was helpless, seeing others getting ready to head out to eat, she could only reluctantly drop the subject. She must give a lecture to Feng Qiao later! They need to meet with each other in order for this plan to work out!

Xiao Yu went up to get her things but when she gets back to where she was sitting with Feng Qiao, he was not there.

"Eh, where's Junior Feng?" She asked others.

"Junior Feng? He's sitti— eh? where did he go?"

"That's what I'm asking you, idiot!" Xiao Yu rolled her eyes. "Has any of you seen Junior Feng?"

The members shook their heads, they also didn't know where junior Feng went.

Just when they were discussing where might Feng Qiao go, the ever silent Shao Wei spoke:

"Junior Feng was dragged outside by Pres."