Indeed, cats are very cute

"Here, now let's sit." Feng Qiao said after he finished laying down a cloth big enough to fit two people.

Both of them sat on the cloth, fitting perfectly in the background as it paints a beautiful scene of two handsome guys having a picnic under the clear blue sky.

Zhao Lin opened up his food as he lined it up in front of him.

At the same time, Feng Qiao took out his lunchbox from his bag. As Zhao Lin caught sight of the lunchbox that Feng Qiao took out, his eyes sparkled with amusement.

It was a cat design...

Zhao Lin remembered that the wallet that Feng Qiao left in the gym before also has a cat design...

"You like cats?" Zhao Lin looked at Feng Qiao, a playful smile fell upon his lips.

Feng Qiao was startled at first because of the random question but he answered it anyway.

"Yeah, I really like them! It was because they are so cute and fluffy! " Feng Qiao's eyes were sparkling, he really liked cats, if only his mother was not allergic to its fur, he would've lots of cats by now.

Zhao Lin stared at Feng Qiao intently before smiling sweetly as he says: "Indeed, cats are very cute."

Feng Qiao blinked before averting his eyes from Zhao Lin, his heart was beating fast and he could feel his cheeks heating up.

Is it just him or does it feel like Zhao Lin was pertaining to him when he said 'cute'?

Feng Qiao shook his head. No, that was impossible ah! However, seeing that pair of hazel eyes staring right through him with a sweet smile on his face, who wouldn't feel flustered?

Feng Qiao now realized that staying in close proximity with Zhao Lin would be bad for his heart. This is a walking temptation! Can his heart survive through this!?

Feng Qiao turned and saw Zhao Lin busying himself at eating his food. He felt relieved that he doesn't seem to notice his strange behavior.

Feng Qiao opened his lunchbox and a delicious aroma permeated the air which caught Zhao Lin's attention.

"That smells good" Zhao Lin looked inside the lunchbox, it was only a normal lunch but based on the smell it emitted, it would surely taste delicious.

"Hehe, my mothers cooking is the best!" Feng Qiao beamed like he was the one getting the compliment.

"Here, taste this! It's delicious!" Feng Qiao chirped happily as he grabbed some meat to place it in front of Zhao Lin's mouth.

Feng Qiao was stunned momentarily as he realized what he just did. He was too excited to brag about his mother's cooking that he didn't realize the implications his action might cause.

Just as he was about to retract his hand and apologize for his rash actions, his eyes widened when Zhao Lin ate the meat he was holding.

"Hmm, it really is delicious." Zhao Lin said as he chews the meat.

Feng Qiao blinked several times.

Eh? .....He didn't mind?

Feng Qiao thought that his gesture was somewhat overboard for a 'junior-senior' relationship and he didn't expect Zhao Lin to react so natural.

"You should also taste this, its quite delicious" Zhao Lin grabbed some of his food and puts it on Feng Qiao's lunchbox.

Feng Qiao muttered a soft thanks to Zhao Lin.

Under that clear blue sky, the cool winds gently blow towards the two guys who were eating creating a perfect picture of serenity.

Both of them ate quietly while exchanging foods with each other occasionally.

However, this silence didn't last long when Feng Qiao's phone rang. Feng Qiao checked it and saw that it was a message from Xiao Yu telling him to do his best and good luck.

Feng Qiao was about to reply when Zhao Lin spoke: "You had a phone?"

Zhao Lin remembers that Feng Qiao told them that he got rid of his phone before to avoid seeing his reflection, he didn't think that he already has a new one...

"Ah, this? My mother bought it for me after I came home with this new appearance hahaha, she was so excited and bought me lots of stuff." Feng Qiao explained.

Zhao Lin nodded.

"Who messaged you just now?"

"Senior Xiao Yu..."

Zhao Lin frowned, "You had their numbers?"

"Yes, they gave it to me before."

"the whole team?"

"Yes, why?"

Zhao Lin didn't answer back, his frown deepened as grabbed Feng Qiao's phone directly from his hand.

"E-Eh?" Feng Qiao looked at Zhao Lin, bewildered at what he is doing, typing in his phone.

After a while, Zhao Lin gave back his phone. "I've put my number there."


"I gave you my number so that you can message me just like others," Zhao Lin said nonchalantly as he continued eating his food.

Feng Qiao stared at the contact name 'Zhao Lin' on his phone. Heavens knows how he almost cracked his head to think of ways to get Zhao Lin's number when he first received his phone. He wanted to use this as a tool to get closer to Zhao Lin and...

.... he didn't expect that he would be able to get this easily.

He doesn't even need to ask for it ah!

Zhao Lin looked at Feng Qiao who is foolishly staring at his phone screen and says indifferently:

"If you need help or if you had any questions, you don't need to ask others, you should just message me instead."