I really like your hair

"Really? I could message you anytime?" Feng Qiao reaffirmed.

"Hmm," Zhao Lin nodded.


"Yes." Zhao Lin chuckled. He felt his mood getting better seeing this cat excited from getting his number.

"Hehe, I'll message you then..." Feng Qiao smiled as he looks down to concentrate on his food to hide his beaming face.

Zhao Lin also started eating his food, he looked serious but looking closely, you could see a faint smile on his lips indicating that he was in a good mood.

Feng Qiao was eating quietly however, he was already panicking inside. It was too quiet!!

He knew that this lunch session would be a chance for him to get close to Zhao Lin, however...

How would he do that?

He couldn't even think of a topic for them to talk about!!

Feng Qiao felt dejected, Zhao Lin must be feeling boring right now...

Just as he was wondering what should they talk about, he suddenly remembered something he wanted to ask before but never had the chance to do so.

"Senior, I'm just wondering, why can't we reveal that I'll be the representative for Mr. Moon this year?"

Before when they were discussing him being the representative of their school, the team repeatedly reminded him to never ever reveal to anyone that he's the Mr. Moon representative, which made him very curious.

"It was to avoid any casualties before the competition" Zhao Lim replied.

"Casualties?" Feng Qiao was confused.

"Yes, there was a time before where a contestant was bashed by the fans of other contestants, he was one of the predicted contestants to win Mr. Moon at that time that's why he garnered hate from the fans of other contestants. He received harassment from different people whether it's through online or in real life. Hate comments flooded his social media and his training was even sabotaged..." Zhao Lin said solemnly.

"...Actually, this kind of thing can't be avoided in these kinds of competitions, however, as the years go by, the thing they did became more and more aggressive. That contestant couldn't take it anymore and eventually tried to kill himself. It was a good thing that he didn't succeed but he doesn't participate in this kind of competition anymore..." Zhao Lin continued, he was also feeling angry whenever he remembers what happened, those people are worst than scums, the kind of people he hates the most.

"This is why they forbid the representatives to reveal themselves before the competition to avoid those from happening again."

Feng Qiao was dumbstruck, he didn't know that it has such a deep reason why he can't reveal himself. He himself knew how powerful the words from others, it cuts even deeper than the physical wound and would forever leave a scar on a person. It must've hurt so much for that contestant, that he decided to end his life...

"Those people are really awful." Feng Qiao said with a sad face, he could pretty much sympathize with that person.

Zhao Lin turned to Feng Qiao and patted his fluffy and soft hair, "Yeah, those people are the worst. You don't have to worry though, that kind of thing... We won't let that happen to you."

"Hnn, but, won't they suspect that I'm the Mr. Moon representative because I'm always with you guys?" Feng Qiao asked as he unconsciously leaned his head towards Zhao Lin's hand, enjoying that gentle pats.

Zhao Lin curled up his lips upon seeing that the cat is acting comfortable around him.

"The others already took care of that. The whole university believes that you're a family friend of one member of the team, that's why we helped you in your makeover." Zhao Lin explained as he continues caressing Feng Qiao's head.

"Is that fine? Won't people from the other school suspects us?"

"It's fine, they wouldn't think that someone who's supposed to be hidden is actually just right beside us and even if they knew, they wouldn't dare to do anything to you since it could make their representative disqualified."

"Oh, I see." Feng Qiao muttered.

Silence followed by but Zhao Lin's hand is still on Feng Qiao's head and playing with his hair gently.

"Senior?" Feng Qiao called out, his face was slightly red.

"Hmm?" Zhao Lin raised his brows.

"Y-your hand.."


Zhao Lin retracted his hand. It seems like he lost himself from touching Feng Qiao's hair, who could blame him though? It was really good to touch...

"Sorry, I just really like your hair, it feels good to touch."

Feng Qiao blinked as he touches his own hair, "My.... My hair?"

"Yeah." Zhao Lin smiled.

"T-then you can touch it as much as you like! ... Ah no no! I mean— I don't mind if you touch it!" Feng Qiao said as he stumbled in his own words.

"Pfft, Alright." Zhao Lin chuckled.

I'll still touch it even if you mind it though.