You're too kind for your own good

"Did you found out who did it?" Wang Shu asked.

"Not yet. The culprit used an anonymous ID, I need more time to track it down." Zhang Ye, one of the members who's an expert in computers said while continuously tapping on his laptop.

"We have to stop the pictures from spreading first." Xiao Yu said as she was also continuously tapping on her laptop.

"Are you removing those posts?" Wang Shu asked as he looked at Xiao Yu's laptop.

Xiao Yu may not look like it but she's also talented when it comes to technology since she grew up in a family of techy.

But she liked fashion more that's why she didn't choose a career related to computers, if she did, she would surely excel at it.

"Yeah, we have to control the situation first, we couldn't let things go out of hand. " Xiao Yu said, her face was serious and concentrated on her laptop.

"I wonder who would do this to Junior Feng?"

"Yeah, Junior Feng is kind and doesn't have any conflict with anyone so its confusing as to who would do this."

"Maybe its someone jealous of Junior Feng?"

"How could someone do this kind of thing over jealousy? This could ruin someone's life!"

"You're so naive, too much jealousy is frightening."

"I found it!" The members were interrupted by a shout from Zhang Ye.

Xiao Yu got up from her chair and went to Zhang Ye, "Let me see."

While reading, Xiao Yu's expression turned from serious into one of a shock.

"This...." Xiao Yu couldn't believe what she's reading right now.

This was totally unexpected ah.


Feng Qiao felt really comfortable in his sleep.

It was so warm and cozy. And what is that smell? It smells really nice....

Feng Qiao moved closer to that nice smell. It was really warm.....

And that gentle pats on my head felt really nice... It makes me want to slee— wait, pats?

Someone was patting my head!?

Feng Qiao's eyes opened abruptly and what he first saw was his hand tightly clutching someone's shirt.

He looked up and saw Zhao Lin smiling while staring right down at him, "Are you okay now?"

Feng Qiao was stupefied, Zhao Lin? W-why? And I'm lying on his lap!!!

"Ah!!" "Ouch!!"

Two shouts rang as both of them clutched their red foreheads. Feng Qiao abruptly got up upon seeing Zhao Lin resulting on both their foreheads colliding with each other.

"Ah! Senior Zhao Lin! I-I'm sorry!" Feng Qiao was flustered, he went closer to Zhao Lin to look at his reddish forehead.

"Does it hurt? W-wait, I'll get—"

Before Feng Qiao stood up, Zhao Lin grabbed his wrist and pulled him to sit beside him.

"I'm fine. How about you? Are you okay?" Zhao Lin asked.

"Ah, yes. I'm alright, my forehead doesn't hurt anymore"

"I'm not talking about that..."

"Eh?" Feng Qiao looked at Zhao Lin's serious expression while looking at him.

It was at this point that Feng Qiao remembered.

The pictures....

"T-that..." Feng Qiao's voice quivered as his body trembled slightly.

Have you seen it?

Feng Qiao wanted to ask badly but he was afraid of the answer he would get.

Zhao Lin looked at Feng Qiao who's now looking down, avoiding his eyes. The hand he was holding was trembling and was tightly closed into a fist.

Zhao Lin clasped that tiny closed fist between his both hands.

He opened that tightly closed fist and firmly grasped it between hands.

Feng Qiao looked at Zhao Lin in a daze.

Zhao Lin gently smiled and looked straight into that deep black eyes, "Don't be afraid. We got your back, you're not alone in this."

"We don't care about your past. Feng Qiao is Feng Qiao, that won't change. You're still our junior, the one who will represent our school in Mr. Moon."

Feng Qiao stared at those hazel eyes as his tears cascaded down his face.

He felt relieved.

They... didn't hate me...

Zhao Lin didn't hate me...

"Thank you." Feng Qiao said in a small voice. He wiped his tears as he smiled gently to Zhao Lin.

"You don't have to worry, we would surely get to the bottom of this." Zhao Lin's tone was serious.

"You don't have to. I'm already fine. As long as you guys don't hate me, I'm okay."

Feng Qiao was really fine, he didn't want to create anymore conflict.

His biggest fear was now gone.

As long as Zhao Lin didn't hate him.

As long as the team doesn't hate him.

He would still be happy. He would still be contented.

Zhao Lin looked at this innocent cat in front of him. Both of them are still holding each other's hands.

Zhao Lin ruffled Feng Qiao's hair, "You are too kind for your own good."

"Eh?" Feng Qiao blinked, I'm what?

Zhao Lin just smiled at Feng Qiao.

Feng Qiao was too kind and innocent, even if he's being abused, he won't definitely fight back.

However, Feng Qiao is Feng Qiao. Zhao Lin is Zhao Lin.

Something flashed across Zhao Lin's eyes.

Feng Qiao didn't want revenge.

But that doesn't mean that I won't.