Who is that?

Zhao Lin and Feng Qiao was talking when Zhao Lin's phone rang.

Zhao Lin excused himself and went far away to answer the call.

Zhao Lin's face turned serious upon answering the call, "Did you find out?"

"Yes, we did" Xiao Yu answered solemnly on the other side of the line.

Zhao Lin frowned at hearing Xiao Yu's grave tone, "Who is it?"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and said, "Jiang Xie"

Zhao Lin: "...."

Xiao Yu sighed, she didn't really expect that it would be Jiang Xie. Jiang Xie's family was one of the shareholders of the school. It would be hard for them to take action against her.

But more than this, what shocked Xiao Yu the most is that they know Jiang Xie personally. She would often visit their HQ to hang out and bring gifts to Zhao Lin. They've known her as a kind and sweet girl.

Now that they thought about it, Jiang Xie stopped coming to their HQ since they've met Junior Feng, is it because of jealousy?

Xiao Yu waited for Zhao Lin to talk on the other line, it seems like he was also shocked that it was Jiang Xie.

However, Xiao Yu nearly fell on the floor once she heard what Zhao Lin said.

"Jiang Xie? Who is that?" Zhao Lin asked puzzled

"Jiang Xie! It was Jiang Xie! You don't know her?" Xiao Yu was stupefied.

".... Jiang? Is it a member of that Jiang Family in the school's shareholders?"

"Yes! That's it! But more than that, you couldn't remember JiangXie?"

"Do I know her personally?"

"Yes! She often come to our HQ and would always give you gifts remember?" Xiao Yu was frustrated, is their pres really as intelligent as they say? Why does he seemed like a blockhead now?

"There seems to be a girl like that.... Anyway, what are you worried about?"

Xiao Yu was speechless, she didn't know wether to pity JiangXie or not, she spent countless of days at gaining the attention of Zhao Lin by giving him gifts and what is the result? Zhao Lin can't even remember her.

"So the plan is still in motion?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Of course. They've hurt Feng Qiao so they must be ready for the consequences." Zhao Lin said seriously. JiangXie is it? Your family is one of the school'w share holder? So what?

"Kekeke, aye pres!" Xiao Yu hanged up the phone happily. At first she was worried that pres wouldn't dare to go against someone with a great backing but it seems like she was mistaken.

Pres is just like her. No matter who they are, they have to pay for hurting their Junior Feng!!

Xiao Yu's palm was itching to get revenge over that Jing Xie, not just because what she did to junior Feng but also because of how she decieved them for such a long time! What sweet and kind girl? This was a wolf in a sheep's clothing!

"Pres gave his cue. Let's start kekeke" Xiao Yu announced to all the members.