Chaos in the University's Forum (3)

Weiwei was surprised by what she found. She immediately forwarded it to their private chatroom to consult others.

Weiwei: "Someone sent this to me. What do you guys think?"

Shanshan: "what? What is that?"

YAWEE: "A video?"

FeiJoshi: "Why are you sending us a video? We have much better things to do now!"

Weiwei: "Just watch it first, will you?"

FeiJoshi was still irritated by those braindead fans of Jiang Xie and was not in any mood to watch a video but since Weiwei asked them to, she could only reluctantly played the video.

However, when the video started, FeiJoshi was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe what she was seeing!

At first she was shocked but later on, it turned into excitement.

FeiJoshi: "This!! Isn't this great!? We could definitely use this!"

YAWEE: "Oh my God! Where did you get this Weiwei?"

Shanshan: "With this, we can definitely make them all shut up!"

Weiwei: "Someone sent this to me anonymously. Should we use it?"

Shanshan: "Why won't we? Let's use this!"

YAWEE: "Yeah!!!"


"Psh, where did they go now?"

"They must've been scared hahaha!"

"They dare to tell bad things about Jiang Xie hmp! They must face the consequence for it!"

"B-but how about those proofs?"

"Idiot! They're all just documents and pictures! It's easy to fabricate them!"

"Yeah! Jiang Xie is such a good person! There's no shortage of people who are jealous of her!"

"Yeah! That's right!"

At this moment, Weiwei suddenly posted a video.

"What is this?"

"Why would they send a video? Are they idiots?"

"Hahaha don't tell me its an apology video? It's good that you realize that you are wrong eh!"

"W-wait!! This!! Hurry! You need to watch the video!"

"Why are you panicking? What's happening?"

"Just watch the video and you'll know!!!"

The others were confused. Is there such a need to be shocked over a simple video? However when they've turned to watch the video. They are all dumbfounded!

They couldn't believe it!

They don't want to believe it!

After all, that's their goddess in the video! And she was extremely different from how they know her!

The video started when Jiang Xie went to the Fashion Department HQ. The conversation were all recorded including her malicious threats.

Their sweet and cute angel turned out to be a malicious demon. The contrast was so large that they couldn't believe it!

T-this, is this really Jiang Xie?

They wanted to refuse this just like what they did to those proofs before but this is a video! And the person in it is definitely Jiang Xie!

Which also means that this is true!

All of the proofs before are also true!

"T-this... This is Jiang Xie?"

"So she really did spread those malicious rumors about Feng Qiao..."

"Feng Qiao has been a victim all along. He and those girls before, they are all victims of Jiang Xie. To think that we even blamed them for things they didn't do and sided with Jiang Xie! What are we even doing!!"

"We couldn't help it. Jiang Xie is just too good at hiding her real self! We've been fooled all this time!"

"Shit! I couldn't believe that I thought she was an angel!"

"Sigh, this is why I have trust issues."

Many people were shocked at this revelation but of course, the one who's the most surprised of them all is Jiang Xie.

"This is impossible!! T-they recorded it!?"

Jiang Xie couldn't relax, her breathing was rushed and her heart was beating really fast.

It was over! I'm totally finished this time!

Jiang Xie was just celebrating a while ago upon seeing that many people didn't believe those proofs which means that she could just deny all of their accusations and everything will be fine.

However, she didn't expect this sudden reversal. Now, even if she denied everything, no one will believe her!!

Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.

She was scared. She was really scared.

More than having the board of directors of the university knowing her dees, the one thing she's scared of the most is that this will be known by her father.

Jiang Li, her father is the head of the Jiang Family. He is also one of the major shareholders of the University.

Ever since she was a kid, Jiang Xie has always been a failure in the eyes of her father. No matter what she did, she will never ever be at the same level as her older sister.

Her sister is always the center of attention while she, Jiang Xie could only watch from the sidelines.

She was always cast away. No one even looks at her.

She hated it!

Why? Why is it only her? How about me? Why won't anyone look at me!? Why won't anyone like me?!!

She couldn't accept it!

Consumed by her own hatred and jealousy, Jiang Xie started pretending. She learned how to hide her own feelings. She would always put on her sweet smile and act like an angel because that way, people will like her. People will start paying attention to her. She would always act in accordance with what others will like.

She wants to be better than her sister! She wants her father to acknowledge her! And to achieve that, she will stop at nothing!

However, even though she acts like a sweet girl, even though she already sacrificed her own body for higher class standing, even though she did all of that, her father still won't look at her.

That's when she realized it.

It was not enough!!

What she's doing is not enough!!

That's when she discovered Zhao Lin.

She discovered that her father wanted to poached Zhao Lin to their family but was not able to do so.

If she could get Zhao Lin to her family, then her father would finally look at her! Father would finally like her!

As long as he gets Zhao Lin!

This plan of hers has been in motion for years. Just a little bit more, she would've succeeded! Just a little bit more!!

But it was all ruined because of that Feng Qiao!!

He ruined it all!!

Jiang Xie was trembling with anger whenever she remembered Feng Qiao but this is not the right time for that!

Her father should've known about this issue by now. All of the things she did for years would be wasted. All of her years of efforts and hard work to make him look at her was now worthless.

Jiang Xie was lost in her own thoughts when her phone suddenly rang.

It's her father.