Why don't you ask her?

"F-father" Jiang Xie's voice slightly trembled as she answered the call.

"I'll be there in a while." A cold voice was heard from the other end of the line.

Before Yu Chen nodded faintly, "in that case, call them here. They need to take responsibility for the problem they've caused." could answer back, her father hung up on her.

Jiang Xie couldn't calm her nerves. She knew it. Her father already knew. Jiang Xie took a deep breath, as she tried to organize her thoughts, however, no matter what she does, she couldn't think of anything that will salvage her from this situation.

It was a dead end!

It was at that moment that her phone rang...

Jiang Xie answered it and what the person said on the other end of the line made her pale face even paler.


"Have you contacted them?" A man in his mid 40's asked. He has a big mustache on his face but that didn't hide his traces of masculinity. It is evident that he must've been handsome in his teens.

This man is Yu Chen, owner of the CBY University

"Yes sir, I've already called Jiang Xie to come here." Yu Chen's secretary answered.

"Hmmm" Yu Chen nodded before adding, "Anyway, have you verified all of it?"

"Yes sir, I verified it. It was all real, Jiang Xie really did all of that." Yu Chen's secretary stood up straight as he explained to Yu Chen the results of his investigation.

"Jiang Xie.... She's the daughter of Jiang Li right?"


"You should inform him"

"I already did sir, he said he'll come here later"

Yu Chen nodded faintly, "Good, its time for them to take responsibility for the problem they've caused."

Yu Chen and his secretary waited for a while and not long after, Jiang Xie came.

Seeing the owner in person, Jiang Xie couldn't help but gulp her own saliva. No matter how big her courage is, she still couldn't help but be afraid in front of this man.

Good thing, the secretary must've noticed her discomfort and offered her a seat on a sofa in front of Yu Chen.

Silence filled the room which made Jiang Xie's anxiety increase more.

After a long while, the door opened abruptly and an anxious voice was heard, "Ah Xie!"

Jiang Xie stood up abruptly as she turned her head towards the voice and saw her mom, Jiang Ruo, rushing towards her, beside her was his father, Jiang Li, who never looked her way upon entering.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt?" Jiang Ruo checked Jiang Xie's body and after checking that her daughter is fine did she finally let out a breath of relief.

"What's wrong? Why did the school call us?" Jiang Ruo was confused, someone sent an email to her husband and upon reading it, his expression turned dark. When he asked him what's wrong, all he said that they must go to JiangXie's University.

At first, she thought that Jiang Xie met some kind of accident in school however her daughter was completely fine here in front of her.

Jiang Ruo continued asking Jiang Xie but Jiang Xie couldn't respond to her for all her attention was focused on her father who had yet to look at her.

"F-father" Jiang Xie uttered.

Jiang Li didn't look at his daughter and walked straight to Yu Chen instead. His expression was cold and serious.

"The things you've sent me, are they all true?" Jiang Li asked straight to the point.

"You think I would lie to you?" Yu Chen asked back.

"... No"

Jiang Li took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He couldn't believe that his own daughter could do something as humiliating as that! This will tarnish his Jiang Family's reputation that he had painstakingly built!

"What would happen now?" Jiang Li asked after collecting his thoughts.

Yu Chen first looked at the pale Jiang Xie at the side before looking at Jiang Li, saying, "Expulsion. Jiang Xie is now expelled from this university."

Jiang Li didn't react as he saw this coming. From Jiang Xie's crimes, expulsion is an appropriate punishment.

"What!? Expulsion!?" Jiang Ruo was shocked. She wouldn't believe what she just heard. Her daughter is expelled?

Jiang Ruo didn't know about the things that Jiang Xie did and Jiang Li didn't show her the files sent by Yu Chen either, that's why she was shocked silly by this sudden news.

"Why would my daughter be expelled!? She's a good student with a high-class standing! She never got involved in trouble so why would the school expel her!? I wouldn't accept this!!" Jiang Ruo shouted.

"Enough!" Jiang Li shouted back.

"Jiang Li!! Why are you siding with them? Our daughter—"

"Why don't you ask her why!?" Jiang Li cut her off.

Jiang Ruo was stumped.

She then, turned to look at her daughter who's been silent all this time.