Deceive Yourself

He woke up sweating with one of his hands in the air. He realized that the tears were flowing and wiped them off.

Jae Hyun looked around. He seemed to be in a room.

A hospital?... No.

If he trusted his ears and the sound of the television outside of the room, he was probably at someone's house. It was too quiet to be a hospital.

Moreover, if he had been in a hospital, someone would have already arrived no?

Talking about it, the person living here didn't seem very smart. Normally, if you pick up someone who's fallen from a roof, you have to take them to the hospital, right?

But he was instead at his or her house.

He tried to sit up, but his body was numb and his head was weighing him down—So Tired—. After a few more tries, his body gave up on him.

Then, he realized there was an infusion system attached to his right arm.

Was he in a hospital after all?

Then, he thought of the unimaginable;

Could it be that his agency—if you could call them that—saved him and brought him here?

He was furious just thinking about it. Did they think he was their slave or what?

"I don't need you."

His voice sounded a little different. Perhaps because he had just woken up, he thought.

He heard footsteps heading towards the room.

Is that them?! Fuck!

What should he do?

Fake sleep?



"Quick! Think of something, Lee Jae Hyun!!"

His heart was beating fast and his panic gradually spread.


Why was he panicking? He just said he didn't need them.

They were the assholes!! He didn't have to comply with them.

That's it!

He was going to tell them what's what!

As he just calmed down, the door opened. A warm voice echoed in the room. It was clearly a young man's.

"Finally awake, kid?"


He was hurt in his esteem.

He knew he wasn't very tall, but he still looked mature. Many times people were saying how he was more mature—Not that he had a choice with the death of his parents and a little sister to take care of—that they believed.

Moreover, who was he to say that? He didn't look much older than he was.

Indeed, a guy about 21-22 years old was the one who spoke to him. He has tied black hair and orange-red eyes. He created an atmosphere of trust.

Seeing him, Jae Hyun has the feeling he could trust him directly and calms down in spite of himself.

There were people like that. Those who had an overflowing charisma.

Maybe this guy could help him?

Then he realized that he must be about 188-189cm tall. He didn't notice it because of his presence that took over.

TSK. I hate tall guys, he thought secretly.

Yes, his pride was out of place. But what could he do about it, he had always been neurotic by his height and jealous of the tall guys.

"Where am I?"

The tone of his voice was not very welcoming; it was clear, even a dumb person would realize it.

He felt bad about answering so coldly and was going to apologize, but the young man didn't care about it and replied anyway.

"At my home; the 'Hope' shelter as I love to call it."

Seems like he was right. It wasn't a hospital. And this place didn't seem to be linked to MG Entertainment. Good.

"I picked you up on the street two days ago. You should thank me. Considering the rain there, if it hadn't been for me, you'd be dead. You almost kicked the bucket." He laughed at it. "By the way, I'm So Won. What about you?"

"Thank you. I'm Lee Jae Hyun. Just call me Jae or Jae Hyun."

"Okay, Jae Hyun. What were you doing out there? Where do you live?"

His reply cut him off.

Two days have already passed?!

Julian!!! What about her?! Is she okay?

And he remembered about what happened on the roof. My god! Is she okay? He couldn't stay there. He had to leave to be sure she was alright. If these bastards did something to her, they were so dead!

As many thoughts crossed his mind at a thousand miles an hour, he had a terrible headache, squeezed his eyes shut tight while holding his left side of his skull.

His face turned to a grimace.

Seeing it, So Won addressed him.

"Are you okay? Sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you too hard. That's okay if you don't remember it now."

He smiles to reassure him. His voice really had one of his charms. The kind that could calm stormy seas. Jae Hyun felt that he was being treated like a fragile child but didn't care because of it.

"Otherwise, the weathers good and it's past 2 pm. You should get some fresh air. Maybe it will help you to feel better and remember what happened."

Jae Hyun saw no problem with that and tried to get up from the bed. A laugh echoed in the room.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you should still give me time to remove these electrodes and the needle from your arm."

Jae Hyun felt really stupid.

After removed the needle, So Won showed him the way out.

When Jae Hyun came out, indeed he realized that the weather was really nice.

He stretched up and took a deep breath. Fresh air! He always liked this smell.

He started to think to a way to get Julian back and to hide from MG Entertainment that he was still alive.

Although he could feel the sun on his skin, he noticed that the heat he felt on him was abnormal.

Weird. Did the sun feel like this before?

Then, he looked up and spots different lights that probably created this artificial light.

Oh, that's only because of it, he thought. Jae Hyun plunged into his thoughts again.

"Wait! It?" Jae Hyun thought.

He looked around him.

There were cities using such sophisticated lights?

No—more important—there was a city with buildings so high that they were forced to have it so the people below have light in the daytime?

The buildings were really high. He never saw buildings as high before. He couldn't even see up there.

Then he saw flying cars and some people to move on a strange platform.

He had imagined? He rubbed his eyes. No. There really were!

A thousand years had passed or what? What was that town? Then, Jae Hyun looked further afield. The landscape he saw didn't tell him anything about what he had seen before.

What was going on? Wasn't he supposed to be in Japan? It was more like he was on a completely different planet!

Jae Hyun thought to take out his cell phone to go some search on the net. Maybe they had developed their technologies without him realizing it.

Not there.

Now that Jae Hyun thought about it, So Won must have used it to try to contact his family after he found him.

As he turned to go to ask him his phone, he saw his shadow on the ground.

Had it been always this small? Maybe it was because of the artificial light?

But when he saw his hands and his legs, he realized that his body looked very different.

"Am I still dreaming?" he thought.

But all was saying otherwise.

Panicked, he ran inside trying to find a bathroom to see himself in the mirror.

First door; not there.

Second door; still not there.

Why was this bathroom so hard to find?!

At the third attempt, he finally found the right room.

Then... He saw himself or roughly him. This appearance was undoubtedly the one he had when he was 14 years old.

Great, he wasn't very tall to start with, now he was only 171cm.

Seriously?! Why was the world so cruel to him? Was it a retribution for being jealous of So Won earlier?

Still, it was strange. Why did he get younger? He wasn't in a novel, though.

Then, the man from before entering the bathroom.

"Hey. Are you all right? What got into you running suddenly?" So Won looked at him worried.

Jae Hyun shook So Won off and spoke quickly: "What year is it? What's the date today? I mean the city, country, planet!"

So Won rather stunned by his questions, replied anyway.

"It is August 24, 2088. You're on Terra at Heaven in the city VI. Why?"

He couldn't believe it. Had he been really transported to another world? Terra? Heaven? What about Earth? But why? Why him? And why reincarnate here in its 14-year-old form?

Then, Jae Hyun realized.

What about Julian?!

How was she doing?

Was she alive?

He thought about her on the roof. When he went on tour, he left her in South Korea, and yet she was there. So the agency planned to use his sister to force him to renew his contract from the beginning. He couldn't believe his recklessness. He tightens his fist. And now that he was dead, he had no proof that his sister was fine.

No, it was possible. Jae Hyun was jumping to conclusions as before. He has to think.

He could have only been transferred? If it was the case, there might have been a possibility to return to his world? No! If that it had been the case, it would be in his 19-year-old body and not his 14-year-old body. He was definitely dead.

But why had he been reincarnated here? Was there a reason for that? And most important, reincarnation was possible while keeping his memory and the same corpse so was it possible to do otherwise and comeback on Earth?

If Jae Hyun kept thinking about that too much, he wouldn't out of the wood. And thinking about it positively, he had a second chance; so why not take it? And he never knew, he could find a way to come back after all?

Jae Hyun tried to see it in a positive light. Reincarnation = system to help him, right? His eyes became brighter while he was waiting for a notification or something.

A minute passed.

Then two.

Then five.

Still, nothing.

Could it be that he was thrown into an unknown world without a system?

"What's this joke?! Where is my kick-ass system?" His voice echoed in the bathroom.