The Youngest Senior Hunter In History

"Charge my brothers! " One of the gangsters shouted as they dash forward toward Yang Guang all at once.

Every punch and every kick that was aim at him instead landed on the meat shield that he was holding.

After 3 minutes of being beaten up by his friends, the meat shield's face has become swollen and plump like a pig's face as blood leaks out from his mouth.

"Stop hitting me, please!" the meat shield pleaded loudly to his friends while crying like a little girl with tears flowing like a river down his eyes.

Yang Guang seems to agree with his request and throws the meat shield away causing the meat shield to crash into his own friends knocking some of them to the ground.

With a quick sweep kick, Yang Guang strikes the rest of the gangsters who are still standing making them fall face first towards the dirt.

"Enough! "A burly gangster with a scar on his face walks and stands in front of his friend to stop Yang Guang from hurting them he then looks at Yang Guang straight in the eye, glaring at him.

"Boss beat him up, avenge us!" the meat shield shouted to the burly gangster.

The blond gangster then added. "You better pray that our boss will spare your life, he is the boxing champion of our city."

Without warning the burly gangster throws out a quick jab at his opponent trying to catch him off guard.

Yet the burly gangster did not expect that Yang Guang reacted with a punch of his own thus the two fist clash quickly in the darkness of the night.

Suddenly Yang Guang pulls the burly gangster arm forcing him to come closer and slams him into the ground head first.

All of the gangsters at that moment were shocked as they only have one though in their mind.


A gangster with a Mohawk asked the blond gangster in fear. "Isn't our boss a heavyweight boxer?"

The blond gangster reluctantly nods as fear began creeping into their hearts when they saw Yang Guang slams their boss into the ground like a rag doll.

When the burly gangster stands back up on his feet, a bloody bruise can be seen on his forehead as blood starts to drip out bit by bit.

Rage fills his eyes as he looks at the blood on his palm.

"Don't get cocky because you know how to fight you little bastard!" the burly gangster gets into his boxing stance and charge forward towards Yang Guang again.

The burly gangster sends out punch after punch each faster than the last forcing Yang Guang to either dodge or defend.

"I can win this, so what if he managed to hurt me it was all just luck." the burly gangster tells to himself as he continues his barrage.

"DIE!" the burly gangster shouted while sending out his strongest punch.


The punch hit Yang Guang right in the face.

"That's our boss! "The rest of the gangsters cheered in unison.

When the gangsters were all celebrating, Yang Guang looks at them curiously as he continues to stand there.

"Why are you all so happy, I'm still standing you know?" Yang Guang asked the gangsters while smiling lightly.

Yang Guang suddenly throws out a quick punch at the burly gangster but the burly gangster manages to react in time and guards the punch with his arm.


Yang Guang suddenly kicks the burly gangster in the balls and then uppercuts the burly gangster knocking him out unconscious.

"Don't come out at night if you don't know how to fight." Yang Guang tells the unconscious burly gangster as he spits on him.

The very second that their boss is down the rest of the gangsters react by taking a small knife out of their pockets to defend themselves from Yang Guang.

"I told all of you the carnage had begun so unless all of you bleed a bit you all are not leaving here." Yang Guang let out a cold smirks and charges forward for the first time.

He suddenly grabs the hands of two gangsters that are holding knives pulls their hands closer to each other forcing them to stab each other, and then he kicks both of them in the head knocking them out of the fight.

Then he pulls the blond gangster's hair and uses it as a rope to fling him towards the meat shield causing both of them to cry in pain as they crash into each other.

He finally looks at the gangster that held his collar just now and asked. "What should I do with you?"

Before the gangster can say anything the grabs his collar and slams him into the ground head first almost breaking his skull in the process.

Yang Guang dusts himself and picks up his hat that was on the ground when suddenly his phone rings.

"Hello?" Yang Guang asked the caller.

"HELLO, MY ASS YOU BETTER GET HOME RIGHT NOW!" the caller shouted through the phone.

"But it is still early are you sure you want me to go home right now?" the teenager asked.

"There is something more important that happened plus the police are out on patrol to catch the gang rapist so I'm afraid that you will get caught instead of them." the caller said in a serious tone.

"OH, the gang rapist? All of them are lying on the ground out cold or maybe dead, should I call the police or leave them here to rot?" the teenager asked playfully.

"What!? Leave there this instant the police might be coming!" the caller shouted in anger once more.

"Okay, I'm going." Yang Guang said in a carefree tone.

When he was about to end the call he heard loud footsteps coming from the shadows.

He turns around and sees a four-arm werewolf without eyes sniffing the air, his eyes shifted to the blood that was oozing out of the gangster's bodies.

Without any warning the werewolf suddenly howls and dash forward towards the gangsters with its jaws open wide as saliva gushes out from its mouth.


"What is that sound?" the caller asked the teenager worriedly.

"It is just a little puppy looking for food." the teenager said while stepping on the werewolf head preventing it from eating the gangsters as a late night snack.

He then looks at the werewolf and laughs loudly. "You are unlucky tonight; I'm going to kill you in the worst way possible." As soon as he had finish talking his feet crushes the werewolf's skull, brain matter, blood, and bones files everywhere as Yang Guang wipes his shoe on the ground.

"I cannot use a sun blood talisman so clean up the blood, is that okay?" Yang Guang asked on the phone while collecting the white dust.

"Yeah, just leave now if the police appear right now you will be in big trouble." the caller said with a serious tone.

Yang Guang then took out a green talisman and tore it releasing a lime green gas surrounding the gangsters, the smell of fresh blood in the air start to disappear slowly as the lime green gas becomes thinner.

He then put on his hat and walks away into the darkness of the night leaving the gangsters behind.

A shadowy figure is running through the streets, his speed and the darkness of the night makes him looks ethereal like a phantom.

Suddenly he heard a loud explosion coming from a dark alleyway so he decides to check it out knowing that it was another damn creature appearing.

When he goes into the alleyway to check what causes the explosion he sees nothing, all the sudden a snake red with fire as its fangs leap out trying to bite him.

As if he had eyes on the back of his head Yang Guang dodges the red snake's sneak attack like it was nothing, but what he did not expect is the red snake's tail actually strikes his arm like a whip burning his skin.

"Damn it's a rank 3 what a waste of time." Yang Guang said as he takes out a black and white colored talisman and tears them apart.

A black dome and a layer of white fog form around the alleyway encasing the both of them.

"Hey fucking snake bites my head off if you can." Yang Guang taunts the snake while showing his middle finger to the snake.

The red snake seems to understand and throws itself at Yang Guang, light starts to gather on Yang Guang's palm as if he was holding something then a red talisman fly towards the red snake and blows up in flames.

The flame encases the red snake empowering it, the red snake now full with energy snake Yang Guang with full speed.

Yang Guang narrowly dodges the attack and look in the direction from where the talisman was used.

"I'm so sorry I was trying to help." another boy about 14 years old wearing glasses and Chinese robes run towards the red snake and Yang Guang.

The red snake knows that it will die fighting Yang Guang, so it breaks the black barrier and slithers away as fast as it can.

"Why do you do that!? Do you know how risky it is to let a rank 3 damn creature go?" Yang Guang scolds the teenager angrily as he raises his fist.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to help." the teenager starts to tear up as he takes a few steps back.

Yang Guang takes a deep breath as he looks at the direction where the red snake escaped and said. "Forget about it, at most I will go and find it again."

The teenager stops crying and smiles, he then slowly opens his mouth and tell Yang Gaung. "My name is Yu Chen 14 years old from gallant city's Damn Hunters Yu family; may I ask what your name is?"

"Yang Guang, 15 years old the Yang is the one that has the wood and the Guang is light and I'm not sunlight. "Yang Guang said casually.

The both of them walk out from the alleyway while chatting to each other.

"Senior Yang Guang, you must have some powerful seniors to be able to help weaken a rank 3 damn creature for you to kill by yourself." Yu Chen said with full of respect.

Yang Guang just gives Yu Chen a funny look and ask. "What seniors are that something those can be eaten?"

When Yu Chen is about to ask again all the sudden a gigantic salamander with glowing yellow eyes, about 10 meters tall and pink skin comes out from the river.

Yu Chen takes a few steps back before falling down due to seeing the gigantic damn creature suddenly appearing.

"Senior Yang get back now! You cannot win against something like that without an older senior's help!" Yu Chen pleaded with all his might but Yang Guang just ignores him as he stands his ground.

Yang Guang slowly walks forward towards the gigantic salamander cracking his knuckles and stares at the gigantic salamander right in the eye.

"Tonight was a very tiring night, and you have to show up right now and do you know what is worse? IT IS STILL EARLY! "A streak of light suddenly flashes in Yang Guang palm revealing a long rattan pole.

Yang Guang jumps high in the air and strikes the gigantic salamander in the head, the strike causes waves to appear in the river and the gigantic salamander instantly gets one shot to death as a dent is formed on its head.

Yang Guang then lands right in front of Yu Chen unharmed.

"About your question just this is my answer, I'm the only one who hunts every night so do I count as a senior? "Yang Guang said while smiling.

Yu Chen's eyes started to shine and with a respectful tone as he kneels down and begs. "Yes, senior you are probably the youngest senior in the world I have ever met and you are so strong too so please make me your disciple and teach me."

"What? "Yang Guang's face froze as he suddenly cannot react to the request of person that was younger than him by only two years.

"It is real I have never seen anyone one shot a rank 2 damn creature like slapping a mosquito in my whole life when I was out hunting the seniors in Gallant City need to surround it and take it out slowly."Yu Chen said.

Yang Guang roll his eyes as he decided to ignore Yu Chen and start to walk home. "Senior please wait for me!" Yu Chen shouted as he chases after him, and so two teenagers walk in the darkness of the night in the city.