Newbie Hunter In The City

The two teenagers' walks around the city streets until they reach a normal double story house located in a peaceful residential area at the north side of the city.

Yang Guang open the gates and knocks on the front door, the door opens slowly and an old man is standing there looking at Yang Guang.

The old man is about 70 years old but his body is quite buff for his age, his hair is grey with a few strands of white hair mix in.


The old man hit Yang Guang on the head with his fist and quickly pulls him into the house.

"What took you so long, you do know how much trouble we are in right now?" the old man said angrily.

Yet Yang Guang did not seem worried at all as he takes off his hat and jacket then he sits down on the sofa and pours a cup of tea for himself and drinks it all in one gulp.

He then looks at the old man who is very worried and asks. "What is the problem, a high-rank damn creature showing up?"

"Worse and it is all because of you, arggh how am I going to explain this to the Yu family's patriarch?" the longer the old man the looks at Yang Guang angrily, the angrier he gets.

Yang Guang pours himself another cup of tea and casually said. "I didn't do anything stupid tonight so relax."

"Why does my grandson have shit for brains?" the old man sigh while looking at his grandson with sympathy as he tries to console himself.

"You know I can't do anything if you didn't tell me what happened right?" Yang Guang said as he gives his grandpa a funny look.

"There is actually a new damn hunter that was sent to our city for an exchange program, he was supposed to arrive this evening but it is already past midnight and he hasn't shown up yet." the old man with a sad expression on his face, walks over to the sofa and sits down beside his grandson.

"Then when you beat up those gang rapist the police will probably search for suspects around the city." the old man then turns towards his grandson and hit him again.

"Due to his young age he will probably get caught and expose the existence of damn hunters to the whole world." the old man starts to sob while grabbing Yang Guang's arms

"You will go out and look for him right?" the old man pleaded with his grandson with cute puppy eyes.

"I knew it! You are just too lazy to go out and search for him yourself." Yang Guang then stands up and pushes him away leaving the old man sitting alone on the sofa.

The old man quickly stands up and stops Yang Guang right in his tracks; he takes a photo out from his pocket and shows it to his grandson.

"This is his picture remember it well, he is wearing a damn hunter uniform tonight so the police will probably think that he is some crazy person thinking he is a cultivator beating up people for justice, so you better go and find him now!" the old man then pushes Yang Guang out from the house

Before he leaves; Yang Guang turns around and asked. "If I found him what will I get in return?"

"Heh, I had already prepared this long ago." the old man then took out a manga and hand it over to Yang Guang.

Yang Guang then smiles and leaves the house; a second later he opens the door and comes in with another person.

The old man hears the sound of the door opening he shouted. "What are you still doing here, go find him now!"

"Sorry, Patriarch Yang if I cause you any trouble." Yu Chen bowed deeply while lowering his head not daring to look at the old man as his face turns red from the embarrassments.

The old man stands up and walks slowly towards the both of them, he looks at Yu Chen for a moment and then hits his grandson in the head.

"Damn you Yang Guang you dare lie to your own grandpa!" the old man then starts to search his grandson's pocket for the money that he had just given to him.

"A real grandpa doesn't force fed his grandson steam buns for a few months straight!" Yang Guang shouted as he runs away into the night.

"So your name is Yu Chen from Gallant City right?" the old man looks at Yu Chen who is still bowing at the old man.

The old man didn't wait for Yu Chen to reply and pats him on his back while saying. "Welcome to Song City, as you know I am Yang Dou Wang, the leader of the Damn Hunter branch in this city."

Yang Dou Wang then pulls Yu Chen and let him sit on the sofa and starts talking to him. "That idiot just now is the only hunter left in the city but he is quite weak so I don't know how long this city will last." the old man then laugh his heart out.

Yu Chen is shocked when he hears Yang Dou Wang saying that Yang Guang is weak because he just witnesses Yang Guang strength.

"So you are here for the internship of being a damn hunter for half a year, during this time you will be following me learning the ropes of being a damn hunter." Yang Dou Wang said casually as he switches on the TV.

Suddenly YANG Dou Wang catches a glint of disappointment in Yu Chen's eyes so he asked. "What is the matter, don't you want to follow this old man? I hope you know that a lot of people wanted to train under me but never had the chance."

"I want to go out and hunt just like senior Yang Guang, I want to go back to Gallant City as strong as Senior Yang Guang!" Yu Chen started to tear up while talking to the old man his eyes burns a fiery passion yet coldness and desperation can be seen behind all that fire.

"I understand why you are sent here, you are kicked out from Gallant city right?" Yang Dou Wang asked seriously as his face stiffens up.

The question hit a sore spot on Yu Chen heart causing his teardrops to fall faster and faster, his eyes are becoming red as snot leaks out from his nose.

The old man laughs and shouted, "I understand what you want you can go and learn under my shitty grandson but remember you will never be as strong as him!"

Yu Chen stops crying and bows down to the old man while saying. "I am content if I was just half as strong as senior Yang Guang."

Yang Dou Wang pointed to the staircase and said. "Go and have some rest first, I will train you during the day and you will follow my shitty grandson during the night."

After Yu Chen left the old man sits on the sofa and softly said. "You will be unrivaled in Gallant City if you have half of my shitty grandson strength, but I believe that you can't even go through what he has to experience to gain the strength he has now."

Yang Dou Wang starts to think about his grandson past; he then shook his head and left, while thinking to himself. "I was wrong you cannot possibly imagine what he has to go through to be this strong."

Then he turns off the lights in the living room and heads upstairs to sleep.