deny Deny DENY

"Grandpa, I'm home "Yang Guang opens the door and comes in while taking off his jacket and hat.

Yang Dou Wang who was sitting on the sofa throws his newspaper at his grandson and said. "I think the picture looked like you."

Yang Guang looks at the headlines of the newspaper and suddenly screams.

Yu Chen instantly jumps out from his bed and run downstairs when he heard the loud scream, he runs as fast as he could down the stairs to check what happens.

"Senior Yang Guang what happen?" Yu Chen asked worriedly as he looks at Yang Guang who is trembling.

Yang Guang shows Yu Chen the front page of the newspaper and what Yu Chen sees is a drawn picture that looks like Yang Guang but the drawing looks like an octopus with grey hair and green eyes with the headlines Teen Saves the Night.

Yu Chen started shaking and falls down because his legs got weak due to shock, he then said. "Se…nior Yang Guang your…. your.. identity has been exposed!" Yu Chen words were not very clear due to him shivering in fear.

"I must report this to the Damn Hunters Headquarters." Yu Chen took the newspaper and runs away before he can open the door a rattan pole hit his head.

Yu Chen instantly kneels down on the ground and started to tear up. In an unclear manner, he said." Plea….se please….. don't ki…. kill me; I….I swear that I will keep this a secret."

Yang Guang uses his rattan pole and lifts Yu Chen's chin up and said. "Who wanted to kill you, do you think that I'm that stupid to expose my identity?"

"Yu Chen do you think that Headquarters will not know if something this big happens?" Yang Dou Wang added.

"Read what the article is about first before jumping to conclusions." Yang Guang said after then he walks to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

Yang Guang comes out from the kitchen with a steam bun in his mouth, while still chewing he asked "So grandpa how are we going to deal with this problem?"

"Just do the usual, not like this is the first time." Yang Dou Wang said without any expression while finding the TV remote control.

Yang Guang then took another bite at the steam bun then turn to his grandpa while saying. "Can't you make anything else other than steam buns? Every day, we had steam buns for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."


Yang Guang sighs while looking at the white steam bun.

Yu Chen then walks up to the both of them and kneels down. "Seniors I'm very sorry for jumping to conclusions please forgive me."

Yang Guang just ignores Yu Chen and continue eating his breakfast.

Yang Dou Wang laughs and pats his grandson on the back causing the steam bun in his mouth to fly out as he says. "Yang Guang don't be so rude if you keep this attitude how will you hunt with Yu Chen for the next 6 months?"

Yang Guang had a shocked look on his face as the steam bun remaining on his hand drops onto the floor, pointing at Yu Chen while staring at his grandpa. "Isn't he living here only for one day?"

"Of course not he came from so far away so of course he is going to stay here longer." Yang Dou Wang said as he looks at Yu Chen with a smile.

When Yang Guang is about to say something his grandpa points at the clock, causing Yang Guang to shut his mouth.

Yang Dou Wang then stretches his body and pulls Yu Chen out of the house.

Yang Guang also left to put his school uniform and left the house on his bicycle.

"That kid is not human, it is impossible for somebody like that to beat us up like we are children." the blond gangster from last night said to a reporter.

The meat shield also added. "He lifts me up like a rag doll and uses me as a shield if somebody tells me this I would think that they are joking but after what I experience it last night, I would believe that the kid was a monster if you tell me that.

The reporter then turns to the burly gangster and asked. "What is your opinion on this?"

"That teenager is definitely not normal, he manages to take a punch to the face from me like it was nothing." the burly gangster said.

The reporter then asked again. "Based on my research you are a professional boxer right?"

"Yes, I am the former boxing champion." the burly man said proudly as he puffs up his chest to show off.

"Boss the kid from last night is here." one of the gangsters shouted when he sees Yang Guang riding his bike towards the school gate.

When Yang Guang put his bike in the bike shed the reporters immediately surround him, flashes from the camera, sounds of reporters asking questions all flooded Yang Guang.

Suddenly the gangsters push the reporters out of the way to form a path for their leader to pass through; the burly gangster then grabs Yang Guang by his school uniform collar and held him up high.

Yang Guang quickly closes his eyes in fear of the gangster hitting them.

But one of the gangsters rush forward and whispers something into the burly gangster ear if Yang Guang eyes are open he would remember that this is the same gangster that held his collar last night.

The burly gangster put Yang Guang down quickly and takes a few steps back.

The reporters see this and laugh in their heart when they see this scene, a boxing champion backing away from a 15-year-old teenager.

All the sudden a group of police walks into the school pushing the gangsters away from Yang Guang, standing in the middle of the police is a middle-aged police officer with a stout build and a beard on his face.

Standing beside the officer is the young woman that Yang Guang saved last night.

The gangsters and the reporters are all shocked because the middle-aged police officer is the commanding officer of the Song City police department officer Wang Guo Ming, someone who is always busy actually shows up here.

The burly gangster smiled and points at Yang Guang while saying. "Officer, my friends and I would want to sue this kid for assault, so lock him up now."

Wang Guo Ming looks at Yang Guang and then seriously said. "A teenager assaulted you all?"

All of the gangsters simultaneously nodded their head in agreement while smiling, thinking they are right.

Wang Guo Ming then claps his hands loudly to catch the attention of the reporters, when all of the reporters are looking at him he shouted. "Let this be your headlines tomorrow, gangsters have gone crazy from getting beat up."

Then Wang Guo Ming smirks at the gangsters and said. "A teenager beat all of you up what a joke."

"What is the meaning of this officer Wang?!" the burly gangster shouted.

Wang Guo Ming took a cigarette out from his pocket and lights it when he replies he smirks once more and said. "I am saying that it is impossible that a teenage can beat up so many adults, even a fighting genius can't do that."

All of the gangsters then look at Yang Guang in anger, without waiting for a second Yang Guang swiftly reply while smiling. "It is impossible that it is me, I am sleeping at night because I have school today."

The gangsters all almost vomit blood when they heard the reply because this is the answer to the question that they ask Yang Guang last night.

Wang Guo Ming then looks at the gangsters while saying. "See if he didn't sleep last night how would he be so energized now? I really think whoever that attack you hits your heads so hard that you had gone crazy."

"WE ARE NOT CRAZY!" the gangsters all shouted in unison.

Wang Guo Ming smirks again before saying. "Good now follow me back to the station, you all will be charge for multiple accounts of rape cases in Song City, Miss Ye here can be our witness."

The young woman instantly nodded her head.

The burly gangster got angry and throws a punch at Yang Guang, Yang Guang scream and covers his face.

Right at this moment Wang Guo Ming kicks the burly gangster arm away and punch his face causing him to fall to the ground, he then ordered his men to cuff all the gangsters up.

Before the gangsters were sent away Yang Guang walks right in front of them and said. "It really isn't me that beat you up can you all please tell that to the reporters?"

Behind Yang Guang, Wang Guo Ming is cracking his knuckles to scare them.

The gangsters all quickly shouted one by one that Yang Guang is not the one who beats them up and said it is another grey hair green-eyed person.

Yang Guang and Wang Guo Ming both nodded in satisfaction when they see that the gangsters are doing what they wanted them to do.

After everybody left the young woman walks in front of Yang Guang and hugs him pushing her large chest right in front of his face.

She then rubs Yang Guang head and said. "I know it is you who saved me last night, don't worry I won't tell the reporters about this."

The young woman then kisses Yang Guang on his forehead and then said a simple thank you.

She then left the school leaving Yang Guang standing there in a daze.

"Does that feel nice? "Wang Guo Ming then walks out from the shadows looking at the daze Yang Guang.

Yang Guang snaps out of his daze and looks at Wang Guo Ming and asked. "You haven't left?"

Wang Guo Ming then laughs while taking another cigarette out from his pocket.

"If I left early I wouldn't be able to see what happen just now." Wang Guo Ming teases.

Yang Guang blush a little bit and then ask. "How are your injuries, are they getting any better lately?"

Wang Guo Ming just laughs and said care freely. "How desperate are you asking me that type of question, don't worry you grandfather contacted me this morning and he told me you got a new helper."

"But for real don't do this again if they are smarter you are finished for sure." Wang Guo Ming said seriously as he takes a puff from his cigarette.

Yang Guang answer seriously. "Don't worry about me I can take care of the scums of the city while hunting at night."

Wang Guo Ming gives up on the topic and says "I understand but I'm warning you the people at headquarters are watching you closely if they get the chance I'm afraid that they will…"

Yang Guang cracks his knuckles and said with a smile. "Let them come I have wanted to meet them since that night."

"It time for you to go to class, it is nice talking to you." Wang Guo Ming just smiles lightly and left the school.