Yu Chen's Vow

"Patriarch Yang where are we going now?" Yu Chen asked while chasing the old man around the city.

The old man turns his head and takes a looks at Yu Chen who is gasping for air while chasing after him, when Yu Chen sees the old man looking at him he instantly stops for a rest.

The old man laughs and keeps on running even faster than before, causing Yu Chen to sink into despair but Yu Chen did not give up and keeps on running.

After an hour of running the pair reach the foot of a mountain at the edge of song city, the old man looks at Yu Chen who is now lying on the ground catching a breath.

"Get up now we are climbing a mountain." after finishing his sentence the old man started running up the mountain without looking at Yu Chen.

Yu Chen tries to get up on his feet once more but found out that his legs are trembling, he pulls his tried leg up the mountain step by step until he couldn't walk anymore, just when he was about to fall down the old man catches him preventing him from falling.

"Let me help you." the old man said while carrying Yu Chen on his back, Yu Chen refuses the old man's help by pushing away his hands causing him to fall down to the ground.

Yu Chen then started to use his hands to crawl to the top of the mountain.

The old man looks at Yu Chen for a second and started smiling faintly, he then chuckles a little bit and then walks to the top of the mountain alone leaving Yu Chen behind.

At noon the old man is having a nap under a tree on top of the mountain waiting for Yu Chen to crawl up.

Bit by bit Yu Chen finally make it to the top of the mountain after hours of climbing.

Yu Chen finally couldn't take it and faint on the top of the mountain, the old man sees this and smiles then he walks over to Yu Chen and drags his unconscious body and let him rest under a tree.

After about an hour Yu Chen finally wakes up from his nap, the first thing he sees is the old man biting into a meat bun while looking into the blue sky.

Yu Chen wanted to say something but his body couldn't move a muscle instead he only feels pain all over his body like needles poking deep into his skin.

The old man noticed this that Yu Chen is awake and smiled lightly, he then took out a bottle of water and let Yu Chen drinks it.

When the first drop of water touches Yu Chen mouth he feels energized, he started to drink more and more of the water until he finishes the whole bottle.

Then Yu Chen suddenly realizes that the water inside the bottle is special due to its healing properties, he starts to panic due to him drinking something so precious without any restraint.

"Patriarch Yang I'm sorry for drinking your water I will find a way to pay you back even it cost me my life." Yu Chen's face started to blush from embarrassment for not able to control his self.

The old man just laughs it off and said. "Take it as a gift from me, the best part haven't come yet."

Yu Chen was confused when he heard what the old man just said until his body starts to bleed from every pore, his skin starts to peel off bit by bit.

Yu Chen thinks to himself. "I'm going to die, the Yu family will finally be happy, at least I won't cause any more trouble for anyone anymore." then he slowly closes his eyes.



Yu Chen heart starts beating slower by the second but the beats are getting louder and louder until one final beat it stops.



Yu Chen heart starts to beat once more, the loud and slow beats are disappearing and his heart beats are now just like any other normal human.

Yu Chen starts to wake up slowly all the blood that was leaking out are now all dried up, Yu Chen opens his eyes and everything that he sees is burly, he took off his glasses and to wipe them but he notices his vision has improved greatly.

"My eyes, I can see without glasses." Yu Chen voice is trembling, he then turns and look at the old man who is smiling at him.

"I feel a strong energy flowing in my body like I can crush a rank 1 damn creature with my bare hands." Yu Chen said while jumping up and down.

The old man then nods while saying. "I know you can do it."

Yu Chen looks at the water bottle in confusion and asked what is in the water.

The old man took out a small glass bottle that contains indigo dust that is sparkling due to the sun of the midday sky shining on it.

Yu Chen eyes almost popped out when he sees the indigo dust, he put his finger into his mouth to try and vomit out the water that he just drinks.

The old man just laughs at the scene and tells Yu Chen that it is okay and he does not have to worry.

"Patriarch Yang this is not okay that water contains soul dust from a high tier damn creature even the Yu family Patriarch will drool over this!" after Yu Chen finish what he wanted to say he continues trying to vomit out the water.

"Don't worries take it as a reward for completing the first part of the warm-up." the old man said casually.

"Warm up?" Yu Chen starts to have some doubts about this training.

"Patriarch Yang are you sure that is just part of the warm-up, you know that we have just run around the city and climb a mountain right." Yu Chen faces starts to become pale.

"Yes this is the warm-up before the real training starts, I actually thought that you will quit when you see me climbing the mountain like my shitty grandson." the old man said while smiling.

"Senior Yang Guang did this too but he quit halfway?" all the sudden Yu Chen feel a sense of accomplishment when he heard this due to the gap between him and Yang Guang.

"Yes, when he sees me climbing the mountain he instantly ran home and tells my wife. Damn that kid because of him that night I got a good beating from my wife!" the old man got angry when he thought about the past.

Then he sighs and said. "Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't force a 6-year-old to do all this."

Yu Chen jaw dropped so low when he heard what the old man said.

The old man then sits down and looks at the blue sky and mutter to himself. "I really shouldn't force him to do any of this."

The old man tells Yu Chen to sit beside him and start to have a chat with him.

"Patriarch Yang I'm sorry for consuming the rank 7 soul dust just now." after Yu Chen finishes his sentence he lowers his head.

The old man just waves it off and casually said. "It is not a problem, plus he doesn't know that humans can consume soul dust, he only knows that soul dust can be used to make talismans."

Yu Chen's mind just got blown again when he heard what the old man said.

"The how did he get so strong?" Yu Chen asked excitedly to understand how Yang Guang gets so strong.

The old man sighs and looks at Yu Chen."The way Yang Guang gains his strength is through suffering when he was young."

"What do you mean Patriarch Yang?" Yu Chen asked curiously.

The old man frowns and said. "9 years ago a supreme tier damn creature attacked Song City, forcing all of the active and retired hunters to defend the city."

"Suu...pre...pre....me t...eir? Like a rank 10 damn creature?" Yu Chen was shocked because based on what he had heard when a rank 10 damn creature attacks a city the legendary hunters must come out and fight, only then the hunters can win.

The old man nodded his head in response to Yu Chen question.

The old man face slowly turns bitter and he slowly pulls up his shirt revealing a deep horrendous scar, when Yu Chen sees the scar he quickly covers his mouth to prevent the vomit in his mouth from coming out.

"That night many hunters died or suffer injuries that can never be healed, on that same night Yang Guang and I was robbed of something important."

The old man pauses for a while; he takes a deep breath and said. "My son and daughter in law died that night, but I only lost a son and a daughter this pain cannot be compared to what Yang Guang is experiencing at that time."

"For a 6-year-old to lost both of his parents at the same time is devastating, it is like losing the whole world from there on he decided to become a damn hunter to save people from damn creatures, when I heard him telling me that I was shocked I thought that he would never want to become a hunter but he was so eager."

A nostalgic look shows up on the old man face, the breeze is blowing on his aging hair then he continues his story about the past. "Then he started to train even though he gives up sometimes the next day he would try again and succeed, while the other kids are sleeping including young hunters like you he is already out there fighting not only monsters but also human just like last night."

"That is why he is strong, the experience of being on the battlefield for 9 years, training before he starts to attend primary school, and a heart to protect people that shows up during his darkest time all of this makes stronger not some high-rank soul dust."

Yu Chen stands up and holds his right hand up, at that moment Yu Chen will make a vow that will change his life forever. "I Yu Chen vow to become stronger or I will be struck by lightning and my body will be devoured by damn creatures."

The old man face shows a smile once more when he sees Yu Chen make the vow he then shouted: "GOOD LET SONG CITY BE THE WITNESS OF YOUR VOW!"

Yu Chen then looks at the peaceful song city under the blue sky and shining sun he suddenly feels peaceful and serene, he then nods and shouted. "I WILL RETURN TO GALLANT CITY AS A HERO LIKE SENIOR YANG GUANG!"

The old and young then left the mountains and return back home, Yu Chen with a new goal in his heart and new found strength is looking forward to his first night in Song City.