
"Quickly grab his attention!" Wu Bai Wan shouted his hands moves nonstop in the darkness of the night. He pull out talismans, S cubes, nails, bombs anything that is usable from his fanny pack and continue setting up traps around a white skeleton wearing azure robes.

"I can't the Skeleton bladesman is too strong." Xiao Ying Ya said. Holding her wooden sword she parry a two meter black saber, the owner of the saber stares at Xiao Ying Ya, his eyes suddenly shoot out a streak of lightning towards Xiao Ying Ya.

The ribbon on the wooden sword shines once more and turns into a midday lantern, the lantern than spews out a trail of white flame to push back the lighting.


Suddenly explosions lights up the night sky like a sun in midday, burning the skeleton bladesman. In the end Wu Bai Wan succeeds in grabbing the skeleton bladesman attention with his explosives, maybe a little bit too much. The skeleton bladesman decides to ignore Xiao Ying Ya's attacks and charge towards Yu Chen at full speed.


Wu Bai Wan shouted while running in the other direction. Yu Chen jumps in between Wu Bai Wan and the skeleton bladesman, he throws a punch at the skeleton bladesman jaw over and over again until the skeleton bladesman gives Yu Chen a strong slap that sends him flying away.

"Yu Chen!" Wu Bai Wan quickly turn around and sees Yu Chen down on the ground unconscious with fresh blood leaking out from his mouth. Wu Bai Wan stops running and stands his ground, his hand reach into his fanny pack once more and pulls out a blue talisman with red stripes.

"Let's see if your bones can make a nice soup." Wu Bai Wan said his hands had already ripped apart the blue talisman with red stripes. A large amount of scalding hot water pours out from the talisman forming a large wave slamming into the skeleton bladesman pushing him far away from Wu Bai Wan.

"Idiot stay back you can't win against him." Xiao Ying Ya rushes forward and stands in front of Wu Bai Wan. "If we work together we can definitely win." after Wu Bai Wan had finished talking he pulls out more talismans and traps, ready to fight.

"No try and call Yang Guang for help, this damn creature isn't simple at all." Xiao Ying Ya said seriously, her eyes gives of a cold glint and her aura becomes like a mountain strong and unmovable.

The skeleton bladesman notice this and get into a fighting stance, he then says. "I seek the human with silver hair called Yang Guang, I have no business with you three so calls him now and I might spare your lives." the skeleton bladesman starts to slowly moves forward.

"Let's see if your bones are harder or my Winter Jade Sword is harder." Xiao Ying Ya's midday lantern quickly turns back into ribbons and her wooden sword shines a brighter light than her ribbons, the wooden sword turns crystal clear with white mist floating around it. A cold glint shines from the sharp Winter Jade sword and Xiao Ying Ya charge forward to fight with the skeleton bladesman.

Wu Bai Wan quickly drags Yu Chen away and takes out his phone, he calls Yang Guang but no matter how many times he tried Yang Guang did not pick up. He punches the ground in anger and shouts. "DAMN IT, YANG GUANG COMEBACK NOW!"


Yang Guang who is paying for the drinks that he bought suddenly sneeze, he wipes his nose with his finger and says to himself. 'It must be Wu Bai Wan talking behind my back again; when I get back I must teach him a lesson.'

Yang Guang walks out from the store into the night, the sounds of insects, wind, and trees plays like an orchestra of the night, full with rhythm and soul. Out of nowhere Yang Guang hears a faint sound, a sound that is not natural.

Yang Guang follows the source of the sound until he sees a group of middle aged men dragging an unconscious girl wearing all black into an old abandoned house, Yang Guang continues to follow them into the house too see they going into a room with smiles on their faces.

Yang Guang stands at the other side of the room and sighs, he then sits down and starts drinking the drinks that he had just bought.

"Hey little girl wake up now, daddies want to have some fun with you." One of the middle aged men slaps the girls face. The girl slowly opens her eyes revealing a pair of sapphire like eyes, when her eyes fully opens she instantly screams in horror when she sees the group of middle aged man smiling.

"Your eyes are so pretty; it is just too bad that your body is under developed." The middle aged man slowly strokes the girl's long hair. Suddenly somebody pats his back; he turns around and sees a half-naked middle ages man smiling from ear to ear. The half-naked middle aged man then opens his mouth and says. "She is my type; let me play with her first."

The rest of the middle aged men all take a step back, the girl wanted to fight back but she found out that she can't move her body at all. Suddenly a shadowy figure walks in; the figure grabs the half-naked middle aged by his shoulder and says. "How about you try me? My chest is even flatter than hers."

The half-naked middle aged man turns around and sees Yang Guang patting his chest in front of him with a smile.

The half-naked middle aged man quickly pulls out a gun from his pockets and points it to Yang Guang, but to his surprise Yang Guang doesn't even flinch instead he noticed Yang Guang spacing out.

He laughs and says. "Hahaha, what are you so scared that you can't even flinch? In your next life remember, don't play hero anymore."

Yet everything that the half-naked middle aged man said actually was ignored by Yang Guang this is because when he sees who the girl that was about to be rape is he sees that it is actually Ye Xing the same girl he had a meeting with today. Then Yang Guang finally remembers where he had seen Ye Xing before.

Yang Guang suddenly shouts and says. "I remember now when I'm out at night I occasionally saw you walking around the city!"

The half-naked middle aged man they got shocked due to Yang Guang suddenly shouting something that he cannot understand, he quickly pulls the trigger and a spark lights up the entire room for less than a second.


Ye Xing shouted when the man pulls the trigger, she thought in her mind that Yang Guang is going to die because of her. But to a surprise another flash illuminates the room once more, when the light disappear Yang Guang is standing there holding a rattan pole completely fine with a smile on his face.

Yang Guang takes another step forward and says. "Let the carnage begin."

The half-naked middle aged man continues to fire his gun, this time Yang Guang did not block the bullets instead like a phantom he dodges every single one of them and when he reach the half-naked middle aged man he strikes his rib cage causing him to fly away.

He then turns back and start breaking every single old bone of the rest of the middle aged men, tibia, ulna, scapula, ribs, femur all of these bones are not left unbroken for the night.

Yang Guang then walks to Ye Xing and carry her like a princess out from the old abandoned house, under the glow of the moon Yang Guang princess carries Ye Xing until they reach somewhere safe.

Yang Guang then gently puts her down and takes out his phone and tries to call Wang Guo Ming to take care of the group of middle aged men, when he opens his phone he was shock when he sees the number of miss calls that he got from Wu Bai Wan. He turns to Ye Xing and says. "Go home now and try not to get rape again."

Then Yang Guang left hurriedly towards his friends.

"I actually can walk on my own already for quite a while." Ye Xing said when she sees Yang Guang's back view disappears into the black void; she then walks towards her house under the starry sky.

When Ye Xing finally got home she opens the door to see a young woman staring at her angrily, if Yang Guang is here he would have recognize that this is the same woman that he saved on the night he met Yu Chen.


Ye Xing put up a sympathetic look and say. "Sis I'm fine because of him."

"Who are you talking about?" the woman asks once more. Ye Xing notices that she had misspoken so she pretends that she didn't hear anything and skips like a little girl towards her room.

"What a weird girl." the woman said to herself, she then offs the lights and head to bed.