The Prince's Challenge

Fast, I got to run faster.

That is the only thought that is running through Yang Guang's mind when he is dashing through the streets. It has been about thirty minutes since Wu Bai Wan called him so Yang Guang became very worried for his friends safety.

Yang Guang finally ran back to where he left his friends before only to see a black dome surrounded by white mist, to normal people they can't even see the black dome due to the white mist but to Yang Guang this means that his friends are fighting with a damn creature.

"I gave you a chance to call the one named Yang Guang, yet you keep on fighting me. Are you testing my patience?" the skeleton bladesman said, the saber in his hand never stopped attacking once even while he talked.

Xiao Ying Ya had started sweating; there are a few sword wounds on her body. Yet the cold glint in her eyes never fade, she strikes the skeleton bladesman with her sword once more, hoping that it would work even once.

"You are so weak yet you even dare to fight me? bring Yang Guang here now and I shall grant you a swift death." the skeleton bladesman said after he parry Xiao Ying Ya's attack, he raised his saber and hacks towards Xiao Ying Ya with full force with the intent to cut her in half.


All the sudden the skeleton bladesman is knocked far away from Xiao Ying Ya and into the ground, when the skeleton bladesman try to stand back up he is quickly knocked back down onto the ground. The skeleton bladesman then twist his head backwards and shoot out a lightning bolt towards his attacker.


A rattan pole cut through the lightning bolt and strikes the skeleton bladesman's skull. The skeleton bladesman suddenly laughs happily even though his whole body is slammed repeatedly into the ground.

"THE SILVER HAIR HUMAN, YANG GUANG!" The skeleton bladesman shouted happiness can be seen from within his empty eye sockets.

Yang Guang steps on the skeleton bladesman skull and says seriously. "Why are you looking for me?" his voice contains a sense of coldness and anger, his aura becomes fierce like a tiger ready to pounce his prey.

"HAHAHA, A HUMAN USING A MONSTER'S TRICK! YOU ARE REALLY WORTHY OF BEING MY PRINCE'S RIVAL!" The skeleton bladesman continue to laugh happily at Yang Guang.

Yang Guang finally snaps and hits the skeleton bladesman with his full strength, this strike cause a crater on the ground and shakes the earth that they are standing on.

"You have not grown at all my enemy."

A demonic voice echoes from outside the black dome, a draconic arm pierce through the black dome and tears a hole like the black dome is made out of paper. A powerful aura spreads into the black dome causing everyone including the skeleton bladesman to shiver.

The black dome finally breaks apart revealing a humanoid golden dragon like monster with cat eyes standing in front of Yang Guang. Sweat is dripping down from Yang Guang head as he let out a smile, he then opens his mouth and says. "If it isn't the yellow lizard prince, I see you have come back to let me finish my job."

"Yang Guang what are you doing?" Xiao Ying Ya quickly runs towards Yang Guang to stop him from saying anything further. Yang Guang gives Xiao Ying Ya a light smile and kicks the skeleton bladesman towards the golden dragon.

"Weak yet domineering, I think you are the only human who dares to kick a member of my legion in front of Me." the golden dragon said, he grabs the skeleton bladesman who is flying towards him and hurls him to the side. Yang Guang ignores what the golden dragon just did and shouts. "STOP YOUR BULLSHIT AND SAY WHAT YOU WANT RYAGERRO!"

Xiao Ying Ya instantly slaps Yang Guang and scolds him. "Yang Guang have you gone nuts? This is a damn creature with the strength of peak of rank 9; he can destroy Song City in an instant if he wanted. He is something only the tien helde can deal with."

Yang Guang did not get angry at Xiao Ying Ya for slapping him, instead he laughs and said. "If he is that strong he would not have ran away with his tail in between his legs two years ago."

Prince Ryagerro face instantly becomes sour, he remembers when he first tried to attack Song City Yang Guang alone force him to retreat. When Yang Guang sees Prince Ryagerro expression he laughs even harder.

Prince Ryagerro let out an explosive roar, his roar echo throughout the city startling everybody within the city and causing Yu Chen to wake up instantly. The ground around Prince Ryagerro trembles as he takes a step forward towards Yang Guang, with a casual flick of his finger he sends a wave of air towards Yang Guang.

Yang Guang brace himself for the attack, he place his arms in front of his chest and tries to block the strong gust of wind. In the end Yang Guang got pushed back by the wind and then sent flying back.


All the sudden Yang Guang's rattan pole gently brushes pass Prince Ryagerro's face, shocking the prince and the skeleton bladesman.


Yang Guang chuckles and summons his rattan pole back to his hands; he then points it toward Prince Ryagerro and shouts. "I'M PERFECTLY FINE RYAGERRO SO STOP SHOUTINGI'M NOT DEAF YET! JUST SAY WHY YOU ARE HERE!"

"I'm here to challenge you."

When Yang Guang hears what Prince Ryagerro just said he scratches his head and gives Prince Ryagerro a weird look. He then takes a few steps closer towards Prince Ryagerro and asks. "I think you should keep shouting because I pretty sure I heard wrongly."

"I'M HERE TO CHALLENGE YOU MY LEGION AGAINST YOUR TEAM!" Prince Ryagerro shouts happily with a smile on his face, he then snaps his fingers and then a few shadows start appearing beside him.


The skeleton bladesman, a tiny weasel with orange beady eyes, a ghostly angle with a dark red halo, an metallic hippo with three eyes and a panda with white yellowish spikes all over its body.

Peak of rank 8

That was the thought running through Xiao Ying Ya's and Wu Bai Wan's mind when they see the legion; to them the legion's power is comparable to some of the strongest damn creatures that had attacked their city. All of them are at least a rank above them in terms of strength including Yang Guang who is only rank 7.

Yang Guang starts counting the amount of damn creatures that shows up, he then shakes his head in disappointment and says to Prince Ryagerro. "I know that you are a damn creature but a legion means a division of three to six thousand men, no matter how many times I count there is only five damn creatures here. Did you take the right medicine this morning?"

"Each one of them possesses the strength of an army, so Yang Guang I ask you once more do you dare accept my challenge?" Prince Ryagerro asks, his voice contain a formless pressure pressing down on Yang Guang.

Yang Guang ignores the pressure and looks at the rest of his friends, he then tells them. "Bai Wan, Ying Ya this does not concern the both of you, so please leave now. Yu Chen you should also stay out of this."

"One human with the strength of only a rank 7 wanted to fight with five damn creature with the strength of peak of rank 8 and their leader with the strength of peak of rank 9? WHAT A JOKE!"

Prince Ryagerro shouted angrily, even though he knows that Yang Guang is quite arrogant due to what happened two years ago he still gets angry due to Yang Guang who is a whole rank below his legion saying that he can take them on alone.

Yang Guang ignores Prince Ryagerro's anger; instead he raises his rattan pole and readies himself for what might just be his last fight. But what he did not expect is Yu Chen, Wu Bai Wan and Xiao Ying Ya walks and stand beside him looking at the golden wings legion.

"Are we that heartless to let you fight with those monsters alone?" Wu Bai Wan said with a smile on his face, countless materials that could be used to set up traps are held tightly in his hands. Xiao Ying Ya also held her winter jade sword in her palm tightly, and Yu Chen standing upright not letting the aura of the golden wings legion push him down.

Yang Guang smiles and raises his rattan pole towards Prince Ryagerro.