Warm Up (1)


Prince Ryagerro laughs loudly with a wide smile on his face, yet his golden wings legion give Yang Guang's team an unsightly expression.

Are you looking down on us?

That is the thought running through the golden wings legion's members mind, no matter where they go the golden wings legion under the leadership of the third prince of all of the damn creatures are respected and look highly upon. Yet, a bunch of humans which the weakest one of them being a measly rank 1, something they can kill with a snap of a finger dares to accept their challenge.

"So how about let us have a warm up match?" Prince Ryagerro asked casually yet his words are filled with pressure that is suppressing the humans. Yang Guang uses fear lock on Prince Ryagerro to help alleviate the pressure coming from prince Ryagerro; he then opens his mouth and says. "How bad are you at mathematics, can't you see that my team is at a disadvantage?"

"Then I'm not going to participate; only the members of my legion will fight you all." Prince Ryagerro said righteously.

Yang Guang takes out a few black and white talismans and starts tearing them up, he then says to his team. "I'm going to fight three of them, Ying Ya try taking the skeleton bladesman while Bai Wan and Yu Chen take the tiny weasel."

Yang Guang then rushes out to fight the three eyed panda, metallic hippo and ghostly angle alone; he strikes the three eyed panda's left eye with the intention to dig it out from its eye socket. But before he can succeed the ghostly angle fly towards Yang Guang and starts to sing causing Yang Guang to fall into a daze.

When Xiao Ying Ya sees this happening her winter jade sword turns back into a wooden sword and the midday lantern appears once more, the light shines onto Yang Guang breaking him out from his daze. When Yang Guang wakes up the metallic hippo is charging at him with its mouth wide open. Yang Guang uses his rattan pole to block the damage but he was still send flying by the metallic hippo into the air, the three eyed panda rush towards Yang Guang with the ghostly angle to finish him.

When Xiao Ying Ya wanted to go and help Yang Guang the skeleton bladesman appears in front of her, blocking her path. "Now let us finish what we started just now." the skeleton bladesman laughs while holding his saber in a fighting stance. Mist began to gather around Xiao Ying Ya as her wooden sword turns back into her winter jade sword, she also gets into her fighting stance and starts clashing with the skeleton bladesman.

Sparks from the two weapons clashing looks like comets flying through space, the skeleton bladesman strikes starts to get stronger and stronger causing Xiao Ying Ya's hand to turn numb when she parry his attacks. Xiao Ying Ya knows that if this situation continues she would lose in the end due to the difference in strength so she starts retreating towards Wu Bai Wan and Yu Chen to try and help them.

Wu Bai Wan now had a large bloody gash on his left shoulders causing his left arm unable to move even an inch, Yu Chen is trying his best to protect Wu Bai Wan but the tiny weasel uses it tail to slap Yu Chen away. Wu Bai Wan pulls out a talisman made out of crystal from his fanny pack with his right arm and crush it into dust. A crystal barrier instantly forms in front of him protecting him from the weasel's fierce attacks.

"Quite feisty for such a little guy." Wu Bai Wan said with a smile on his face but his lips are drained of color while fresh blood is dripping down from his wound. His hand start grabbing anything he can find in his fanny pack and start preparing to fight the weasel when the crystal barrier breaks. The tiny weasel's claws suddenly grows longer and manage to break a hole large enough to let it in to kill Wu Bai Wan, Wu Bai Wan did not expect that the tiny weasel had such a trick up its sleeve and was not prepared to start fighting.

Wu Bai Wan hasty grabs an S cubes and hopes he will have enough time to set them off, but it was too late. Due to the tiny weasel's elongated claws the S cubes could not set off in time, the claw start to pierce into Wu Bai Wan's neck like a hot knife through butter.

Then the claw suddenly stops advancing, as if time itself had stopped the tiny weasel flinch in midair, but this small window is more than enough for the S cubes to set off and shocked the tiny weasel causing it to be paralyze. Wu Bai Wan continues his assault by blasting the tiny weasel with water, fire, electricity, poison, air and even lasers in hopes of damaging it even by a bit.

The tiny weasel finally stands back up instead of going after Wu Bai Wan it dash towards Yu Chen with one thought in his mind.


Due to Yu Chen fear lock the tiny weasel flinch for a second giving Wu Bai Wan the chance to have his way with the tiny weasel anyway he liked, but that was the first reason. Fear lock should not work on something stronger than you especially when the difference is 5 ranks high; this is why the tiny weasel changes his target to Yu Chen.


The tiny weasel was suddenly hit by Yang Guang's rattan pole preventing it from attacking Yu Chen, Yu Chen take this chance to throw a stone at the tiny weasel's eye hoping that he can blind the weasel. The tiny weasel quickly shut his eyelids to prevent the stone from hurting his eye, the stone turns into dust when it hits the eyelid of the tiny weasel. The tiny weasel then continues it dash towards Yu Chen, suddenly he feel that his body is getting heavier as if he was being drag down by something gigantic.

The tiny weasel then notice there is a large amount of fine strings attached to his body that was tied to numerous metallic talismans, then a large explosion occur above the tiny weasel. Dust from burnt talismans drift down as thunder roars in the sky followed by lightning.

The golden wings legion raise their head to see what is happening just to be greeted by lightning bolts flying down from the sky, they all tried their best to dodge but they were still hit by some of the lightning. The tiny weasel got shocked the most due to him being directly under the explosion and being weight down by the metallic talismans.

Amid the chaos Xiao Ying Ya finally found an opportunity and slash the skeleton bladesman skull, her strike leaved a deep mark on the once perfect skeleton. As she continues her barrage of attacks, ice slowly starts to form on the skeleton bladesman's body. Xiao Ying Ya eyes shines a cold glint filled with killing intent, she raise her sword high and slash the ice on the skeleton bladesman.

"Ah~ that was nice, I always hated how warm your universe is." the skeleton bladesman said casually as if the ice did not even bother him at all. Xiao Ying Ya ignores what the skeleton bladesman had just said and continues slashing at the ice, white snow start to appear on the parts where the ice was slashed like blood flowing out from a wound.

The snow start to covering more and more areas of the skeleton bladesman, white mist rose from the snow lowering the temperature of the surrounding area.

"I'm just a pile of bones, do you think I would feel cold?" the skeleton bladesman taunts Xiao Ying Ya, he even slash the ice himself to produce even more snow. Xiao Ying Ya just stares at the skeleton bladesman who is madly slashing the ice on his body.

"See nothing happened." the skeleton bladesman said casually, he then tries to wipe of the snow with his hand but found out he couldn't wipe it off as if the snow is like cement. The snow quickly harden turning into white jade encasing the skeleton bladesman, within the white jade the skeleton bladesman finally felt a bone piercing chill.

"Congratulations for being the first idiot to trap himself in my winter's fun technique." Xiao Ying Ya said with a sweet smile on her face, white mist then starts to surround her as the temperature drops even further. The mist the all got absorb by the winter jade sword causing it to glow brighter than the sun, Xiao Ying Ya then stabs the white jade causing it to explode into snowflakes.

When Prince Ryagerro see all this he starts to get angry, he opens his mouth and shouts. "HOW ARE MY GOLDEN WINGS LEGION LETTING A BUNCH OF HUMANS WINNING?!"

Yang Guang takes this chance to dash out from the three damn creatures closing in on him and appears in front of Prince Ryagerro. With a smile full of confidence he says. "Because we are strong."