Truth at Dawn

"The fireworks are here!" Yang Guang shouted at Ye Xing who was standing on the school field waiting for him.

Pushing a trolley stacked with boxes of fireworks, Yang Guang walked at his own pace towards the spot Ye Xing was standing.

Both of them then started to take out the fireworks from the boxes and placed all of them onto the ground.

They are going to ignite the fuse at the first light of dawn; the sound of the blast would be loud enough to tell everyone in Song City that today is the day.

Imagine the colorful firework sparkling and splashing their colors as the fading stars became one with the backdrop of blue and orange sky.

"Everything is done and there is one hour left until we need to light the fireworks." Ye Xing said to Yang Guang as she sat down onto the grassy school field.

The night breeze carried her hair into the air, sparks shining from her blue eyes as she looked at the night sky.

Yang Guang then lie down beside her, the soft grass and his grey hair touched as he enjoyed the scenery of a beautiful girl looking at the night sky.

To break the silence, Yang Guang was the first to speak. He turned his body sideways and looked at Ye Xing who also turned her head when she noticed Yang Guang moving.

"So do you like me?" Yang Guang asked his question straightforwardly.

"I think I like you."

"Who proposes to a girl that way?" Ye Xing did not answer Yang Guang's question, she just blushed and turned her head away.

Yang Guang too did not continue talking; he faced the sky once more as he turned his body.

Just when he was about to close his eyes; Yang Guang's ears twitched because he heard something coming from outside.

It sounded like wings flapping, the wings of something big, something dangerous.

Standing up on his two feet, Yang Guang walked away to make a call. He wanted to call Lisa Beaux to send some backup to protect Ye Xing.

"Sorry, can you sleep for a while?" Yang Guang asked Ye Xing as he pulled out a talisman with the symbol of a star inscribed onto it.

He ripped it apart and starlight flashes from the eyes of Ye Xing, and then she falls to the ground unconscious.

Yang Guang summoned his rattan pole and stabs it into the ground; his eyes moved upward and he saw the damn creature that was flying around just now.

"Another useless bat… seriously?" Yang Guang said as he sized up the giant bat monster standing in front of him.

Hearing himself being called a useless bat, the damn creature snapped at Yang Guang. He lunged forward with his claws and shouted: "I the sky general of the demon bat army, Karen. And I am here to avenge my princess!"

Yang Guang smiled.

Even when the claw almost reaches his eyes that smile on his face never fade.

"Just a rank 7 and you dare to flaunt before me?" Yang Guang said as a firework made out of blood exploded right before his eyes.

Karen, the demon bat army general rebuked Yang Guang words by telling him that he is also a rank 7 just like him.


He was sent rolling backwards with one strike from Yang Guang, Karen tried to get back up on his feet but a gust of wind blew and his legs are cut off cleanly.

"Are you sure you are a rank 7? This is the first time I use my new technique and it worked too well on you." Yang Guang said as Karen looked at him.

Yang Guang bent backwards until his body turned into the shape of a crescent moon, the moment his rattan pole meets the ground and he swings it at full force towards his target to create the deadly attack.

Karen for the first time in his life saw what the wind looks like, he always thought that the wind is gentle and formless.

Something intangible and colorless, even if he could see it the wind should be something similar to a tornado; but he was wrong…

The wind that Yang Guang created is a shade of transparent white looking like a blade slashing everything in its path without mercy.

"Wind Blade, how does that sound?" Yang Guang asked Karen but after a moment he shook his head.

"Sounds really dumb, maybe I might change it to something different on day."

By this point Karen had been slashed in half by the Wind Blade, Yang Guang clean up the scene and noticed that dawn is coming.

"Ye Xing, wake up. I'm lighting the fireworks now."

Reluctance was always the first reaction when a person is opening their eyes after sleeping and Ye Xing is no difference, but this time her eyes shot opened in an instant as she screamed.

'Killing intent!'

Yang Guang sensed a thick killing intent, but it was not directed at him. Instead all of it was directed at Ye Xing, forcing her to freeze on the spot.

A gigantic mouth opened wide at Ye Xing, followed by a splash of sparkling crimson liquid falling from the air.

To protect Ye Xing, Yang Guang let the demon bat assassin bite down on his body without a care for his own safety.

The demon bat assassin had a brilliant smirk as the sun shines on his crimson colored fangs.

"Is it worth it to die like this?" Yang Guang asked the demon bat as it was being encased in a prison of black flames created by the first light of dawn.

Yang Guang would never receive his answer as the demon bat was burnt into nothingness.

The injury was the least of Yang Guang's problem right now because of the demon bat the biggest taboo for the damn hunter's had been broken.

Ye Xing saw the damn creatures…

"Ye Xing, the truth is I'm just a monster hunting other monsters."

Ye Xing did not say anything; she just turned around and left Yang Guang alone under the parade of fireworks in the dimly lit sky.

The sports day for both of their school officially starts now…