
"No you are not a monster!"

Ye Xing shouted with her eyes wide open, her gaze is not on the rattan pole but on Yang Guang's eyes.

When a dangerous object is flying towards you, your brain will send signals to our eyes to close quickly. Yet, Ye Xing did not close her eyes in face of danger.

She believed that Yang Guang would not be a threat to her, all those moments when Yang Guang showed up to save her, the times they spent together, and every single time her heart throbs with they are together was all for this.

One centimeter.

That was the distance between the rattan pole and Ye Xing's forehead before it disappeared into motes of light.

Wind blew outward from where they are standing, long black hair fluttered along with short grey hair.

"Looks like I was right." Yang Guang said as the cold smirk turned into a warm smile.

"But why aren't you afraid of me?"

Ye Xing shook her head in disappointment as if she expected that Yang Guang would know her answer. Yang Guang thought that the answer he will receive will be because I love you but she gave Yang Guang the answer that he least expected.

"Those monsters… they are called damn creatures right?"

This revelation instantly destroyed Ye Xing's image of being an innocent girl who likes to wander around the city at night; without thinking Yang Guang blurted out the most important question…

"Are you a damn hunter?"

Once more Ye Xing shook her head in disagreement, she then told him the truth.

When Ye Xing was young, her parents would tell bedtime stories to her and her sister, one of those tales is about hunters.

The hunters would fight monsters called the damn creatures in secret to protect the weak humans till the end of time. The hero of the story is known as the chosen one and his enemy the star killer.

A man with a body of steel, the passion for battle and a pole that could defeat anyone he is the strongest human.

The chosen one will defeat all his enemies and lead humanity out of danger from the damn creatures.

"One day both of my parents were gone when I woke up, the police said they got into an accident. It was from then I started going out at night, because I thought maybe…"

"Maybe one day I could see my parents once more before they disappear when the sun rises up."

"Their story about the damn creatures matches up with you, Yang Guang… are you the chosen one?" Ye Xing asked in a meek voice.


A simple word and a cold smile came from Yang Guang who knew the truth, if he really is the chosen one then the damn hunter organization would try their best to save him instead to hoping that the damn creatures would finish him off.

"But do you know why we are called the damn hunter?" Yang Guang asked Ye Xing who answered with them hunting creatures called the damn.

"No… We are called the damn hunter because we are damn to hunt these monsters till the end of time; one day when you wake up in the morning, I might not be beside you anymore."

"You probably would not even see my corpse at all…"

"So never tell this secret to anyone else if you don't want any trouble."

Ye Xing did not know how to reply, the answer that came out from Yang Guang's mouth stunned her.

"Then let's die together, hand in hand together as a couple."

This time it was Yang Guang's turn to be stunned by Ye Xing's answered, for a normal human to have the courage to face the damn creatures and be ready to die is unimaginable.

"Is that the answer to my do you like me question?" Yang Guang asked as he took a few step closer to Ye Xing.

Ye Xing could feel the warmth coming from Yang Guang who is looking at her, the same smile surface on both of their faces as Ye Xing answered.

"Is that how you get a girlfriend?"


All of a sudden, Ye Xing holds Yang Guang's hand and pulled him closer. Yang Guang then feels something warm touching his lips; in the 16 years of his life never felt this sensation before.

Their lips then parted away after a brief moment and with a cute smile Ye Xing said: "See you are not a monster."

"You are the one I love."