Chapter 66: Duel

An assembly it seems. Well, that's how I see it.

The time? It is just after school ends.

The place? It is the rooftop of the school.

The scene? A group of delinquents, a minimum of 27 from what I could see, were swarming this place.

Me? I was just watching this crowd while I was sitting down on the concrete floor.

The complaints coming out from those undisciplined students were not stopping.

The reason? They were all called out here but nothing is happening. Yet.

But, an ominous presence was still bothering me greatly. Even so, I faced it by lifting my head upward to confront it.

"Stand up. Time for punishment."

The chilling voice which lingers killing intent struck me as I stood up, while my legs were trembling, unable to bear this pressure emanated. Nonetheless, I dealt with it and here I was, standing with my legs not shivering anymore with the help of my resolve. Face to face with the discouraging stare, I opened my mouth to grasp on a little shiny hope that I have.

"...Does this count as trouble? I am just asking for help.."

"Yes. The fact that you came near us to help you was a good enough reason to interpret it as bringing trouble to us."

"Our understanding of bringing trouble is clearly different." I sighed worriedly as I hung my head down for a bit.

"Oh just shut up and take it like a man. Don't break your promise."

All I could do was wryly laugh as part of the frustration that was building up to this moment. Knuckles cracking could be heard. Preparing for the impact reflexively made my hands clench due to my resoluteness in this instant.

"Here I go!"

The right side punch came at a high speed. My eyes closed on its own as I saw the fist closed in rapidly.



The fast change of view that I experienced was really out of the ordinary. From straight to my right, my head was twisted in an instant, accompanying with the unbearable pain. I immediately regretted the promise mentioned.

All the delinquents stopped their chattering to observe the commotion that is happening. They all concentrated on me, but mostly on the one beating me up.

The only one who is able to take down a group of 10 people effortlessly, the only female delinquent in this school, the only 'Thug Hunter', Fujimoto Aki, was beating Kaburagi Tenma.

I regained my stability after I stood up straight like nothing happened. The damage done to my cheek was conspicuous even from far away. She was preparing for the next one.

"2 more to go~"

This girl really is having fun, but it is at the cost of me getting harmed. It can't be helped now. From time to time, puppets must have to get some free time to have fun, or they will be tired from getting used and controlled. Still, from whatever point of view I see it, I'm gonna get killed if she has fun with me all the time.

The second fist came in, the left one to be precise, and hit me on the right cheek like a bullet. I almost tumbled over but I had my balance with the little energy I had. Blood came out of my mouth and I coughed as a result. I swept the drooping blood with my hand, making my face clean from the red liquid. On the outside, I was calmly enduring it, but...

'This one was even harder than the first strike! My god this is really hurting!!!!'

"Last one~"

This last attack, normally, someone would use all of his energy to steel against it.

But me?

No. I just stood there with no intention of resisting such force. Behind the figure of the evil playful Aki, the sight of the other delinquents indulging in a worried and confused atmosphere entered my vision.

Knowing about the situation now, my mind was feeling less burdened. Aki, made eye contact with me as she was about to launch an attack. My smirk was the reply to her non-verbal communication. She raised her right leg at such a high speed.

Striking me at the neck, this was definitely quite the move.

Haaaa....Aki, Ken I'm gonna leave it to you two. Again, sorry for the trouble.

...See you later.

And that was the last thought that I had before Aki's foot made contact with my fragile neck.


"Today itself. I will make you the ruler of this school."

That's what Kaburagi declared to me with a convincing tone at lunch break.

Yet what the hell is he doing?!? Lying on the ground lifelessly??!? It is no doubt that this was that crazy bitch's fault! Why the hell did she do that!?!? For god sake!! Now who will manage this situation!?!? Even though I prepared myself to do what Kaburagi told me to do, what is going to happen now?

The other people that I called out to be here were also perplexed by this ruckus. They went closer to the scene to get a better view. I was closer to the site where it all happened so I did not move my legs that much. One of the boys, I don't know his name but he always sticks with Kaburagi, checks on the lifeless body.

After doing a thorough inquiry with the body, he announced with a straight face,

"He is unconscious."

Shock on everyone's face, including mine. The main guy, who they were all supposed to assemble and meet, is now lying unconscious on the concrete floor. The attentions of the audience shifted to the one responsible for it.

The crazy bitch I mentioned, Fujimoto Aki, looked indifferently at Kaburagi's body. After a few moments of the murmuring between the delinquents, she turned her head towards the crowd.

The bunch of misfits gradually came to a complete silence. They were fear-stricken by this single female's action. She knocked down Kaburagi Tenma, and that is considered a big thing in this school. But she treats it like a daily occurrence. It was clear to this school that she was one of few people who were able to go up against this 'Devil', but the only thing we did not know was that why she was always a companion to him.

The icy piercing glare scanned the 28 people present here. Nobody raised a single question as to why she has done that.

"You are all wondering why you have been invited here. Well, it is a pretty big change so all of you, open your stinky ears widely."

She got all the audience's interest as she continued to talk in a loud and clear voice.

"First off, does anyone want to fight me?"

A declaration to fight right from the bat. Of course, they would be surprised about that absurd request. Nevertheless, no one took the offer.

Oh, wait...There is one person.

One of the small group's leader raised his hands and 2 other ones were following him as he came out of the crowd. He had long brown hairs and an earing in one of his ears. A goatee-styled beard that were really short. A third-year if I'm not wrong.

The 2 behind him were also scary in different ways. One had medium length black hairs, did not wear the school uniform and only had a white-red striped shirt. The rolled-up trousers were that of the school and he had a gold necklace. He seems like the hot-blooded type.

The other one has blond dyed hair, just like Kaburagi and that bitch, but short ones. He also had one earring in his left ear. The school blazer and uniform were both buttonless to reveal a blue garment he wore inside. Trousers were normal though. If we ignore the dyed hair and the buttonless blazer, we would see a very ordinary high school student. Those two were reasonably in the same year as their leader.

Fujimoto analysed the small group who was approaching her with a dangerous aura.

"Hey, little girl. Are you really that strong as the rumours said? To confirm it myself, I am suggesting a duel between you and me. Will you accept it?"

The long brown-haired leader proposed a duel. The bitch did not give it much thought and replied to him casually.

"Of course. When you are ready."

The fight did not break out instantly, instead, a few seconds passed before that brown-haired guy started to close in the distance between themselves by walking. That bitch did not let her guard down and was focused on her opponent. The crowd was getting excited as I saw everyone was enjoying this moment by trying to push others and see this duel.

She then momentarily started dashing towards her opponent at an insane pace, only to be found right in front of the long brown-haired guy in just less than 3 seconds. Her left hand was swung fast, targeting his head. Her adversary put up a guard in front of him by using one of his hand.

But, the two hands did not make contact. Instead, a new danger was coming in a different direction. A right punch aimed at his other side of the head. It was an excellent move done in only an instance. I was sure she got him good yet,.....why did she stop right before the point of contact?

She hastily backed away from that third-year student. She was relieved but then annoyed at him.


The other guy brought down his guard to his pocket, seeming unconcern about her. The crowd were wondering what had happened, and soon criticism starts to well up in this situation against the bitch.

"What are you doing?! Weren't you going to fight?"

"Oi!! This is not the time to be scared you bitch!"

"Duel my ass!! Are you trying to run away like a spineless coward!? Fight!!"

The guys, that I paid and fought alongside against Fujimoto before, also started to have the courage to criticize the bitch. Fujimoto noticed the crowd's disturbance that was trying to disrupt the duel's atmosphere. She then glared at the audience and bellowed,

"Do you all want me to come over and annihilate all of you!!??!?"

The insults died down gradually. Everyone knew, especially the ones who fought her on the second day at school, that she was capable of handling a group of them, and not even break a sweat while taking us down one by one. Returning her sight on her opponent, she readied herself.

The long brown-haired guy was staring at her and sneering thinly

"Come on little girl, playtime is not yet over."

She rushed forward and tried to throw punches and kicks at him. Most of them were evaded, some blocked and countered. But, the bitch did not go down that easily, she does slips in some hits through all the barriers that that guy displayed.

All while this was happening, I was pondering on who was this stong third year. Did there exist such a strong delinquent in our school, except from Kaburagi and Fujimoto? Those elusive actions were splendidly done, he must be from a fighting sports-related club. But I have never seen him in any of those types of clubs. Who could he be? Maybe.....some must be him.


"WAAAA!! OOOOH SHIT! Don't scare me like that!!"

"Sorry. I'm Kinoshita Ken. One of Kaburagi's friend."

"Oh. It's you...What do you want?"

"Information. Do you know who is that guy?" He pointed at Fujimoto's adversary.

"I don't know. But...I may have some idea of who he is, considering he is a third-year."


I gazed at those two having a fast and a really high-class duel. It seemed like they were fighting in their own world.

"Kurosawa Takumi. A former Karate club member."


"Yea. He got kicked out from the club by Mr Komori, the advisor of that club. It happened one year ago. I don't know the real reason but there are some really bad rumours that surround that guy."

"That explains the high-intensity level of this fight."

Fujimoto's high sweeping kick got dodged as this guy said that. Irritated by the opponent's high defence. She retreated a step back as she thought of a penetrating offence to break through this wall.

But before she could do that, she needed to block or evade the attack that the long brown-haired guy, presumably called Kurosawa, is launching right now. Amazing footwork made his range of attack at point-blank to Fujimoto. His palms flat was slicing through the air and driven to her neck. That bitch was in a pinch because judging by the look of her face, she did not expect this.

However, she still managed to take control of the situation. Her right hand, vertically straight, was acting as a pillar between the palm and her neck. She was about to grab that said palm but unfortunately, Kurosawa retracted his arm promptly after knowing about her intentions.

"Not so fast little girl."

The audience appreciated Kurosawa's skill and were in awe over this brilliant duel.

"Tsk. I want to end this fast because I'm too irritated by you."

Kurosawa, baffled, stared at her. Probably wondering what part of him was irritating but...

"Hahahahaha, I also want that to be that way, but the outcome must be in my favour."

"As if that's going to be easy." She was getting arrogant there, but it is fine because she has the strength to support her attitude.

"I am aware little girl. Even now, I shudder at the thought of what would have happened if my hand was caught."

Kurosawa was intrigued and looking forward to more as determined by the tinge of merry tone that is accompanied with his mature voice.


"HaHaha!!! Here I come little girl!"

Suddenly he started rushing which immediately closed the gap. Fujimoto braced for the incoming attack. He stopped right in front of her and planted his left foot on the ground for a good foundation. His other leg lifted and twisted around for a high sweeping kick, rotating his body in the process. It was coming in hard and fast. It was coming to the left side so she put up a guard on the left with her left hand, and her right supporting it.

But...He did not hit her? That bitch was just as confused as I was. Ah? That guy went behind her and was in a punching stance. But she does not notice it yet. What the heck is this guy? It seemed like he adopted that bitch's move

His fists drove rapidly in the direction of her back but at the last second, she dodged it. Not only was she able to evade such a surprise attack, but she also grabbed the same hand that tried to attack her.

She jumped and used her leg to trap him. Her two legs slithered around his arm like a cobra. Finally, her body fell down, but with an armlock on that adversary.

"This girl-!"

The words that came out his mouth was playfully exiting his grinning mouth. That displayed how much he was enjoying this. But...

"Shit! I got really ahead of myself!"

That realization of his did not help him in breaking loose of that magnificently done armlock. She pulled the arm to make his struggle of escaping more meaningless. Kurosawa was trying various ways to get out from there, but in vain.

The part of the crowd that was cheering for Kurosawa progressively dwindled. His fruitless attempts made his friends and supporters to further lose confidence in their cheering. Fujimoto was holding his arm in a constricting way. Finally, looking at Fujimoto one last time with the intent to struggle, he sighed exasperatingly.

"Fine. I give up. You win, little girl."

That bitch.....has done it!