Chapter 67: 'Fair' Election

I let go of my opponent's hand after he himself declared that he has lost this duel. I tried to stand on my own two feet since I was down to execute the armlock with my legs. Just then, a helping hand came into my sight.

It was none other than the adversary that I just fought. A facial expression that can be said to be a grinning one, he met my eyes.

"It was a good fight."

It was indeed one. That is why I accepted that assertion by grabbing that hand of his, aiding me to get up. I too smiled as my body was upright before him.

"What is your name, Senpai?"

"Kurosawa Takumi. You don't need to ask me yours, by the way, I know you, I mean everyone knows you. Anyway, aren't you being formal here? I thought that you were not the kind that would exhibit any courteous gestures against upperclassmen."

That's quite the way how he perceives me. I'm not that much of an asshole you know.

"I respect someone who can put up a good fight against me."

"Hahaha!!! I'm honoured that I am someone that the 'Thug Hunter' Fujimoto Aki, holds a certain degree of esteem."

That shitty and embarrassing nickname!! AAAHHHH!!! Now my mood is fricking ruined!!

"Don't ever call me by that nickname."

He flinched as I requested him to not address me by that mortifying alias. This is mainly the fault of that average-looking irritating bastard that I knocked down just minutes ago.

"O-Okay. Since I got what I wanted, carry on with whatever you are planning to do. We will not interfere."

A heads up to let us know that his small group will not interrupt us for now. Kurosawa went back to the crowd, near his two worried friends as he assured them of his health.

"Anyone else wants a taste of these fists?"

No one took up the offer. It appears that they were not up to the tasks of defeating me. Maybe it is because of that senior named Kurosawa Takumi.

According to me, he is the strongest one in that crowd. Never have I fought him but now, I have a grasp on what his strength his. Seeing a stronger person than those spectating the duel losing against me, they did not want to drag this any further.

"Seems like there is no one. So let's move on. You have all been wondering why you are all here standing in front of me."

The audience did not focus on other stuff, other than me. I beckoned Miyamoto Shin to come near me, in front of the many eyes that gazed at me. He was approaching reluctantly and in a way, shyly.

That is really troublesome now. This will not do. As he came near me, I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him near me like a really close friend.

"From now on, he is your leader!"

The delinquents were appalled. The flow of this development was streaming in an unanticipated way.

Why? Why him? Why do I have to take and fulfil orders from this guy? This is absurd.

Those questions were filling the heads of the mass. The ridiculousness and dubiousness of the situation were brought out. The murmurings were getting louder and louder.

I took this opportunity to glance at Miyamoto and whispered.

"Oi. Do you plan to make the fight that I had in vain?"

He winced at my enquiry and tried to say out his response with difficulty.


"Then do whatever Tenma told you to do. I'm here supporting you so don't worry about anyone opposing you. Go ahead and do whatever he told you to do. You want to be like a king, right? Then now is the time to act."

He gulped down his saliva as he listened to my whispering voice.

"I-I'm not confident in my acting skills..."

"Don't chicken out right now you coward. Do you like to be called a coward that much?"

He angrily stared at me with such hatred upon my provocation.

"That's right, that's more like it. Be someone who is feared by everyone, not one who fears everyone."

His intense emotion of dislike reduced. He concentrated on the disordered crowd of misfits of this school, like him. I could feel the shivering from his shoulder steadying and finally completely at rest, just like the calm sea with no movement.

"Fine! I'll fucking do it!"

He shoved my hands off with the sudden fast motion of his shoulder. Quite the rebellious guy here. Still, it is beneficial though for his own good. He stepped forward, clouding my figure from the disarrayed delinquents.

"Good afternoon everyone!!"

A loud greetings to the now silenced crowd. His back was upright with confidence, I could not see his face since I was behind him.

"I am Miyamoto Shin. A second year. I look forward to the 'requests' that you will all carry out for me."

I could determine his expression judging by the words sounding witty from the mouth that produced it.

'Not bad,' i thought to myself.

A small silence before chaos fell on the audience. The disagreement of these bunch was blatantly shown by their insults towards Miyamoto Shin.

"Who would want to be your servant!!??!?"

"Is this some kind of joke!??"

The crowd slowly and steadily approached Miyamoto with such hostility towards him. The insults were still there, trying to crumble the act that he had put on. It was effective because of those scary-looking misfits who were not going to go and do whatever we say.

They will not let this slide as a joke and laugh it off.

Miyamoto, I don't know what he was thinking but he was in a dire situation. Obviously, he would think of retreating. That legs of his was favouring that idea but he still stood there with that game face on. Not budging from there was his resolve. Even so, the multiple approaching footsteps made it harder for him.

"We won't be your fucking minions!!"

"Let's beat him up nicely and cut him into pieces!"

Those threats were getting more stern which made Miyamoto lose confidence. He could not deal with it. Not anymore. His legs were about to lift up so as to step back but I again grabbed his shoulder just like I did before and stopped him from backing down.

"Who said that he will beat my friend Miyamoto here?"

The crowd stopped in their track and wore worried faces. I was protecting Miyamoto, the guy who they want to beat up. It was a safe move to not confront me. Nevertheless, I was not going to let that someone let off with something as easy as an apology.

"Who said that!"

I pressed for more information of that one guy who said that he would beat Miyamoto. No one came forward. It was complete silence.

"It was him." A finger pointed at one first year or second year.

The one who was pointed at was anxious and sweating on his necks. The one pointing at him was sneering grandly as I got his back. His confidence spiked as I supported him. The delinquent, now the centre of attention, was trembling at the thought of something.

It was of one those moments in life that one regrets of doing the most. I will make sure that it will be the number 1 most regrettable thing he said. Or more likely, another one will assure this.

I came near the nervous scared-looking student. I looked around the audience and announced in a loud angry tone.

"Everyone! Concentrate on this guy and see the consequence of defying our new leader Miyamoto Shin!"

I tried to grab his arm but he evaded it really quickly. I had no choice than to grab his black hair by force. He instantly regretted of dodging the first try. I pulled him towards me and threw him in front of Miyamoto. He could not have a good balance so he tumbled over

"Ken!" I exclaimed.

As soon as I called out his name, he pounced on top of the fallen down delinquent.

"Good to know you."

With a thin smile, Ken clenched his right hand in the form of a fist. He drove it fast into his face. The delinquent could not do anything to avoid that fatal punch as he could not move due to being under Ken.

He thrust another one with his other hand. And another one with the other hand. He kept on repeating the brutal process. I closely observed Ken's face as he continued to beat him up. Red liquids started to appear, some drops splattering on Ken's face.

He punched and punched and punched....until I saw that thin smile becomes more expanded, revealing his white teeth. That was the sign, for me, to stop this one-sided violence.

"That's enough."

I ordered Ken to stop it. His hands stopped and he got off the bloodied body. With such a disappointed face, he stayed away from his punching bag.

I'm starting to get worried about him. He is starting to resemble that piece of shit. Becoming the second version of Tenma really will be a permanent bad taste in my tongue.

"All of you!"

I approached the unmoving body which was murmuring unintelligible words. I grabbed his headed, lifted it up and showed the audience the cruelty that has been bestowed on this poor thing's face.

"Witness this ruthlessness that has been treated to this guy. Because you will also be in the same state if you don't obey the leader."

Most of them had a terrified expression to match the inhumane beating that was showcased in front of all of them. The third-year that I fought was silent, but a little surprised.

I dropped the now unrecognizable face to the ground not carefully, but casually. I then went near Miyamoto and I beckoned Ken to do the same thing. He was using a handkerchief to at least wipe off the blood that was majorly covering his knuckles.

"Now. Let's start the voting session. I hope that everyone is smart and choose wisely, right?"

I squinted my eyes to acquaint a more intimidating glare at the audience. I equipped a low and rough voice to match my fearful figure as I emphasized one specific word,


The crowd got the message that I gave out with my single word. The interpretation of the aftermath of going against us. As I was done with a little conferring between me and the bunch, I continued.

"Those who want Miyamoto as their ruler, raise your hands!"

As I announced clamorously, I raised my hand in favour of the introduction of Miyamoto's leadership. Ken followed suit immediately after mine. Then us three gazed at the fear-stricken delinquents, waiting for their answers.

Dead silence. However, the effect of anxiety was there. The first one to raise their hand, we waited for 5 seconds. Subsequently, another one did the same reluctantly. Soon, the number of hands in the air skyrocketed and reached 24. Excluding one voter who Ken 'evicted', only 3 did not raise their hands.

It was Kurosawa Takumi and his other two third-year friends. As I knew who was against it, I tried to ask the reason.

"Any problems, Kurosawa?"


He came forward with his other two friends and approached me at a safe distance. They were clearly not in a happy mood.

"Us three, we will not partake in any of this bullshit. I don't care of these other weaklings but leave us out of it."

Now, this is quite the problem. I was told by Tenma to have a unanimous vote in favour of Miyamoto. Since these 3 will not abide by the new ruler even after the small stunt I performed, I could not think of something in the spot to solve this.

I was having difficulty with this Kurosawa guy in a fight, but I barely won because of his carelessness. I doubt that I will emerge victorious when he is serious. Moreover, if his other 2 friends join the battle, I can't help but think that my path towards a win is bleak.

Even with Ken here, who has little experience in actual combat, he will only give me insufficient support. Well, I can say that fighting is not an option to solve this, so another way to deal with this, that I could think of, is to let this slide this time. I'm going to let Tenma handle this one.

"Fine. You three are free to leave. I'm letting you go because I respect you."

He did not seem relieved or even a tad bit glad to not getting involved in this. But disgusted at me.....

"Alright. Rest assure because we are not going to get involved with all of you in this preposterous act."

He left through the rusty door with his other 2 hostile friend. I sighed inwardly. I could not do anything else. There was no other option to avoid the problem. I at least avoided it, not fluffed it. Tenma will clean up the mess, or he could just leave them be. I wish he takes the latter option.

Anyway, I reverted my gaze back to those delinquents. Their hands were halfway down, arms were not fully extended.

"Raise your hands straight!!"

Like soldiers facing a drill sergeant getting angry for the slightest act that brings unsatisfaction to his mind, they were scared shitless but still kept their silence.

This time, it was unanimous. I expressed a great smile to those misfits, who now became the subject to the new king of this school.

"Congratulations Miyamoto. You are now officially the ruler of Aomori High School who is recognized by these group of people."

Miyamoto, who was silent up until now, uttered his gratitude towards his followers.

"Thank you all for the trust that you have put into me. I will not let this school be ruined by other perpetrators of other high schools."

He bowed slightly in front of the group. Ken clapped as the bowing figure stood upright. I followed after Ken to do the same thing. I and Ken continuously clapped until one of the audience joined. Gradually, the noise of the clapping increased. It went for a while before I stopped clapping and the others slowly followed suit.

"A little side note from me," I meant a little warning from me but I pitied them so I chose a gentler word, "The ones who are thinking of doing similar to that of a coup d'états, you should discard that kind of thought immediately."

I walked near Tenma's lifeless body. I nudged his body with my foot to see if he is still unconscious.

"Anything that happens with Miyamoto, he will inform me about it. You all know what that means? You will deal with ME."

I could detect a few guys who were gulping down their saliva. I assume that those same guys were having thoughts of toppling Miyamoto and crushing me.

"Don't forget guys. I can easily take you all at once. It took only 3 strikes to knock out the Kaburagi Tenma. I wonder how much strikes I need to achieve the same results to each one of you."

I shot down those ideas of trying to swarm me and oppress me.

"I would sure love to try it."

I looked at my fist as I cracked one of my knuckles one-handedly. Nobody responded to my threats. I was satisfied with the outcome. It is a success. I clapped once then I announced the following with a happy tone,

"The meeting is now over. You can all go into your respective clubs or home. Thank you all for electing Miyamoto Shin with your true and honest opinions. You all can rest now. From tomorrow, he is to be treated as a king. Disobedience is unacceptable, or else..."

I cut my neck in a straight horizontal line with my thumb, centimetres away from my throat. They got the message easily.


The last of the bunch finished passing through the rusty door, leaving only 3 people outside. It was finished. The act, the terror, the plan.....all was according to his calculation. I glanced at the excited Miyamoto and the slightly disappointed Ken before I leaned down to body laying down on the concrete floor.

I could not help but think, by the turns of events that happened, was all within this guy's calculation. Only Kurosawa, was out of his equation, so he could not predict someone like him. But I still can't help the words that came out of my mouth.

"Fucking shrewd opportunist."