New life

Zero: It has been six years since my birth in this world. I have done different training without letting my family get suspicious of me, all that  to prepare myself for been a Pokemon masters.


Thanks god, I remember about child education, I could play different games and do certain activities to train and develop my brain. It gave me good results as I could recover a lot of memories from my past life and it seems that my memory become so powerful that I feel that I could never forget things.

Other important thing is that my reflexes improve a lot and it became easier to trow things. It actually makes me feel that I avoid disaster as in earth, I couldn't even trow a single rock, only imaging throwing a poke ball and hit a tree or even worse a trainer made me blush due to shame.

It feels like a torture for choosing Kakashi's look as I forgot that in the anime when he was a baby his looks was like a girl according to his father.

That made my parents  chose girls clothes and even worse when I grew older, my sisters force me to continue to wear them. that was to shameful and made me have no choice but to stay at home, it would be a disaster if ash and Gary get to know me while wearing girls clothes.

Daisy: Kids, wash your hands and come to eat, the dinner is ready.

Zero: Yes mom.

Daisy: zero, Margo(zero's twin sister), your father enroll you at the Pokemon summer camp of professor oak. Tomorrow it's the first day, so you need to slept early.

Zero: Wait mom, I will not go with girl clothes.

Daisy: fufufu, what a waste, you look more beautiful than many girls. 

Margo: Yes, you look better  that way.

Zero: Moooom!!

Daisy: well, well, well, I will stop teasing you. Now all your clothes are for men, as it is time for you to go out  and make friends.

Zero: ( Feeling the warm of a lovely mother) Thanks mom, by the way, will my sisters come back this summer?

Daisy: No, they did not ask for vacation, they decide to let you have time to make friends in professor oak camp so better get many friends to not disappoint your sisters.


The next morning.

Margo: Brother, wake up!

Zero: Five more minutes.

Margo: It's late if you don't get up I will tell everybody that you like to wear girls clothes.

Zero: I'm awake, get out of my room I need to prepare myself, give me thirty minutes.

Margo: BROTHER!! at mealtime your dessert is mine. you made me run all the way home to professor oak Institute.

Zero: ok sis.

Dr. Oak: Welcome to my summer camp. in this place you  can learn about Pokemon's, interact with them and experience  having a good relationship with them.

Children: Woow!

Zero: (thinking) let's see if I can recognized some people, if I remember Ash and Gary are in this camp.

Well that girls seems be Serena, sorry Ash I'm going to get her first kiss. How cute and shy,  hope she stay the same until I travel in Kalos.

Dr. Oak: Today our activities is to know each other. The following days we will do different activities and get familiar with different essential knowledge for traveling.


Zero: Ahhhh! how frustrating, it has been more than half the summer camp and everything I'm doing is nothing but to make a clown of myself. 

In the activities I could not even lift a tent for camping, and in cooking even the blockhead of ash make a better Pokemon food.

What make things worst, in Pokemon knowledge I'm even worst than ash, and everyone laughs at me. I was totally wrong by thinking that knowing about the Pokemon's in video games and the anime I would be able to become a Pokemon master.

Furthermore, the worst thing is that I could not leave a good impression in Serena as a prospect for a first love, I try many things but it made her look at me as her brother. 

The only good thing is that became friends with Gary, Ash and Serena. 

Lastly , the problem of  the Pokemon that attack Serena made me realize that I need to train my body as I have been lazy without going out made my body a lot weaker than a normal child from this world.

It made me feel shame as I made a fool of myself and could not save her, and ash ended saving us as in the original, the only good thing is that Serena did not fall in love with him as she kiss me in my face for my try when nobody saw, because she noticed that I got depress after the Pokemon attack.

all this made me realize that I need to work hard to meet my goals and get the girls I like.