Team Rocket, did a good deed.

Throughout the days spend in the excavation, Giselle change a lot her attitude.

She no longer act spoils or cling to Zero, she also treat Misty as a true friend.

The interactions between her towards Zero, and Misty became friendly instead of treating them from a way which made her look that she stand in a superior position than them.

When Zero rescue her from the poachers, she could  finally pay attention to his other features, qualities and shortcomings and not only caring about his appearance.

All this made her think if she had ever have a feeling similar to love towards Zero, or simple a selfish aptitude of obsessiveness.

Zero, in the other hand, had the time to think about his attitude towards Misty, and Giselle as he began to consider about their feeling at a deeper level.

His conflict with Misty and the care of Giselle made him realize that he love the cheerful Misty and it pains him seeing her in a sad mood.

Regarding Giselle, he finally Concluded that he only wanted be friends with her, and even with her looks and change of attitude for better, he could only be her good friends.

His thinking about making a harem got a change of view, all that without changing his original idea. 

He only began to give priority to the feelings of the girls he already had a relationship over anything else,  and vow to make treat them well, and even if his decisions made him hurt other girls feelings, he would never hesitate.

 All that to avoid making suffering the girls he thought as his future wives.

Finally Misty was in a conflict with her emotions, she was totally confused and that make her irritated and act without thinking at her actions.

She feel shame, anguish fear and other emotions that made her hurt Zero, and when every conflict ended, she ended feeling guilty which further intensify her other negative emotion.

 All that because she began to have insecurities after the poachers kidnapped her, and even being with Zero only aggravated the situation, as she began to question herself if she deserved to be his girlfriend.

Gladly, Ash arrived at time to improve their situation with his dense aura that filters every emotion that is not related to Pokemon, which made the problems between Misty and Zero no longer get worst.

Ash: Zero, let's have a battle, this time I will be the winner.

Zero: Not now Ash, we are in an excavation site, we can damage the fossils by accident.( making an excuse because his bad mood)

Brock and Margo noticed the weird acting of Zero, Misty and Giselle and help Zero convincing Ash.

When everyone were looking for fossils, Margo and Brock got close to Zero, which surprised him greatly as he could feel that they were close to each other.

After a short talk Margo and Brock learn about the problem between Zero and Misty. 

Margo went towards Misty to talk with her and Brock began to look for fossils in other direction after talking with Zero as he saw that he need time alone.

When they were digging at random places, they could hear Ash voice screaming at someone, making everybody move towards the source of voice.

Zero was the first to arrive and got involved in the fight with team rocket.

In the fight, the Rockets were sent flying, but even with the intrusion of Zero, the attack of Pikachu still cause an explosion by hitting the bomb they place at the rock.

Zero, Got distracted after seeing Misty and the rest coming towards them, which cause him to get hit by a stone of a considerate size at his head, making him fall unconscious into the hole together with Ash.

Misty at seeing Zero get hurt; she jump into the hole towards him without even thinking about her safety. While at the  same time Giselle got rotted to the ground as she hesitated to do the same as Misty.

As for Zero's sister, she and Brock could not make it in time before the rocks cover the place were Ash,Misty and Zero Fell.

Ash: Where are we?

Misty: It looks like a cave.

When Misty and Ash were talking, Misty remember that zero got hit in the head and decide to release his chensey to take care of him.

While ash release his Charmeleon to have some light.

Many fossils Pokemon began to get near them, because of the hunger they tried to get near their prey at which ash and Misty had no other choice but to fight.

The battle intensify and some Pokemon began to get close to Zero, Chensey at her lack of attacks got into a desperate situation protecting her master. 

Because of her firm will to protect him even if she got injured 

She got wrapped in a white light.

At the other side, Misty was also having a hard time, Because, Ash got kidnapped by Aerodactyl, She was left fighting alone and had to release all her Pokemon's.

Her psyduck got defeated easily, Sindra and Feebas were fighting at the water near them while Staryu and Starmie were close to her protecting Misty.

When they were exhausted, the feelings of Misty to protect Zero got convey to her Pokemon's making them support with their strength left and her worries for her Pokemon's made Feebas evolve into Milotic.

When both Pokemon evolve by a tactic understanding; 

Milotic use whirlpool to trap all the fossils in one place and Blissey use Thunderbolt into the whirlpool causing all the Pokemon's to lose their fighting ability.

Seeing that they end the fight Misty rapidly took back her Pokemon's into their pokeball.

Before taking Blessey into her pokeball, Misty received a Pokemon eggs from her.

Having solve the danger, Misty capture a Kabuto and one Omanite before Flying with Zero  at the back of his  Charizard;

Which she had previously forgot because of her panic and only cared about the health of Zero at that time.

When they arrived at the surface and get down from Charizard's back. They were received by Jigglypuff song which made them fell asleep.

When everyone woke up, Zero found himself being hug my Misty.

Misty: How are you feeling.

Zero:(with a soft voice) I'm fine, Misty forgive me, I have thought and I was wrong, I should have take care of your feelings instead of making assumptions.

Misty: I was also wrong, I had guilt towards you, I felt that I don't deserved you, I feel insecure and thought that you will leave me because the poacher saw my breasts.

When I saw that Giselle became more intimate with you my jealous make me vent my negative emotions with you.

Sorry Zero, forgive me Giselle I cause you problems

Giselle: Misty, you don't have to apology, the reason your reaction was more intense show that your feelings for Zero are deeper than mine.

I was only grateful towards him for saving my chastity and dependant because I feel secure and that calm my anxiety.

Misty: But you wanted Zero to become your boyfriend.

Giselle: Misty, the moment when you jump towards the hole to save Zero, I hesitate. When I saw you doing that without even thinking about your security, I became aware that your feeling for him are of true love. and make me realize that I only want Zero because of his appearance.

Now I only want to became  real friends with both of you.

Misty: But I thought that Zero had feelings for you.

Zero: That is not the case Misty, I admit that I like her appearance, but I was immature and got tempted by her proposal to become my girlfriend. 

I feel ashamed as I did not consider your feelings Misty and got greedy. When we had those conflicts it gave me time to think and examine myself. I conclude  that I only want to become her friend.

Misty: But I allow you to get more girls.

Zero: Yes, but I don't want to hurt your feelings or damage girls I don't love, when I accepted Giselle, I only like her in a sexual way.  without considering our emotions.

Giselle, forgive me for thinking about you that way.

Giselle: you don't have to, I was thinking about you in a similar way.

Zero: Misty, I promise you, I won't accept a girl at which I have no feelings for her, and if you don't accept her, I will reject her.

Misty: Fine Zero, Just don't leave me.

Zero: I promise that I will take care of you.

Giselle: Congratulations Misty, Zero made you a proposal.

Misty:( Blushing) What are you talking about we are young for getting married.

Zero: I don't want you to feel insecure , and make you clear that you have a place at my heart that never will get replace by anyone. Misty I know that we are young.

Be my fiancee, I don't want to lose you to other man.

Misty began to cry and hug Zero.

Misty: I accept Zero. 

Giselle: Take care of my best friend or I will make you suffer.

Zero: I will.

At the end the relationship between the three became harmonious, and Giselle finally got a sincere friendship with Zero and Misty.