I love you!

Xu JIa Li already finished recording the theme song of Sweet Memories. Everyone was ecstatic with how well it went. She received compliments from the musical director and the rest of the team.

"Jia Li, you're getting better and better." Lan Meixu exclaimed. She hugged Xu Jia Li as the rest of the team applauded.

She smiled her sweetest and bowed, "Thank you all so much! It's all because of your hard work. Thank you!"

It was really a tiring week for her but she didn't mind the rampant call of people who wanted to boycott her work. Instead, she focused herself on her work, prioritizing what was more important.

The night she learned that Shen Linqin posted a teaser of her singing, she wanted to be angry with her. She already told her that she didn't want her to post anything as it might only fuel more rage from her haters but she didn't have the heart to scold her or be mad at her. She knew that she only did that for her.

She was even shocked to know that her fans kept fighting for her. She vowed that she'll do her best to return the love her fans had for her.

After almost five days, she was happy that the news about her had already subsided. Even fans stopped fighting in the internet. No new rumors had been posted, although the articles were still on the social media sites, things were not as intense as they were a few days ago.

'Guess Qi Xenjin knew what's still best for her.' She muttered to herself.

And since the recording was finished, she had her schedule free. She decided to stay at home and rest. She woke up feeling more refreshed than the last time. She got out of bed, stretched her hand before her eyes focused at the vase on her bedside table, full of roses.

"Don't you look so beautiful?" She had to thank Shen Linqin later for putting the roses.

She picked one of the flowers, smelled it and closed her eyes, "I always love your scent."

She smiled and walked straight to the window, opened the curtain and looked at the already sunny day. The sky was blue and everything exuded of new beginning.

She remembered that she had to prepare for the upcoming press conference of Sweet Memories on Sunday. The shooting would take place after a few days. She couldn't wait for it to commence. It had been a while since she had a movie. Her Asian Tour took so much of her time that some of the movies offered to her were declined.

She took a long relaxing bath, releasing all the stress and fatigue the past days gave her. Afterwards, she cooked herself scallion pancake and fried veggie rice. She indulged in the food as she recalled all the times her mother cooked for her.

Her mind was swept to the memories when she was still young.

'I miss you so much, mom!' She wiped the tears that escaped her eyes, 'One can never really get over the urge of missing the people we love.'

After eating and putting the plates in the dishwasher, she sat on the couch as she took the script on the table and started reading it. She immersed herself in the story, the lines felt like they were really hers. After she was done reading, she was shocked to find tears on her cheeks.

She wiped it before she stood, 'Why am I becoming so emotional?'

She went directly to her room where she saw the teddy bear given by Si Weimin.

"Don't look at me like that. You know that your dad and I can't be together." Xu Jia Li moved closer to the teddy bear which she named Blue.

She blushed when she realized that she used the term, 'dad'. She patted and caressed its head while she continued talking to it,

"Yes, don't argue. No matter how much he loves me, there are things I'd better prioritized."

She looked straight into the eyes of Blue as if the teddy bear could understand her,

"Blue, don't be stubborn, okay? Don't give me that look. Sometimes, we have to give up something to be able to get what we want."

She hugged Blue as if she was hugging Si Weimin, "I guess, I'll only love your dad from afar."

She caressed the back of the bear and felt something small and round. She furrowed her brows and wondered what it could be.

She flipped the bear and realized that there was a button, below were the words written in red letters, PUSH.

Curious, she pushed the button. She was startled when a recorded voice of Si Weimin echoed all over the room. She was flushed as she heard him say her name.

"Jia," her heart heaved up and down.

"I know things happened so quickly. It might have caught you off guard. I'm so afraid I scared you. But, Jia, I've waited for so long to finally have the chance to be with you."

Then, she heard him sigh. Her heart never throbbed so quickly. Her blood pulsated through her veins.

"Did I regret waiting? God, no, I never did. I guess, I'll never will. I will wait for you even for a lifetime.

I know I acted on impulse. Forgive me, I just couldn't stop myself when I saw you there, sitting so beautifully. I wanted to hug you instantly. And… when I saw you look at me, when our eyes met, I wanted to run so close to you, it's hard to breathe.

You just don't know the amount of self-restrain I summoned not to embarrass myself.

I hated how that Li Yun looked at you. I hated how those people demean you. I even wanted to break that perverted Zhang's neck.

God, Jia, I don't mean to force myself on you. When I kissed you, m-my heart almost burst out of my chest. I-I didn't regret it, that's what I really wanted to do ever since. But I never meant to force myself on you.

I will wait for you.

I love you, Jia."

The tears on her face fell incessantly. She buried her tear-stricken face on Blue's fluffy body. She cried so hard, her head felt like bursting.

"I'm so sorry, Weimin-ge."