Si Cosmetics

News about the audition for the new skin care product of Si International Cosmetics excited all the artists and models aspiring to bag the most coveted endorsement.

Si Cosmetic Line didn't just offer cosmetics but skin care products as well which were loved by everyone and had reached the Asian market. Japanese, Filipinos, Thais and Koreans were using Si cosmetics and beauty products on their vlogs which all gained positive feedbacks.

A famous Filipino vlogger even mentioned how great the products were which outstood the leading beauty products and cosmetics in the world.

Everyone was talking about it. It doubled the sales of Si Cosmetics by par.

The only model and endorser of the cosmetic line was Jin Ruolan, the mother of Si Weimin. She was chosen by the board of directors because of her timeless beauty.

Despite her age, she still looked as young and fresh as the younger celebrities of this time. She was indeed the embodiment of beauty that stood through time.

Her unequaled beauty was one of the reasons of the success of their beauty products.

The selection for the face of Si International had always been exclusive and was left for the board of directors to decide.

Since then, no other celebrities or artists had ever been the model of Si International Cosmetics.

That had been the reason why everyone was thrilled with the news. It had only been a day when the news broke out but it already became the talk of the town.

"I'm so glad that Si International decided to have an audition than to choose the ambassadress instantly. We don't even know if someone will do dirty tricks to be the model."

"That could be true but Si International is known for its good history and untarnished background."

"You are right! We could be really sure that it will be fair and square, knowing how great Si Weimin is."

"Indeed. Even in the previous years, Si International has always been on the top because of fairness and integrity."

Some fans even made a poll to know who among the celebrities was perfect to be the new face of Si Cosmetics.

[Who will be the new face of Si Cosmetics?

A. Feng Meixiang – Pop Princess

B. Zhou Bingbing – China's Darling

C. Chen Anru – All Star Queen of Chinese Movie

D. Xu Jia Li – Asia's Multi-Talented Queen]

"Chen Anru fits to be the Si International Cosmetics Ambassadress. She's been famous all over Asia and is now accepting Western movies."

"I bet Chen Anru will be chosen. She's the most beautiful artist and her record is untainted just like Si International."

"Aiyooo, that's so true. Our Xiao Anru is so beautiful, she deserves that."

"Hey, you two! Our Pop Princess Meixiang is the perfect model for Si Cosmetics. She has natural beauty and the most beautiful in China!"

"That's right! She's the best candidate for Si Cosmetics."

"Shut up, all of you! Xiao Bingbing deserves to be the new face of Si Cosmetics. She came from a good family and as the future miss of Si family, she should be picked."

"Aiyooo, who are you to blurt such nonsense? When did that bratty Bingbing become Si Weimin's girlfriend? That's funny! Stop dreaming!"

"These people! Stop fighting! We know for sure that our Xu Jia Li will bag that. She will slay all of your idols. Kekeke!"

The bickering of the fans continued. More and more fans joined the fight. Later on, the tags made it to the top spot in all the social media sites, including Twitter and Weibo. It reached the most talked about topic worldwide.

They couldn't wait for the result but most importantly for the audition to commence. They were all waiting for the moment to come. They all took pride to the success of their respective idols.

Only four of the leading celebrities were included in the poll which triggered the fans of the other celebrities.

Another clash among fans ensued. It gathered enough people to take part which became a trending topic in Weibo.

"Why isn't our Xenjin there? She is perfect for that. She must be the new face of Si Cosmetics."

"That poll must have been done by a stupid person. There are many others who are even better than those four."

"I agree, Qi Xenjin is young and beautiful, she deserves that, not Xu Jia Li. She'll only taint the company's reputation."

"Jing Baozhai should also be there. That poll is unfair!"

"It was an open audition so anyone shouldn't worry about it."

"We have to be sure. Si Cosmetics should be fair and choose who the best one is. We will boy cot these products!"

A particular reply even fueled the aggrieved emotions of the fans.

"You can't afford it even if you want. Why would Si International explain to you? You're all a mere fly in the garden."

Many celebrities already submitted their applications. Some were said to even secretly schedule a meeting with Wang Wei, the general marketing director of Si International Cosmetics. He was also the younger brother of Wang Guo.

Since Si Weimin asked Wang Guo to spearhead the selection for the new ambassadress and the new face of Si Cosmetics, he called Wang Wei to announce that they were open for audition.

"Wei, how's the audition going?" Wang Guo was still in Dongguan as Si Weimin returned to Beijing.

"We've received a lot of applications from celebrities and models, gege. It will be a lot of work, I might tell you."

"It doesn't matter. By that, we can choose the perfect girl for our product."

"Gege, my only concern is the former CEO, Elder Si," Wang Wei sighed before he continued, "He announced that Zhou Bingbing will be the new face of Si Cosmetics. The board of directors is there."

"Just do your job and let CEO Si handle the old master."

"Alright, gege. I'll do just that."


Si Mansion

"Finally, you decided to come and visit your old man." Elder Si sneered. He looked upset as he furrowed his brow forming a deep v under his nose. He gave off an aura of power and authority which was the eminent quality of the Si family.

He sat facing Si Weimin. He crossed his arms over his chest. He was disappointed with what Zhou Bingbing told him. Immediately, he asked one of his trusted investigators to do a background check about Xu Jia Li.

He wasn't at all happy with what he found. The report told him that Xu Jia Li was a gold digging wretched woman. It made him angrier than what he had felt when he heard Zhou Bingbing's words. His heart was heaving up and down as he remembered how this woman used his grandson, Si Weimin.

"Your brothers will arrive next week. You should be a good example to them." Elder Si emphasized on the words, 'good example'.

Si Weimin slightly raised his brow upon hearing Elder Si. He could feel that something isn't right so he asked, "Any problem, grandpa?"

"Problem? No problem at all." The sarcasm on the old man's voice could never be mistaken.

Si Weimin's suspicion even grew bigger. He decided to just remain calm. He knew him full well and getting on his bad mood wouldn't help. He viewed Elder Si highly and respected all of his words.

"Why did you call me for, grandpa?"

"I'll be direct, Weimin. I don't like the news I heard. You have responsibilities on your shoulders. I trusted you to act responsibly."

"Grandpa, I can't stop the rumors." He said coolly.

"You brute! I'm telling you to keep yourself together. You are not a Si only to be deceived and used."

Si Weimin only grunted. He had a look of disdain on his face. He didn't expect Grandpa Si to believe the rumors. It wasn't like him at all.

"You're a Si. You carry our name. I won't allow disgrace to befall our family."

"Nothing like that will happen. Stop thinking about that, grandpa. When did I ever fail you?"

"I'm only concerned. I trust you not to do stupid things, Weimin."

Without answering, Si Weimin shook his head in disbelief. He took the tea on the table and sipped, not taking his eyes away from the old man.

After a while, Elder Si broke the silence, "About the new model, make it Zhou Bingbing. She embodies the vision of the company. She's beautiful inside and out."

"I don't understand your 'fondness' with her but I don't mind it. But she has to go to the audition." He stressed on the word, fondness.

"She's a great girl. Jiayin is a great man. She belongs to a good family and we considered them our family. No one is better than her."

Si Weimin didn't respond. He looked away and gazed outside. He could see the birds flying and the flowers blooming beautifully. All of a sudden, Xu Jia Li popped into his mind. He was cut in thought as he heard Elder Si's voice.

"We will visit the Zhou family tonight. Make your schedule free."

Si Weimin's face turned dark, "Visiting the Zhous has never been my obligation." He said coldly.

"Don't be rude. It's final. You're already old to get married. I'm getting old and I want to see my great grandchildren before I die."

"No one is getting married, grandpa." Si Weimin answered with finality.