We Are a Family

After that, Xiao Xi Xi asked in a spoiled manner, "So, from now on... you won't as busy as before, right? You can spend more time with me, Mommy?" She didn't ask for a lot of time to be with her mommy, one or two hours a day would already be enough for her.

Feng Xiao Qing suddenly felt really guilty when she heard Xiao Xi Xi's question, but she was also feeling helpless. She nodded her head, agreeing to her daughter's request, "I promise... I will try to divide my times carefully, okay?" She worked hard for Xiao Xi Xi, but in the end, if she couldn't even spare her time for her... Xiao Xi Xi also wouldn't feel happy.

Xiao Xi Xi nodded happily. "En..." Then, she remembered something, "Mommy... you also don't forget to share your time with daddy, okay?"