Do You Hate My Touch?

Both of them froze when they realized what Lu Yi Feng had just implied --- the latter was talking without thinking, so those words actually came from his heart. "I... I..." He was at a loss at how to explain himself... he suddenly felt really shy.

'Does he already think of them as his family all along?' Lu Yi Feng thought to himself.

When Feng Xiao Qing heard what he said, she blushed wildly, making her snow-white face become as red as a tomato. 'Does... he really think that way?" She felt like jumping up and down along with Xiao Xi Xi due to her happiness, but she managed to calm down by pinching her own thighs.

At first, it was only to prove that this wasn't a dream! When she realized it really wasn't a dream, the pinch made her feel calmer. She needed to become sober from the intoxicating happiness and didn't let her emotions get the best of her.