He's A Prisoner Again

He can't help but sigh thinking that he's a prisoner again. Looking at himself, he is still bitter but quite happy now. At least, he has companions. It's better than being alone. He loudly sigh after looking at everyone since he is totally not familiar with the races here. It seems that there are only two other humans here. There's a middle-aged man looking blankly at the wall and there was a beautiful young lady who looks like a manefestation of trouble itself. He didn't notice the silent man before like he is one with the room, one with nature. A silent lunatic and a witch, perfect people not to be friend with. He sigh again and looked at the old orc.

"Old Drun, right? Hey, what's an orc?" he asked. everyone once again looked at him blankly. To be fair, he really doesn't know. He grew up in a military town and there's nobody who shared children story. People only shared story of human wars. Poor childhood that we can say.

"This idiot!" Old Drun kicked him and some people are laughing again. This old orc is now contemplating. They are living in this stone room for five days now and this is the first time that he interacted with the kid. He remembered that the reason why this kid was hit in the first place was because the guard wanted to test his new hammer. Idiotic and crazy reason. They believe that the kid will die after that but they were surprised when he stood up and suddenly cursing the heavens. He is now curious about the kid's identity. He can see that he is ordinary and young, at least not older than 13. He's not too tall, average at best. His face is the same as any commoner in the streets, all in all just your regular guy. But, he can feel a dignified and firmed aura from the kid. He feels like he is talking to a high ranking official in the kingdom and not to a soon-to-be slave young man.

"What's your name kid?" Old Drun asked. Nobody knows what the kid's name so they are all waiting for his answer. They are trying to guest because this young man became a huge surprise to them. He survived two attacked from the giant beast guard so they are suspecting that he is from one of those powerful fallen noble families.

With the sudden question about his name, the kid didn't know how to answer. He is absorbing information ever since he woke up but didn't really care for it.

"I don't know my name but you can call me Naga. I think... Well, for now. That's my childhood nickname anyway. And Oh, nice meeting you guys" He answered while smiling. He didn't lie since his childhood nickname is really Naga which became Demon Naga of The Great South when he grew up and received the title of a True Martial Saint.

He learned from the old orc and elf that they will be transported to the Azure Demon Empire tomorrow. They are prisoners of the Blue Flame Beast Clan, it is one of the four strongest clans in the area. Their current location is the eastern part of Serene Dark Forrest. The Blue Flame Clan is in dire need of finances right now and they are relying to their slave trade. The current clan master is dying and they need to purchase a fifth class sacred medicine from the Azure Demon Empire. If they will not be successful, they can expect that the three great clans will destroy them.