He Knows Nothing

"Wake up!" One of the guards shouted and everyone woke up since there was a powerful force within the shout. Naga's group was escorted outside the prison room. He analyzed the place, the environment they're in and the land cargo they will use in traveling. He noticed that most of the trees are tall enough to cover the sun. The trees are like warriors of darkness fighting the sunlight. He chuckled while thinking of option to escape. He looked at the guards and warriors of the beast clan. They looked tough and he was actually flabbergasted when he notice a 5-meter tiger looking beast which looks like a scholar. He doesn't know what he actually feels but he knows that this beast is cunning and dangerous. Thinking that he doesn't know anything from this world, he started not to entertain any idea of escaping for now. He doesn't know anything so after entering the land cargo, he started to focus with absorbing information coming into his mind.

The old orc and the old elf are talking about how they became prisoners and some prisoners joined in too. It is now somewhat lively inside the cargo. It's surprising that these people are quite calm right now to think that they will become slave. It seems that they already gave-in to their fate.

"Wow! I didn't think that you are so great before Old Drun! To think that a former warrior of an orc tribe and a magic blacksmith at that just became a..." The man was so excited that he almost forgot the situation they are in.

"I know. It sucks." Old Drun answered then looked at the only elf in the group.

"This man is better. He sacrificed himself so everyone can escape the tragedy of their village". Old Drun now totally respected the elf.

"Sigh. I hope that they are okay now. I am praying to the Earth Mother that my villagemen reach the Holy Forest in the west and that the Elf Queen of the area to shelter them." The elf is quite sad but hopeful.

Everyone became silent. After a few minutes, they start new discussion about random things. They talked about the known nobles of the Azure Demon and the Empire's War God Arena that can grant freedom after certain wins and fame. They are all hopeful that someday, they will be freed.

While the prisoners are having discussion, Naga is still silent and he seems to be meditating. The prisoners really feel that this kid is special. He is actually weird. He is also the youngest here. They expect him to cry and they expect him to be scared but the kid looks fine without any care.

"Kid." Old Drun called him but no response.

"Hey Naga!", "Look at me idiot!" Old Drun Shouted but still no response and the prisoners laugh. It seems that this kid is really meditating. However, is it the right time to meditate? They're thinking now that this kid is getting crazier. When suddenly Naga opens his eyes.

When they looked at his eyes. they felt special aura within. It is powerful and commanding like this kid is going to give them the mission of destruction.

"A gangster, a hoodlum huh?" Naga said while smiling faintly. The old orc and the other prisoners were flabbergasted with the sudden response.

"What gangster? Do you... do you mean bandits? Wh... who are you calling bandits?" A blond prisoner asked. Four of the prisoners are former bandits. They are in the same group before being caputured as prisoners.

The old orc, the elf and the other prisoners are looking at this man like he is an idiot. "Idiot, why are you so shy being a bandit? You will become a slave now asshole." remarked by red-haired prisoner who is also a bandit before. They all laugh after that.

Naga looked at them without any emotion and then he suddenly laugh. "Hahaha. Sorry, it's not you. By the way, do you know the Ghosthand Gang?"