Chapter 9: The meeting

After ordering Kyzdall to gather all the other Gods in his domain, Ysion proceeded in heading back as well.

It only took a little while with everyone's speed, surprisingly all the other Gods were already waiting for Ysion, as they saw him appear they all bowed respectfully.

"Welcome back Lord."(everyone)

Ysion only waved his hand and proceeded in entering his huge castle.

He was the one leading the way while the other Gods, followed behind, after walking for a bit they arrived in front of a huge golden door with strange symbols engraved in it.

As Ysion stopped while facing the big door, it slowly began to move, until it was fully opened.

Ysion was the first to enter the room followed by the angel Ovva, once inside the room the first thing you would notice is the big throne in the middle, it was made of a strange stone and was emitting golden light.

Ysion sat himself on the throne while Ovva stood next to him, the other Gods followed and entered the room, once inside they once more gave a small bow.

"I suppose you all know the reason you were called here, so that will buy us some time."

No one replied, but they gave a small nod as if showing they understand.

Ysion continued "Well I shall start by assigning you to your duties, first of Kyzdall."

Kyzdall hearing his name walked a couple of steps in front of the throne and gave a small bow before moving his head up to look at Ysion.

"Yes my Lord!"

"Kyzdall God Of War, considering your title, it is obvious that you are our main attack force, so your job will be to defend us against all kinds of threats or invaders that enter my Universe without permission."

Kyzdall feeling excited as it was his first order since he was created, he loved fighting and wars but as the Universe was peaceful there wasn't any need for him, so he was feeling quite depressed but now knowing that he can be useful to his Creator he was full with excitement no signs of fear to be seen on his face.

"As you wish my Lord!" Replied Kyzdall before taking a couple of steps back to his original place.

"Xulene Goddess Of Earth."

Hearing her name, Xulene immediately rushed in front of the throne and bowed, but her eyes were focused on one place since she entered the room, and that was Ovva who was currently standing next to Ysion on the throne, Xulene was glaring at her.

Ovva who didn't seem to mind and ignored her acting as if nothing happened, Ysion sensing the strange tension between the two coughed a bit and resumed.

"As the Goddess of Earth, you shall be our Universe main defense, with the help of Fydur God Of Wind, and Vuris Goddess Of Water, your task is to protect all lifeforms from being affected by the war."

Vuris and Fydur hearing their names being mentioned didn't dare disrespect Ysion's order and both bowed and replied at the same time.

"As you wish my Lord." both replied simultaneously

Strangely Xulene didn't reply but looked as if hesitating whether to speak or not, and that didn't go unnoticed by Ysion.

"What's the matter Xulene? Are you not satisfied with my order?" said Ysion but before Xulene could get the chance to answer Ovva unexpectedly shouted at her.


Ysion was taken aback a bit as the usual smiling Ovva was now emitting a very strong killing intent toward Xulene, who seemed more then surprised, but was now staring daggers back at Ovva while biting her lower lips as if not knowing how to answer her.

Ysion soon regained his composure and raised his hand while releasing a bit of his aura, while he only released a bit it was enough to pressure all those in the room, as they couldn't withstand it they all fell to their knees.

"I-i'm s-so sorry my Lord, I shouldn't have shouted like that, please forgive me..."(Ovva)

"F-father I-I'm sorry I did not mean to disrespect you at all, how would I dare."(Xulene)

Ysion retracted his aura and spoke to the girls.

"As long as you understand, as for you Ovva you need to learn to control yourself, all the people in this room are considered your brothers and sisters and I will not forgive anyone under any reasons to pick a fight against the other as this is the only rule I will NOT tolerate anyone breaking!"(Ysion)

"Yes my Lord." everyone replied as this was the first time they saw their master get angry, no one dared oppose him or talk back, Ysion then turned his gaze at Xulene and spoke to her.

"Speak child, what is it that you wish to tell me?."(Ysion)

Xulene seemed a bit embarrassed and quickly replied.

"I-i'm sorry if I sound selfish, b-but I wish to stay by father's side during the war, I know that father is strong and I won't be able to help much, but I would feel more at ease....please forgive my selfishness.." said Xulene while not daring to look at Ysion eyes.

Ysion was a bit surprised, but a small laugh escaped his mouth, and he gazed warmly at Xulene who looked very cute while being shy, Xulene seemed surprised, and so was the other Gods but no one dared to speak.

After a bit, Ysion stopped laughing and spoke to Xulene with a soft voice while gently smiling.

"I'm not mad at all I'm quite happy seeing you worrying about my safety but the reason I left you with Fydur and Virus to protect the planet was because among all the other Gods you are the ones responsible for keeping the balance of the mortal world, and I would add to the fact that I'm worried about you in the upcoming fight, so there is no need to worry about anything and just focus on protecting the Mortals."(Ysion)

Xulene mind froze and she was grinning while mumbling something under her breath *He is worried about me, worried about me, worried about me, Hehehe~*


"Ah...Yes! I will protect the planet with my life so please don't worry and leave it to me!" replied Xulene still grinning, Ovva who noticed that couldn't help but stare at her as if she would jump at her anytime.

"Good then I will leave it to you"

"Yes Father!" replied Xulene.

"Next, Zodohr God Of Light, and Kieyr God Of The Afterlife"

Both Gods stepped forward while bowing.

"Yes Master/Lord"

"For you Zodohr, your job will be to protect heavens domain, as for Kieyr you shall be in charge of protecting the Spirit Domain."

"Understood" They both replied quickly and returned to their places.

"Zuhnir God Of Darkness, Urnera Goddess Of Fire,"

"Yes, Master." They answered together.

"Your main job will be to help Kyzdall in the fight as you will be free to move in between the Domains and assist all those that need help."

"As you command Master!"

"Good, for now, all of you are dismissed, so you can go back to your domains until further notice but do keep in mind to be extra careful as we do not know when the enemy might strike."(Ysion)

After saying that all the Gods gave a slight bow before they all vanished completely from the room, the only one left was Ovva and Ysion, he turned his head towards her and smiled, she blushed a bit but smiled back.

"Shall we go?"(Ysion)
