Chapter 10: The Calm before the storm

POV: Xulene, Goddess Of Earth

My name is Xulene, and the one who bestowed this name upon me is my Father Ysion, from the moment I was born the first thing I laid my eyes on was my Father and creator, Ysion, it was strange as if I knew him long before my birth.

My father was a very handsome man, very

charming as well....maybe a bit too much, since the moment I opened my eyes and saw him I was already in love, yes that may seem weird as I didn't know him very well and I was just created, but it was true and very hard to explain it felt like my whole existence was to serve the man In front of me...

After I was born my father looked at me with very warm eyes, his gaze alone made my heart beat so fast, but I remained calm on the surface while keeping a small smile as well.


That was the first thing I said after being born, my Father was clearly taken back for a few seconds before coughing and continuing.

"Your name shall be Xulene, Goddess Of Earth."(Ysion)

His voice was very pleasing to the ear not too deep and not too high. At the moment Father stated my name I was overjoyed and almost jumped from happiness, but once again I refrained from doing so, but I couldn't stop myself from smiling, that was my first meeting with my Creator, Father.....and the man I love.

Like that time passed peacefully, while I was the Goddess of Earth, my main job was to maintain the balance of the planet with the help of my brothers and sisters, we all started our own religions, while my main followers were the Elves, there may be some difference between all our religions, but the one thing we Gods decided on is that in all our religions the presence of Father was absolute, the Mortals knew of Father and every race worshiped him as being the Creator of all.

Time passed and soon 500 years went by, until this point everything was pretty much easy going while I didn't get to meet Father as much as before, but I didn't dare neglect the duties that he assigned to me after all the sole purpose of us Gods is to help Father in running the Universe while protecting him, even though I doubt anything could be considered a threat in front of him.

One day Kieyr came asking for us High-Gods to gather as it was an important news he had to talk about, I was a bit surprised but none the less went to the meeting which was located in Kieyr's domain, a very creepy place if I may say so especially with all the fog surrounding it, not that I had any trouble navigating through the fog, but it was still pretty creepy, after entering Kieyr's castle, I headed straight to the meeting room, after entering I was surprised to find out I was the last one, as everyone was already here.

"You are finally here Xulene."(Kieyr)

"Yes, I'm sorry I'm late," I replied while giving a small bow to everyone in the room they all nodded their heads at me before I proceeded towards my seat.

"Now that we are all gathered here I suppose I should tell you the reason I called for this meeting."

Kieyr looked a bit uneasy as if something was troubling him, so we all waited until he finished speaking.

"As you all know I'm in charge of the judgment of all the mortal souls that die on Lord Ysion Universe and it's my job to guide them either to hell or to heaven"(Kieyr)

We all silently nodded while Kieyr continued speaking.

"Recently there has been some trouble occurring in my domain, as there have been souls disappearing, I could never track the source of the problem but I always feel the same aura, and the "thing" that this aura belongs to is clearly not from our Universe..."(Kieyr)

Everyone was still in shock trying to understand what we just heard, I mean we all thought of the possibility that our Universe is not alone, but we never had any contact with anything or anyone outside our Universe so we didn't mind, but now it was clear that we are not alone and whoever was responsible for the souls disappearing is clearly not friendly.

The whole room was quiet before it broke into commotion, everyone was talking to the others, the only one to remain calm however was the God Of War, Kyzdall, he was strangely calm and I could even see a hint of excitement in his eyes, well he always was a battle maniac so I guess it's to be expected.

"Did you inform Master?"(Urnera)

The one to speak up was Urnera, her figure was that of a little child with red hair, she was quite cute and hot-blooded as well, I turned to look at Kieyr to see if he informed Father about this matter.

"I still haven't as I called this meeting to see how are we to proceed."(Kieyr)

"What do you mean how to proceed?! Of course, we need to inform our Lord about this!"(Zodohr, God Of Light)

"Calm down Zodohr I also think we should not inform Father about this." I was the one to speak up and everyone turned to look at me Zodohr was quite angry.

"What do you mean not inform the Lord?! Do you understand what you are saying Xulene?! It's our duty to inform him about anything and EVERYTHING as we were created for the sole purpose to help our Lord."(Zodohr)

"I understand that very well and don't need you to remind me, the reason I don't want to report this is mainly because of this."(Xulene)

Zodohr looked confused, and he was not the only one, everyone quieted down to listen to what I have to say, Vuris was the only one without the confused look on her face as she probably already knew what I was about to say.

"You all know that our purpose is to serve and help Father with the management of the Universe, and since we were born this is the first time a real threat occurred, so I propose to try and find the solution by ourselves and let our Father rest, and not bother him, if not how can we say we are helping him, the minute a problem arises we head straight asking him for help."(Xulene)

Everyone in the room has different expressions, the first one to talk about this was Vuris Goddess Of Water.

"I say we take a vote on this matter as it seems not everyone has the same opinion" she spoke in a soft voice

"I also agree on the vote" replied Urnerra

"So all in favor of not informing the Lord and trying to solve the problem ourself"

I raised my hand, Vuris followed, Kieyr and Urnera as well Fydur seemed in the favor of not informing father as well, the ones against it were Zodohr God Of Light, Zuhnir God Of Darkness, and Kyzdall God Of War.

"It seems the majority is with not informing the Lord and trying to solve the problem ourself"(Kieyr)

I was very pleased with the outcome but Zodohr wasn't very pleased but agreed not to inform Father unless we couldn't solve the problem.

Time passed but the problem only escalated without us finding any new clues about the main suspect.

Ad much as I was ashamed of myself for having to call Father about this, things couldn't be delayed anymore, so we called for a meeting with Father.

We were all gathered in the room waiting for Father to arrive, sure enough, the door opened and Father came in I was so happy to see him again but ashamed as well.

After Father walked in I noticed someone walking next to him, it was a girl....and an extremely beautiful one at that, she had small cute face long silky blonde hair and a very pretty pair of green eyes, the strange thing is that she had wings....four wings coming out of her back, and as much as I hate to admit it they only served to make her look even more dazzling.....I hated her, I don't know why, but this was the first time I hated someone and it was her, she may seem very cute and friendly, but I could feel that she might take Father away from me, and I hated her for that, is this what they call jealousy? And here I am a Goddess, always found it strange when the mortals fought against each other for simple reasons like greed and jealousy, but now I understand, this woman and I cannot be friendly with each other.