Chapter 11: Azumah Twill

Somewhere, in a different Universe.

In the center of a dark room, stood a very large throne. On top of the throne sat a devilishly handsome man.

He seemed to be in his mid-twenties. He had long brown hair that reached his neck and a pair of clear brown eyes, This man was Azumah Twil.

The door to the throne room slowly opened and a man with a pair of dark wings and horns came inside, he stood in front of the large throne and kneeled.

"My Lord, all preparation has been made for you to head out."

Azumah glanced at the kneeling man and only gave a small nod, the man took that as his sign and slowly stood up and left.

Azumah however kept staring at the door for a while before slowly getting up and heading out to leave the room as well.

"I guess I should go and meet this new God Of Creation, I just hope he is truly special, or it would be just a waste of my time." Said Azumah with a smile slowly creeping on his face.

POV: God Of Creation, Ysion Domain:

I was currently in my domain together with Ovva, after the meeting with the other Gods was over I sent them all back to their Domains for the time being.

Hey, System you there?

Oh there you are, I was wondering if there was a way for me to leave my Universe?

Mind explaining how?

opened and you walking out of it, well you should be able to do it without a problem.>

Ok, let's try...

It took me quite a while to get the hang of it but eventually, I was able to do it.

All the space surrounding me started to shake, and a dark portal opened in front of me, Ovva who was standing next to me was surprised by the sudden appearance of the portal, I just gave her a small smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be back ok?"(Ysion)

Ovva hesitated for a bit but replied nonetheless.

"Yes...please be careful..."(Ovva)

I patted her head and smiled, Ovva was a bit shy but replied with a bright smile, I then walked toward the portal.

Once inside, the portal closed behind me. I was momentarily surprised by the sight in front of me.

It was the same as when I died everything was dark, except this time millions upon millions of stars were brightening the space, it was a breathtaking sight, to say the least.

As I turned to look around me I could see a sun a moon and planet far behind me in the distance,

should be quite big as from here you could only see the sun as a bright dot in this space.

I was sure that that was my Universe and that I was currently at the edge of it.

If I concentrated on a few bright dots I could actually see that those were suns and in other Universes and there were quite a few planets in each one of them.

Hey, system are there any Gods in those other Universes?

So does that mean I can enter those Universes without having to fear other gods?


Got it, well I won't be visiting any as long as this war isn't over...

As I was admiring the view and thinking about all the Universes to visit and the countless possibilities, a white dot suddenly appeared in front of me, it was so fast like a flash of lightning.

After looking at it the light slowly disappeared leaving behind one man...the man had long brown hair and a pair of brown eyes and the aura he was emitting was very strong.

I was observing the man while being fully on guard as I wasn't sure how strong he is, the man was also carefully looking at me, in his eyes was a momentary shock then happiness? I wasn't sure why but he started laughing...

"Indeed, I guess coming all the way to meet you wasn't the wrong choice."(???)

"Who are you?!"(Ysion)

"Oh, how rude of me, my name is Azumah...Azumah Twil."(Azumah)

I was shocked for a bit but quickly regained my composer, this was the Universe destroyer Azumah Twil...

"And what business does Mister Azumah have with me?"(Ysion)

"Oh, it seems you know me is that right?"(Azumah)

"Azumah Twil, The Universe Destroyer...yes, in fact, I do know you, but still there is one thing I need to confirm..."(Ysion)

"Hmm, and what would that be?"(Azumah)

"Why my Universe? I'm pretty sure it was you who was responsible for all the souls disappearing, but I still can't understand why would you choose to target my Universe as it wasn't a long time since it was created..."(Ysion)

Azumah stayed silent for a bit before smiling and talking to me.

"Well let's just say I find you....mhmm...interesting....yes interesting."(Azumah)

"Interesting...? I'm not sure I quite follow you."(Ysion)

"You will understand later on." Said Azumah before disappearing and reappearing right next to me, I was shocked...I couldn't even react to him until he was next to me, he leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

"That is if you can survive until then." He said then threw a punch at my stomach, it was so fast that I barely had any time to react, I crossed my hands to defend against the punch while trying to move away from it, but before I can get away the punch connected with my hand.


An earth-shattering explosion followed and I have pushed miles away from my current position, I can no longer feel my hands as they are both numb and I coughed out a mouthful of golden blood.

Azumah instantly appeared in front of me again.

"I will give more time to prepare, as it is pretty boring to just kill you here, so you better be ready, cause the next time I come here, there won't be any mercy, so you better not disappoint me God Of Creation."

Said Azumah and then he transformed into a flash of white light leaving the same way he came.

I was still trying to understand what just happened, I stood in the middle of the space dazed for a while before opening the portal back to my Universe.