Chapter 30: The Shadow Slayer and the Gate

POV: Laura:

I woke up in the morning, feeling the small connection between me and The Princess, it felt like a thin thread linking us both together I could feel her general location and some how I know that she is in no danger, at least not at the moment.

After getting my armor back on and making sure that my sword is tightly secured in my waist I head towards the exit of my tent.

As soon as I swung the door open, I was assaulted by the first rays of the morning sun, it was still relatively early but people can already be seen bustling around and hurrying from one place to another, which was understandable as the War with the Shadow Monsters was officially over, the Army of the Kingdoms was to head back, while some of the adventurers can be seen grouping together, some heading back to their homes probably, but some heading to the Gate as it could be seen from their general direction.

As I got out of the tent I can feel the gazes gather on me I didn't like it I can see them, some filled with admiration some with jealousy some with just curiosity and there were some with simple indifference, Nonetheless I couldn't stand it, but I made sure to not show any of that on my face while keeping a cold indifferent expression on, a small trick I picked up along the way, very useful as it keeps the unwanted people away.

I slowly made my way away from the the camp towards the Gate...

The day passed uneventfully on the road except for meeting the occasional Adventurer or merchant.

By nightfall I was already close enough that I could see the Gates huge open door, strangely though even if the night was shrouded in darkness, the gates entrance was a darker shade of black...

It felt like a one way ticket towards Zuhnir's realm, I was afraid, was I really strong enough to survive? I steeled my resolve and headed towards the ever growing town surrounding the Gate, I'd rather spend the night in a warm bed with a warm meal before heading to the gate tomorrow.

I was soon able to arrive towards the town, there was no wall surrounding it nor was there any guards there which was understandable as no Kingdom dared lay claim to the land surrounding the gate, at least not yet but strangely enough order was still being kept, I could see the Adventurers Guild huge building in the middle pf the town, some part of it were still under construction like most of the rest of the buildings in the town, but it was already open and even though it was already late at night the town was bustling with people, after a bit of touring the city I figured it's about time I head to find an Inn and rest for the night as tomorrow will be a very long day, I can still feel the connection with the princess and can tell she's in no danger at the moment but still would be better to hurry.

After asking around for a while I finally found an Inn to retire for the night, as I opened the door the bustling Inn suddenly quiet down and the familiar uncomfortable silence came, and all the gazes of the people sitting in the bar and on the table fell on me, almost all of them were adventurers so it was not strange that they recognized me, I headed towards the counter while the chatter resumed.

"I'd like a room and a meal for the night."

"That would be 5 silvers"

I frowned at the expensive price, usually Inns don't cost anywhere more then 1 silver for the night and that is including the Food and warm water, the Inn keeper seemingly reading my thoughts added.

"It's not that i'm trying to scam you Miss Shadow Slayer, who would dare, but considering the location being literally near the Gate and the high demand on the rooms you could understand no?"

My frown deepened as he used that name to call me, but I quickly hid it and tossed him the 5 silvers.

"I'll be eating here."

"Of course my lady." Said the Inn keeper while flashing me a smile.

I went towards the only empty table at the corner and sat down, a waitress soon came and took my order.

I then found myself unconsciously listening to the conversation of the table next to me, it seemed like a party of three adventurers, a bulky young man with a well trimmed yellow beard and short blond hair, a huge claymore placed next to him, probably the party's tank, a purple haired female Elven archer and a long black haired skinny human male, Magician maybe?

"Did you hear that as of yet none of the people that entered the Gate had come back?" (Black haired male)

"Don't be stupid of course they won't be back yet not even a week has passed yet." (Elven archer)

"Yes but don't you think it's weird I mean some of the most powerful people entered, including some A rank parties and even a few S-Rank adventurers."(Black haired male)

"Nobody knows for sure what happens when you enter the gate, we should be very careful when we are there tomorrow, and I mean none of your Childish quarrels unless you both want to get us killed." Said the Blond haired tank, probably the oldest one of the party from what I can see.

"Oh c'mon Alen, do I look like the type to fuck around during a mission?" Replied the Black haired male

"Haha, please tell me you are joking? With how many times I had to save your ass, do you really want me to remind you? With how frequently you go Unconscious from depleting your Mana." Said the Archer while grinning at the Magician.

"No shit, that only happened one time and who's fault do you think that was? Trying to save your ass from that horde of Shadows when you ran out of arrows, right Allen? She's the most useless one in the group right?" Said the magician while looking at the tank waiting for his reply.

"No no no no, I think you mean YOU are the most useless one right Allen?" Replied the Archer while also looking at the Tank waiting for his confirmation.

"May Ysion have mercy on me, how did I end up with both of you." Said the Tank shaking his head while sighting.

"Oh you love us and you know it Alen no use hiding it" (Magician"

"Yes, yes and because you love us soo much you are the one paying for the meal tonight yes?" (Archer)

"Of course he will Lana what are you even saying?"

The tank just smiled slightly seemingly used to the situation.

"Well I did promise if we got out of that last mission alive I'm buying you guys drinks don't know about dinner though?"

"Same thing, same thing"

"Yes, yes drinks dinner what the difference, most important is the LOVE we share!" Said the Magician while getting seemingly fired up and standing up while shouting that last part, which earned him a few strange glances from the people nearby, while I just chuckled from that silly conversation, he soon sat back down while scratching his head a shy smile on his face, while the Elven archer was too busy laughing, the tank buried his face in his hands while muttering something about not knowing the both of them.

Must be nice to have someone to share your burdens with you, I sigh while looking out at the window.


POV: Collin (Human Magician)

While we were laughing and joking around the table, I couldn't help but notice a lonely figure sitting in the corner table behind us she seemed vaguely familiar to me somehow, I whispered to my comrades.

"Hey, do you guys know who's that girl sitting behind us? I can help but have a feeling that I saw her before somewhere." As I asked that, both of Alen and Lana tilt their head to look at the table I meant, and for a second I can see both their eyes contrast by small amount.

"Collin, I mean I knew you were stupid but frankly this is too much." Said Lana while sarcastically shaking her head like she was disappointed.

"Oh fuck off, Alen what is she on about?"

"That's the famous Shadow Slayer Laura, we met her on the last battlefield the one we almost got fucked in, she's mainly the reason we survived, it's not strange you don't remember her as you fell unconscious at that time."

"Yes and I had to carry your ass back." (Lana)

"I wonder who's fault was that" (Collin)

"You guys are hopeless" said Alen while taking a gulp out of his drink.

"But don't you guys think she looks lonely?" (Collin)

"Is that love I see in your Eyes Collin?" Said Lana while smirking

"Of course not, I only have eyes for you" I said while winking at her

"Eww, disgusting spare me" replied Lana while feigning a look of disgust.

"Well you can always go invite her to join us for a drink if your that concerned about her." Said Alen with a smirk on his face

"Nah he doesn't have the balls." (Lena)

"Shutup you stupid Elve, how can you be so vulgar."

"Hahaha, Maybe because I'm spending my time with you guys." She said while shrugging

"Don't blame it on me." (Alen"

I rolled my eyes on both of them then took a big gulp downing the cup of beer I had and stood up.

"Oh someone is feeling confident" said Lana while smirking.

"Just don't come back to us crying ok?" (Alen)

"Fuck you guys"

Well here goes nothing, I pushed the chair out of the way and headed towards the table of the famous Shadow Slayer, wait shit what was her name again??