Chapter 31: Shadows

POV: Collin:

As I approached her table I found myself trying hard to recall what her name was, fuck me I really suck with names...

When I was in front of her table she turned her gaze from the window to me, her eyes were cold and indifferent, I momentarily freezed but then forcefully calmed my mind I can already imagine the smirk on Lana's face if I get intimidated and chicken out with just one look.

"Hello there, i'm Collin."

She gave a small nod of acknowledgement and said

"I'm Laura." Oh thank Ysion It's Laura I better remember it this time.

"I couldn't help but notice you hear all by yourself, and you just seemed ummm lonely?"

"Is that so..."

"Uhh, yes so I wanted to invite you to join me and my party mates at our table."

"Are you always this friendly to strangers?"

"Only to beautiful ladies such as yourself." To that she just lightly chuckled.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Hmm, Miss Laura?" She lightly smiled and then replied

"Okay, I'd like that."

"Great! Let me help you move your plates then." I said while smiling, she's not really as scary as everyone else makes her seem.

We got back to our table and I could see the shock on both Lana and Allen's faces, I guess they didn't think I'd actually succeed in bringing her, I smirked.

"The big guy over here is Allen, our tank." To which Allen recovered from his shock and smiled back lightly.

"A pleasure to meet you miss."

"And the floppy ears over there is Shalana, our Archer."

"Oy! Who you calling floppy ears." After shooting me a fake angry look she turned back to Laura and said.

"Nice To meet you, I hope our stupid magician didn't offend you with any of his stupid jokes, and please just call me Lana."

"Not at all, pleasure to meet you all." Said Laura while smiling.

Soon we were all sitting down around the table chatting and laughing, which earned us a few strange looks from the nearby Adventurers, as the mood around us was tense because most if not all people around are heading towards the Gate.

"So Laura you also heading to the Gate?" (Lana)

"What kind of stupid question is that Floppy ears why else would she be here?" (Collin)

"I'm sorry about them they are always like that." Said Allen apologetically to Laura.

"Oh it's okay I don't mind if anything it's nice to see how well they get along, and yes to reply to your question I am heading to the Gate tomorrow actually." Replied Laura while smiling.

"Really? We heading tomorrow as well actually." (Lana)

"How about it? Wanna tag along?" (Collin)

"Yes, it would be much safer to travel in group then going alone."

"Not that she needs much protection from us, more like we'll need protection from her." Said Lana

"I don't mind actually, we don't know what's inside so yes it might be safer then going alone." (Laura)

"Great! Then that's decided, cheers to our new teammate then!" I said while raising my beer cup, but then I realized that everyone is shooting me a strange gaze I look down to my already Empty Cup...


"Hahaha, Sister another cup please!" Shouted Allen

"Coming right up!"

And just like that we passed our last night before going to the Gate.


In a dark room on another Universe was a big round table, around said table sat a few shadowy Figures talking, it seemed as if there was a vague shadow barrier preventing anyone from recognizing their faces.

"Is everything going according to schedule?" Said one of figures sitting in the middle.

"Yes, we have been trying to keep his interaction with the system to a bare minimum, the system spirit is also currently unable to communicate with him nor is it able to send any messages." Replied another person.

"Good, good where is Azumah? How come I don't see him?"

"He umm, said that he will not be participating in this meeting as he have more umm fun stuff to do..."

"...." silence overtook the whole table before a burst of commotion started up with everyone loudly arguing.

"How outrageous! How dare he disregard the summoning of the Shadows!"

"Indeed! This has gone too far! Fun?! What fun could that possibly be!"

"We know he's one of the strongest in the organization but even he needs to Abide by the rules!"

"SILENCE!" Shouted the figure in the middle.

"None of you knows how much he has contributed to the Shadows, and none of you have the right to question his decisions, some of you may have forgotten the terrors he can bring to his Enemies as he have been on your side for far too long, and while you were all hiding he was one of the few still fighting outside of the Shadows, even as we speak his 'fun' you are mocking is him destroying a few Universes, and if he so deems you or your Universe as unworthy for our cause, do not be mistaken as nobody can save you other then the Shadow himself, and I think you all know he won't be bothered if a few Universes were destroyed as there always more waiting to join." Silence reigned over the room for a while before the other figures started talking

"I apologize for my hasty words, I hope you did not take offense."

"I apologize as well, It seems I'm getting too old for this war, and I got a bit too restless, but you can not blame us this Azumah you are talking about we all heard about his various achievements and his strength, but this same Azumah that is so much prized in his strength almost died to a newly born God, it just seems outrageous."

"I understand your concerns and can assure you that Azumah is as strong as the rumors are if not stronger, you can be my guest and go test that as you know if you can defeat him you can take his place." Said the figure in the middle in mocking tone

"Of course not how would I dare..."

"Enough, I guess there is no harm in telling you people the newly born God is not just any normal God, he is a Creation God..." gasps could be heard around the room before it fell into momentarily silence erupting then into a stream of shouting, and loud arguing.

"A G-god of Creation?? But that should be impossible!"

"I though none were left."

"None SHOULD be left..."


In a different Universe, Ysion was floating outside of the Mortals planet atmosphere keeping an on the whole planet and the Mortals, when suddenly a shiver ran down his spine he then turned his gaze towards the darkness beyond his Universe's borders.

"I'm not sure why, but I have a very bad feeling..."

He then disappeared from his place teleporting back to his Domain.