Chapter 46: Ascension.

As Ysion slowly reached the ground, the bright light surrounding him faded as his figure was made visible towards the thousands of dragons present.

Gasps could be heard coming from the crowd present as Ondan huge figure transformed to leave behind a Middle age man with a silvery long hair pulled back and an equally white well trimmed beard.

He gazed at his father and slowly fell into one knee as his head was facing the ground, all the dragons present were on their humanoid forms, but this was the first time for all of them to see Ondan's, they were all shocked as they proceeded to kowtow.

The two people in front of them were legendary figures most would not get to see in their whole lifetime but here they stood, this made the blood of everyone present burn with excitement. Their God has come to visit them, this only served to grow the idea that they were God's chosen race in their minds.

Ysion glanced at the thousand kowtowing figures surrounding him, then back at the giant statues in the temple admiring the beauty of everything. The Dragons really were far ahead of the other mortal races none of the other races could compare to them.

His gaze finally settled upon Ondan. Smiling gently he spoke "Rise my child."

Ondan slowly raised his head to look at his father before fully rising, his hands were locked behind his back as he stood straight as an arrow trying to pierce the sky.

Ysion looked at him and nodded in approval, "You have done very well, i'm proud of you!"

Ondan body shuddered at the praise as pride welled up in his chest he stood even straighter then before "Such praise is wasted on me father!"

Their conversation was heard by all the dragons present, everyone had extremely sensitive senses and it was dead silent so it was not difficult to hear.

When Ysion praised Ondan all the dragons felt pride as if they were the ones being praised as they grew excited.

Ysion turned his gaze towards the crowd and spoke in an authoritative voice "Rise!"

Everyone felt a gentle wind pulling them to their feet, as they finally got to have a good look at their god, most of the female dragons started blushing as they could not keep looking at him without shying away and hiding their faces, the males however looked at him with admiration and respect, some few gazes however contained a hint of lust...

"You have all done very well in the past war and I'm proud of each and everyone of you!" Excitement ran through all those present as they stood straight, proud with their chest puffed and their chins held high.

He nodded his gaze wondering over them one by one before speaking in a loud majestic voice "The past war in the Mortal realm was won mainly thanks to your efforts, and i'm sure most of you have been wondering as to why no Dragon was chosen to be giving a wish granted to them considering your contribution."

No one dared to reply but all of them solemnly nodded, they were the mighty Dragons they alone defended their Continent and proceeded by helping the other races defending theirs.

If there was any race more worthy of their God's favor it had to be them, so when the news of their God descending upon the Mortals and choosing the winners of the other races but not one of the Dragon race they were confused, angry has their God not seen their efforts? They fought the best out of any! They flew from one battlefield after the other massacring Shadows after Shadows! So why?

"Worry not my children as your contribution has not went by unnoticed. Today I have come to deliver you your reward! Rejoice for today the Dragon race is no longer considered one of the Mortals! Today you Join the ranks of the Immortals! Today, I Ysion God Of Creation announce this as the ascendence day!"

By the time he finished his speech the crowd went crazy as they threw their fists in the air and roared all together! United their voice so loud that it covered the entire continent!

Ondan, felt tears trying to force themselves out of his eyes, as he threw his head back and roared!

Ysion looked at everyone and smiled he slowly floated above everyone in the air amidst their shouting as he raised his hands up willing the ground itself to rise with him.

Everyone quieted down as the earth started to shake underneath their feet, they looked in shock as the continent itself started to rise!


On the Onduin continent, humans in their Kingdoms and the Elves in theirs raised their heads as a giant floating mass of land was seen rising in the very distance, most people dropped to their knees in worship praising their Gods as other stood in shock and the sheer size of the land mass.

It slowly floated in the air moving further and further away from, as it reached the sky becoming nothing but a small dot in the distance before disappearing completely.

Most people doubted what they saw, as rumors about the mysterious continent grew. Kingdoms and churches were in unrest, the Gods did not say anything about the phenomena, priests grew desperate as their Gods did not reply to them no matter how much they called, it was then that most remembered the last Prophecy their Gods gave them before disappearing "It shall be on the day that legends becomes history and Gods nothing but Mystery, that the silver haired one will bring an end to the stagnation wether it's for good or worse."

No one really understood the meaning of the prophecy, but with the disappearance of the Gods and the mysterious continent floating away unrest quickly spread through the population as people flooded the churches praying to the gods and asking them not to abandon them.

This was the day that went down in the history books as The start of the fall, this was the day that the Mortals lost contact with their Gods.