Chapter 47: The Boss?

On a dark cave the figure of a young girl was collapsed on the floor, she was unconscious but was still clutching her head with both hands, this was Laura.

Her eyes shuddered a bit before she struggled to open them, she could feel the Angel blood inside of her body struggling to keep the purple Mana in bay.

With a gaze full of determination she pushed her self up on her feet a wave of tiredness and sleepiness assaulted her as she struggled to find her footing, swinging from side to side before reaching the cave walls.

*huff, huff..*

The low sound of breathing was the only thing that could heard in the darkness, she slapped her face the pain jolting her awake for a second, using the wall as support she moved her right leg then left slowly but surely making her way deeper in the cave.

The shadowy illusion soon came again, this time more persistent. They kept tempting her, showing her everything she ever wanted they showed her thing she didn't even think she did.

She tried averting her gaze from it, but it never worked they never went away, never left her alone.

She lightly muttered to herself trying to think positive "Thank Ysion they aren't attacking..." lightly chuckling at her own miserable situation.

Why did she have to save the princess? Why risk herself? Why? They were both blessed by Ysion so why does she have to go? Would that princess have come to save her if she was stuck?

Her eyes slowly started turning red as her mind was filled with such thoughts, when it seemed like she was starting to loose herself a pair of giant white wings spurted from her back, her eyes that were turning red changed back to their original holy yellow as her hair equally white as her wings quickly grew to reach her back, her back straightened as she seemed more graceful and refined as she stood there, her eyes however were hollow as if they seemed void of life.

She then resumed her walking this time seemingly unbothered by anything, even the strange mana that was before eager to float towards her now avoided her like plague.

With every step she took strands of purple mana invisible to mortal eye floated out of her body, the cave that was as dark as Zuhnir's realm brightened with her presence.

After a few minutes she reached an area where the cave expanded becoming even wider, at the end of it stood a giant door, on it a purple sleeping Dragon was carved at both sides of the door, the drawing was extremely lifelike with each scale drawn in an incredible detail.

"This is the farthest I can take you child, from now you are on your own." Laura spoke in a charming holy voice before her wings faded away, her hair turning back to normal and the blank look on her eyes was replaced by one of confusion.

She blinked a few times in succession "What happened? The last thing I remember is me struggling to continue walking before everything went dark..."

She shook her head "Now is not the time to think about that, where am I?" Looking at the giant majestic door in front of her, a bad feeling started to well up in her stomach.

She averted her gaze to look at the area she was in, it was similar to a giant empty hall in the middle of the floor what seemed to be a teleportation circle was drawn.

Cautiously approaching the circle, she drew her sword as she reached it and slowly moved a foot on top of it.


As soon as she did the giant circle lit up causing the entire cave to shake violently, she quickly removed her leg and retreated a few steps back her sword drawn in front of her giving her a sense of safety.

The circle kept glowing brighter and brighter, eventually becoming so bright Laura had to shield her eyes from it, the cave rumbled so loudly as dust fell from the sealing. Her heart now in her throat as she gulped loudly awaiting what could possibly be her demise.

Soon the glowing came to a stop as the bright light slowly faded away, her heart thumbing in her chest like crazy as the silhouette of three figures was seen.

Her mouth opened wide in shock as the collapsed figures of her party members were on the floor, she rushed towards them checking for their pulse. They all looked to be peacefully sleeping, the first to wake up was Collin the mage as his eyes twitched then opened as he stared at the sealing before jumping in panic to his feet.

Laura watched in amusement, as the mage looked confuse at his sleeping companions before his gaze fell on Laura's, her eyes hardened as the invisible purple mana was forced out of their bodies before floating towards the giant door eventually disappearing completely.

Collin rushed to her and held her by the shoulders "Laura?? That's you right? I'm not dreaming? We are alive??"

She was shocked as he kept shaking her before chuckling and replying "Yes, we are safe for now."

He held his head with both hands and collapsed on the floor laughing "AHAHAHA WE MADE IT!! NO YOU MADE IT YOU SAVED US!! THANK YOU! REALLY THANK YOU!!"

A grunt escaped from Allen's voice as he stirred awake "Why in the name of Ysion are you so loud, God my head hurts."

Collin turned back to face him and grinned "Wake up you giant idiot!! Laura saved us!"

That seemed to jolt him awake as he shot on his feat his shield instinctively held in defensive position as his right hand held the giant claymore ready to attack.

Collin stood there looking at him all the while grinning as he waited for him to finish inspecting their surroundings, after a while Collin turned to face them "What happened?"

Laura smiled and spoke "Let's wake Lana up first."

"Allow me to do that" said Collin as he smiled maliciously rubbing as hands as he walked towards the sleeping Lana.

Laura shot Allen a glance while pointing at Collin "Should we stop him?" Allen just shrugged his shoulders.

Soon the sound of slapping echoed followed by the scream of Lana...