Chapter 48: The fight


The sound of a slap echoed through the now quiet hall as Collin held his red cheek with one hand sulking, following him an angry Lana shot him a death stare as she gotten up equipping her bow in her hand.

Her eyes soon fell on Allen then Laura and they soon lit up in joy as she ran to her and hugged her.

"Thank you Laura, you really are amazing! I didn't even remember how I fell asleep!"

Collin looked at her and rolled his eyes before speaking "*cough* ya and I had to carry your ass *cough*"

She turned around and pulled her bow at him as a red arrow manifested "Say ONE more word! Is that how you are supposed to wake people up?!" He held his hands high in defeat as he forced a smile on his face "Haha~"

Shacking his head Allen patted Lana's shoulder, with a Hmph she withdrew the bow making the arrow disappear "So i'm guessing the only way is past that door..."

Laura looked at her and solemnly nodded as she looked at the huge omnious looking gate, Collin loudly gulped "Do we really have to go?"

The team turned to look back at Laura who they all subconsciously now considered as their leader. She took a deep breath calming her mind as she stared back at them before speaking "We keep it simple, Allen our tank try and get the attention of whatever is in there i'll deal with the close range damage while Collin and Lana support us from behind."

Nodding Collin proceeded to cast enhancing spells on their equipment, this time with the help of his staff he was able to enhance all weapons without wasting too much of his Mana.

The preparation didn't take long, as the team was soon standing in front of the giant doors. Allen was the first to walk close to it before he gently moved his right hand over it.


The loud screeching sound of the door opening interrupted the silence as the party held their breath in anticipation of what's to come. Dust fell as the door opened fully revealing nothing but pure darkness.

They looked at each other for confirmation before Allen slowly stepped forward shield first cautiously followed by Laura, Collin and Lana with her bow already drawn.

Taking a few steps inside the hall area lighted as giant statues of Knights to each sides of the walls held what seemed to be bowls, inside each bowl a danced a small purple flame.

They seemed to be in a throne room as at the end of the long hall was an empty stone throne. The entire place seemed to be built for giants and not humans, the statues was each at least thirty meters long while the throne itself was the same if not bigger.

It was eerily quiet as they slowly walked towards the empty throne, once they made it to the middle of the hall the giant door behind them closed with a bang!

"Well that doesn't look good." Said Collin with a light chuckle, Lana nervously laughed at his remark keeping her bow string fully drawn.

Before they could anything Laura shouted "ABOVE US!" Jumping away from her place as she pushed both Lana and Collin of the way, Allen jumped to the other side in the nick of time dodging a Giant purple claw.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" Screamed Lana as she released a red arrow at the now clear figure of a Dragon.

It's height was at least 40 meters making the group look like ants next to it, it's scales were dark and smooth but his eyes seemed to contain fire as a purple flame danced in his socket.


A loud roar that shacked the very souls of the team came from his giant mouth as his eyes leisurely scanned them with seemingly no interest.

Collin shouted at Allen as they could not see him the giant dragon standing between them "ALLEN YOU OKAY?"

Allen's voice came from the other "YES! I'll TRY AND GET HIS ATTENTION!" A loud clank sound came followed by an enraged roar from the dragon as he swiped his claw as if to squat a bug at Allen turning his back towards the rest.

The strike was too fast considering the huge size of the dragon as it collided with Allen's shield and made him soar in the air towards one of the statues Knocking the air out of his lungs.

Laura dashed towards the now unguarded back of the dragon and leaped on, Lana ran to his left side shooting arrow after arrow as Collin ran to his right shooting one fire ball after the other at the dragon, preventing him from following the now knocked down Allen.

The dragon roared in anger at the puny humans who dared try and hurt him as he didn't seem to mind the volley of arrows and fire balls shot at him simply shrugging them off, they barely made a few scratches on his smooth black scales.



The dragon turned his attention towards the mage oblivious to the small human scaling his back.

Looking at the dragon coming after him Collin changed direction as he ran towards the door screaming "WHY ME YOU GIANT SHIT GO FOR LANA! FUCK!"

Lana followed behind trying to get a clear shot at his eyes, Allen seemed to be unconscious as he laid limply at the foot of the statue.

Closing in on Collin the dragon raised his claw to squish him before Laura who now reached his neck jumped and stabbed her sword on top of his head.

The sword struck the dragons head but did not go too deep as the Dragon missed Collin and roared even louder making the whole hall shake and causing Laura to fly off his head as a purple shockwave seemed to emit from his body.

Helping Laura up Collin cursed as the dragon started to emit a purple glow "Well shit now he's pissed..."

Allen who was unconscious groaned as he stirred awake, tiredly grabbed his giant shield and used his claymore as a stick to help him stand up as he took a deep breath and looked at the now glowing dragon before he slowly started running towards his party members a defeated sigh escaped his lips "Why did I choose to be a tank..."