Chapter 49: The fight II


A loud enraged roar shacked the entire throne room as small rubble and sand started falling from the walls, the Dragon was now glowing purple his massive size rapidly shrinking from it's 40 meters height to a mere ten meters.

By the time his transformation finished the party had already regrouped with Allen standing in the front with a defeated expression on his face.

He looked back at his companions "I couldn't resist his hit when he was normal I doubt I would be able to resist now!"

Without wasting any time Collin raised his giant staff high up and started chanting as it glowed bright white causing Allen to be surrounded by an equally similar white color.

"That's the best I can do!"

Laura took her stance as the dragon turned his gaze towards them "HEADS UP HERE HE COME!"

"SHIT!" Allen moved dashed forward to intercept the dragon as he ran towards them not paying him head, he casually threw a strike with his claw to which Allen moved his shield to intercept this time successfully only being pushed back a few steps with a loud grunt.

The dragon looked surprised at the human that didn't get send flying as he imagined he would, he roared at him this time his neck started glowing red.

"LANA AIM AT HIS EYES HIS EYES!!" Collin shouted as he summoned a blinding orange orb sending it flying towards the dragon.


Not missing a second Lana shot two arrows consecutively aimed towards the dragon, as he saw the ball of light flying towards him blinding him for a second and causing him to miss his shot as pure red flames erupted from his mouth.

Allen safely retreated back just in time as the two arrows found their target, one penetrating the left eye of the dragon while the other missed.


Assaulted by the sudden pain in his left eye, the dragon started trashing around as the party retreated. His now only eye locked on the retreating figure of Allen as he leaped in the air jaw open in an attempt to grab him.

Laura not staying Idle dashed forward and stabbed her sword in the ground with a shout causing a giant wall of ice to rise. The dragon not having enough time to dodge crashed straight into it with a bang causing the wall to crumble.

As his figure started to rise from the rubble with a howl, a wave of arrow after arrow shot at him aiming at his now only eye causing him to protect it with one claw.

Seing the opportunity Allen and Laura dashed forward, Laura leaping inhumanely high in the air sword raised as she brought it down on his head. The dragon however had apparently saw her coming and blocked it with his other claw, before he could continue with his attack a stab to his back jolted him as the pain from Allen's giant claymore assaulted him.

Using his long tail he swashed the tank of his back sending him tumbling away before he could continue with his attack another fire ball soared through the air to hit his now unprotected back.

Seizing the opportunity as the dragon was now enraged, Laura ran towards his chest sliding on the ground as she teared his flesh appart causing another roar of pain this time sounding pitiful.

As she stood up a tail shot at her with incredible speed her eyes were able to see it coming but her body was not fast enough to dodge causing her to be sent tumbling in the air and crashing away from them.

The dragon now more then enraged had his eye turn pure red, he gazed at Lana and Collin who were standing far away from him Lana shooting arrow after arrow while Collin seemed to be concentrating his hand on his staff.

Two pairs of giant purple wings unruffled as the dragon jumped in the air for the first time in the fight. "CAREFUL HE IS COMING FOR YOU!!" Shouted Allen as he dashed towards the unprotected mage and archer.

The dragon was too fast reached them first as he nose dived towards them, Lana grabbed Collin by the neck and pushed him off the way as he had his eyes closed in concentration barely dodging.

Not giving them anytime to rest he continued his assault as he dashed towards them mouth wide open, Allen reached just in time as he slapped the dragon's jaw away with his shield followed by a slash of his claymore, the beast too fast dodged the hit and launched himself at his sword wielding arm.

Lana and Collin screamed as the dragon ripped the tank's entire arm away "ALLEN!!"

With a loud grunt he used his shield arm to hit the dragon away causing him to back away "I'm okay!"

The dragon now seemed to grin maliciously at him as blood flowed from between his teeth before he spew Allen's giant claymore from his mouth.

"This fucker."

Collin dashed towards Allen and summoned a small fire to seal the wound and stop it from bleeding, Lana continued to shoot arrows trying to take the beast's eye causing him to retreat while roaring.

It was then that a small figure jumped from his back sword tip raised high in the sky as she brought it down on his head as if passing down her judgment. The sword this time stabbed even deeper successfully penetrating his brain causing the beast to slump down listlessly with a thud.

Allen walked slowly towards the dead corpse as Laura removed her sword, he approached it carefully and then kicked it's head "That's what you get for eating my arm you fucking shit!"

Lana exhausted collapsed on her place as she stared at the sealing, Collin walked towards the duo standing near the corpse as he solemnly stared at Allen's empty right hand.

"Well fuck..."

Wiping the blood of her sword Laura then put it in back to it's sheath, she walked to Allen before speaking.

"Let me see that I think I can help..."