Chapter 76: The first disciple

Outside of the illusion Josse was in, Ysion, Kyzdall, and even Ondan were carefully watching over her as she utilized the powers of the axe to split the sea of monsters in half.

Kyzdall was the most excited one of the bunch as he couldn't stop himself from grinning, Ondan pretended to be uninterested but still kept a close watch over Josse, Ysion smiled lightly as he looked back at the excited God of war.

'He must be excited giving that she is the first person that caught his eyes, and wanted to be his disciple.'

As the trio sat there around the unconscious Josse and her little brother who still held her close not wanting to let go, it was then that her body visibly shuddered, causing Roland to jerk back as he shouted.

"Josse!? Can you hear me?!"

Her eyes trembled as they suddenly opened, a hint of red quickly passed over them, going unnoticed by Roland but the group of Deities that surrounded them were all able to clearly see it, making Kyzdall let out a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha! Finally!" he shouted in excitement startling the poor mortal boy.

"R-Roland? Ah, so I died..." Still not fully awake, Josse was confused as she looked at her brother who held her in his arms with teary eyes.

It was Kyzdall's laugh that shook her awake as she jumped up, looking around her she found herself still in that same familiar forest, there was no mountain in sight, no desert to her right no ice land to her left no monsters wanted to devour her, and most importantly her little brother was safe and sound next to her.

Pulling him into a hug, Josse's eyes damped as she tightly hugged her little brother, Roland was also unable to contain his emotions seeing that his sister was safe also started to cry.

Giving them a moment for themselves, Ondan stood up, gave a bow to Ysion who nodded before he walked back towards the small cabin. Kyzdall was still unable to contain his mad grin as he turned to look at Ysion before giving him a deep bow.

"I ask for your blessings, my lord!"

Smiling, Ysion nodded in reply before he motioned with his head towards the siblings who stood there in front of them, their eyes were still red from crying yet they stood as straight as an arrow.

"Good, Good, you did not disappoint me little one!" Spoke Kyzdall in an extremely satisfied tone.

"I am unworthy of your praise my God!" Humbly replied Josse, her back, however, was straight as she could not help but be unable to hide the pride that she felt welling inside of her.

"Good! Good!" extremely satisfied, Kyzdall walked closer towards eventually stopping right in front of her.

"Do you accept me as your master, little one?" Calmly asked Kyzdall, his entire demeanor changing as he spoke with pride and dignity befitting that of a God.

Gulping down, Josse took a deep breath as she strengthened her resolve before raising her head to look up to Kyzdall who towered over her.

"Yes I do my God!"

"Then kneel and pay your respects to me your master, and to the supreme God of creation Lord Ysion!" Seriously replied Kyzdall as he looked down on Josse.

Hearing what he said, Josse dropped to her knees and kowtowed three times to Kyzdall before turning towards Ysion who calmly watched the entire ordeal with a smile and kowtow another three times, paying her respects to her now Master and Master's Lord and creator.

Seeing that the ceremony was over, Kyzdall's brows relaxed as a wide smile took over his face.

"From now on you are the first disciple of I, Kyzdall the God of War!"

Hearing that, Josse's heart beat wildly in her chest as a feeling of pride, and happiness she had never felt before weld up inside of her.

"Yes, Master!" She replied with enthusiasm.

Standing up, Ysion who had stayed quiet this entire time walked towards Josse, Kyzdall just quietly moved back behind him with his head bowed down respectfully.

Seeing her master being so respectful made Josse panic as she hurriedly bowed her head as well not daring to raise it or look at Ysion directly. Soon Ysion's voice broke through the silence as he spoke.

"Since you are Kyzdall's first disciple, you are technically considered my own indirect disciple as well, this can be considered as the will of fate." Said Ysion as he moved his finger and lightly tapped Josse's forehead.

As he removed his finger, her body suddenly began to glow a familiar golden color as it surrounded her, the light was too bright that it caused Roland who was standing by the side to shield himself.

Kyzdall, who stood behind Ysion could feel the holy mana coming from the light, as it reconstructed Josse's entire body, strengthening it past its mortal shackles as all of her pores opened up making her able to easily use mana.

"No matter how many times I see it, my lord's control over mana is truly miraculous." spoke Kyzdall in awe, as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

The door to the wooden cabin also opened as Ondan walked out to witness the miracle of a mortal girl shedding her old skin behind and breaking through her shackles as she moved past the realm of mortals and stepped into that of deities.

As the light subdued, an entirely different Josse was seen. It looked as if she had been reborn, her skin as smooth as a pearl, and as white as snow. Her entire body seemed to exude a feeling of elegance, she truly became an otherworldly beauty, one untainted by the impurities of the mortal realm.

Roland was the most shocked one in the group, he had known his sister all his life but now, as she stood there in front of him he found himself question if she really was still the sister he once knew?

"This could be considered as my gift for you. Work hard child and do not disappoint me." Kindly smiled Ysion as he spoke.

Feeling the miraculous changes to her body, Josse quickly Dropped down to her knees and kowtowed once more.

"Thank you, my God! I will work hard to not disappoint you!"