Chapter 77: The promise

In the middle of a strangely quiet forest, three gods, one mortal and one who was neither moral not Immortal we're gathered around a small wooden cabin.

"My lord, should we continue on our way since you are feeling better now?" Asked Ondan, his eyes looking at Ysion with deep respect.

"I suppose there is nothing else really holding me to this world." Replied Ysion as he rubbed his chin deep in thought.

Kyzdall seemed to want to say something, yet forced himself to remain quiet, that of course did not go unnoticed by Ysion.

"What is it Kyzdall, speak what's on your mind."

"Ah, my lord...It's about my disciple." Said Kyzdall his expression a little strange, hearing the talk shift to her made Josse a little flustered as she lowered her head, her little brother on the other hand still clung tightly next to her, not caring about anything that's going on around him.

"Oh? What about little Josse?" Asked Ysion, he already had a general idea about what Kyzdall wanted to ask from him yet he still asked.

"I do not think she is ready yet to join us in our journey, my lord."

Hearing what Kyzdall said made Josse's heart start beating wildly in her chest, she wanted to speak up and say that she won't get in their way, that she would be useful, but she found herself unable to. Just moments ago she was nothing but a mere she doesn't even know what she is! She still has no control, nor knowledge about her current body and strength, as much as she tried to not admit it, it was clear that she would only drag them down.

"And what do you want to do with her then, leave her here?" Curiously asked Ysion, his question making Josse shudder as she lowered her head even further.

"No my lord! She is my first disciple, and I would like to train her before we continue further." pleaded Kyzdall, as he kneeled in front of Ysion. Seeing that her master was pleading for her, Josse was thrilled, she quickly moved next to her master and kowtowed towards Ysion, her little brother seeing the situation quickly dropped down to his knees as well.

"Hmph! How selfish of you! You want to delay the lord's journey just so you could train your little disciple!" Rebuked Ondan, as he spoke with a voice full of disdain. Kyzdall did not speak as he remained silent awaiting Ysion to give his order.

He did not want to leave the little girl in this place, she was a rare diamond in the rough! He could already see the bright future she has ahead of her! And he wanted to guide such talent through it!

Kyzdall had never taken fancy in taking any disciples, but the young girl was different!

Holding his hand up to quiet down Ondan, Ysion then spoke. "How long do you need?"

"Eh?" Unable to reply straight away, Kyzdall was confused.

"I said how long do you need to train the little one?" Asked Ysion.

"Four, no! Three years my lord!" excitedly replied Kyzdall, for them God's three years was truly nothing but the blink of an eye.

"Alright then, I will give you three years. By then little Josse should prove herself worthy to join us by taking down this world's so-called Gods." Added Ysion with a grin on his face.

Hearing that made Kyzdall even more excited as he replied.

"Yes, my lord! It would be a feat worthy of the first disciple of the God of War! You can rest assured, in three years' time, she will surely bring them to their knees for you my lord!"

"Good!" Giving a simple reply and nod of approval, Ysion then slowly walked back to the wooden cabin.

Josse on the other hand was in shock, her mind went blank as she could not believe what she had just heard. Her? Take down the Gods!? And in nothing but three years!? How was that even possible!

Before she could say anything, Kyzdall quickly walked over to her and swiped her off to he feet, he then proceeded to drag her after him deeper inside the forest with a wicked grin on his face.

Seeing his sister being dragged away, Roland quickly came to his senses as he ran after them screaming his sister's name. Watching the entire ordeal unfold, Ondan quietly sighed as he shook his head and went to stand guard next to the wooden cabin's door.


"We need to retreat my king!" shouted a knight on horseback as he swiftly decapitated a zombie that was rushing over towards him from the side.

His king was taking the lead in the attack against the abominations, completely throwing himself to the slaughter, clicking his tongue the knight shouted towards his companions.

"Hold formation! Protect his majesty!"

From above, it could be seen that the squad of barely two hundred cavalrymen pierce through a sea of undead monsters. The plain was covered in blood and limbs of monsters and people alike, the scene was akin to that of hell itself!

As the squad finally managed to pierce through, the King leading his soldiers in retreat away from the forest. Once they were in a safe distance away, they stopped.

"Set camp here, we will move when the men have rested." Said the old king to his personal knight who quickly relayed his orders.

As he did, the knight turned to look at his king who did not get down from his horse but continued to gaze in the direction of the Golden Gate City with a look full of sadness and longing.

Ever since his daughter, the princess left for the Golden Gate, no news has been heard from her. It's been years, yet the king never lost hope, to keep his mind occupied, the old King rejoined the battlefield leading his men in the first lines as he threw himself from one fight to another, and with the emergence of the new Death Mage, there was no shortage of battlefields.

Approaching the king, the knight gave a bow before he spoke. "My King, with all due respect you should take better care of yourself! Let us protect you! If the princess was alive, she would have not wanted this!"

Turning to glare at the knight, the king coldly spoke. "Robert, you have accompanied me for all these years, but I will not forgive you speaking of Ariel as if she had died! She isn't! She can't be! You know why? Because she has lord Ysion's blessing!" Shouted the King, his daughter was not dead, she can't be...