Chapter 78: Gods & Mortals

Back in Ysion's universe, the death mage Maval's army of undead had completely taken over the area surrounding the Ereviel Kingdom, the forest was their main headquarters while the area where the Kingdom once stood held countless skeletons and zombies who stood there forming the first line of defense.

In order to stand against the evil death mage, Kings and Queens from all around the continent had come over together to form the council of man, it's sole duty was to vanquish the heretic.

Ever since it's creation, countless attacks have been launched against the undead army, all, however, ended up in complete defeat for the council, while the undead's numbers continued to rise. The situation was looking grim, the army of death did not leave it's surrounding area, with the evil mage Maval still not showing her face.

The force of the undead was like a looming sword on the necks of all those in the continent, they may have yet to attack any other kingdom, but no one knew when they would make their move, that's what made everyone even more nervous.

Countless people, across the continent, prayed for salvation, prayed for a miracle, prayed for their Gods to come down and help them, prayed for the famed Immortal Army to sweep down from the sky and defeat the harbinger of death.

It mattered not how long they prayed, for their gods did not respond. Countless people migrated from their homes to the City of God, where they still held hope that the Immortal pope Tamiel would save them.

It did not take long before the city was at full capacity, that did not stop people from moving in though. Most of them moved in to feel closer to their God as they erected tents outside of the city walls constantly praying for salvation, others simply moved in for protection, being the only city with an actual living Immortal brought a sense of security and comfort to them.

In the middle of the City of God, inside the cathedral like building, another meeting was being held, the only difference was that the pope was not attending it, while the head of the adventurers guild was.

The mood around the table was tense, the sound of conversation could be heard as the numerous figures sitting talked with each other.

"I heard that King Leon lost."

"Yes, he was supposed to only go scouting! Why did he personally lead his cavalry?!"

"Ever since his daughter went missing, he never stayed the same."

"I heard that she was blessed by God Ysion?"

"I heard about that as well, but I doubt it."

"No, It's actually true. It happened on the day Lord Ysion descended on their kingdom and summoned the Gate of Hell!"

Gasps could be heard from the people sitting around the table as they all clearly remembered that day, how could they forget, the day when the sound of the gates of Hell opened echoed through out the planet!

"Then if she was truly blessed, perhaps he is right to keep hope that she is still alive?" Said the guild master, a tall buff middle aged man, with short black hair and a scar going down from his forehead till his right cheek giving him a savage aura.

"Oh, speaking of which did the former guild master not contact you again?" Asked one of the kings in curiosity, it was a known fact to everyone that the former guild master had ascended to become an angel after the great war.

Shaking his head, the guild master replied. "No, the only time she did was before the emergence of this...this abomination."

"And? What did she say?" Asked another person.

"The same thing pope Tamiel said, God Ysion ordered all the Gods, Immortals, and divine beings to no interfere with the mortal realm."

"B-But why?!" Asked a Queen as she got agitated.

No one gave any reply but the mood remained somber.

"Aren't the Gods supposed to protect us?! Why would he want to abandon us!?" She shouted once again, her voice echoing in the now quiet meeting room.

Just as she was about to continue speaking, the door to the meeting room swung open as all the heads of those present turned to face it.

"Do not dare to question your God!" It was the pope himself! His usual smiling face was no more as he glared at the Queen causing her to quickly shut her mouth as she gasped, turning the hall deadly silent.

"Our Lord is wise and ever so generous. He gave you your life! He gave you the ability to speak! He gave you the ability to see! He gave you the ability to hear! Do you ever think about such things? Things you may take for granted, do you ever thank him for all of this? He gave you the ability to think! Why should he keep on protecting you? What makes you think he is obligated to? The Gods are not your nor my servants, the Gods do not need our prayers or gratitude, no, we need them!" As the pope started to speak, the Queen quickly lowered her head in shame as she refrained from speaking.

No one dared to say anything as they just quietly listened, pausing for a second, pope Tamiel's eyes stared at all those present one by one, making them all lower their gazes in respect before he continued speaking.

"When we were truly in danger, our Lord stepped up, the Gods stepped up! His angels stepped up! His army stepped up! Countless of deities and angels fell in that war, all to protect us! Now the enemy is not some being from outside our home, no! The enemy is one of us! Why would our Lord lower himself to clean up our own mess?"

Letting out a tired sigh, the pope spoke for the last time as he walked towards the exit, "The Gods, are not our servants, they do not need us, think about that."