Chapter 80: Goodbyes

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye deadline to Josse's fight was already upon them. In the past years that she spent training under Kyzdall, Josse had completely mastered the art of hand to hand combat and that of various weapons, be they swords, spears, daggers, claymores you name it.

During these past years, Josse has to make a very difficult decision, her path was no longer that of a simple mortal, no she was destined to greatness.

The road she was threading was no longer the same as the one her family was on, and because of that Josse had to let them go.

Her figure grew even more refined in the past years. As she walked through the forest, a celestial feel surrounding her making her look otherworldly, her beautiful face however had a depressed expression on it.

It was time to go, it was time to bid her farewell's to her family, to her father and little brother. Ever since she accepted Kyzdall as her master, she always knew that this day would come.

As she walked closer to her destination, her old home, all sorts of memories flooded her mind as she could not control her the tears that weld up in the corner of her eyes.

Arriving next to her home, Josse took a deep breath to calm her raging emotions, wiping the tears off her eyes she then slapped her cheeks hard with both hands before walking towards the house with a newfound determination.

As soon as she opened the door, the figure of her father and little brother greeted her, it looked like they have been waiting for her to come. Kyzdall was already there with them as he stood behind her father with a serious expression on his face.

Her father was the most understanding, what parent wouldn't want the best for their child, and her becoming a direct disciple of a God, Josse's father did not want to stop her from walking her own path but instead encouraged her as he struggled to hold his tears at bay.

Walking towards his daughter, Reynard pulled her closer into a tight embrace without saying anything for a few moments as he silently hugged her with his eyes closed. Josse struggled to keep a straight face as tears threatened to fall once more.

Breaking off the hug, Reynard grabbed her by the shoulders as he smiled while looking at her beautiful face.

"I am proud of you Josse, and I am sure your mother is as well. I love you, take care of yourself, and don't forget about your old man." He chuckled with a sad smile as he took a step back and pushed Roland forward.

As he got pushed forward, Roland, her little brother on the other hand was unable to contain his emotions as he wailed, he jumped into her embrace as he hugged her tightly with tears constantly falling from his eyes.

"Please don't leave me, sis! Please!" He pleaded as he did not want to let her go.

Seeing her little brother in such a state was the final straw, as Josse broke down as well and hugged him closer with tears gashing nonstop.

"I'm sorry Roland, I'm so sorry, please forgive me..." She beseeched him as she pulled him to an even tighter hug.

Kyzdall who was silent the whole time suddenly moved, as he walked towards the door's exit he paused and looked back at Josse before speaking.

"It's time to go, you got Gods to hunt." Saying that Kyzdall turned to look at Reynard before giving him a small nod to which the father bowed back in respect.

Seeing her master walking away, Josse knew it was time, pulling Roland away and grabbing him by the shoulders she spoke.

"I'm sorry Roland, but I have to go, i'll be back I promise so I need you to be strong and take care of dad, can you do that for me?"

With his eyes and cheek still wet with tears, Roland struggled to nod. "En, you have to come back sis! You definitely have to come back!"

Letting out a smile, Josse patted her little brother's head before speaking. "I will!"

And with that, Josse gave one final glance to her father who nodded before smiling at Roland as she made her way after her master.

Once outside, Kyzdall did not look at her before he turned into a beam of light that flew towards the distance, just as she was about to follow, Roland's voice came from behind her as he rushed outside of the house.

"You definitely have to come back! I'll be waiting for you sis!" He shouted as he waved goodbye.

Letting out a small smile, Josse shot towards the sky in a beam of golden light as she followed behind Kyzdall.

Soon, the duo gently landed in the familiar clearing next to the small wooden cabin, before they made their way there, Kyzdall spoke.

"You should never make promises you are not sure you can keep." He said in a serious tone.

"What do you mean master?" Asked Josse confused.

"While you are my disciple, your upcoming battle is one you shall face alone. I do not plan on interfering no matter the outcome, this battle is meant for you to prove yourself worthy of following us in Lord Ysion's journey. Do you understand what I mean?" He asked solemnly.

Gulping down, Josse's eyes hardened as she nodded.

"Good, I will not interfere in your fight. This is something you must face alone, but should you lose, rest assured I your master will avenge you." Said Kyzdall as he patted her shoulders.

"Haha-" Scratching her cheeks, Josse let out an awkward laugh as she thought of the upcoming battle.

It was then that voice of Ondan was heard from behind them. "You truly have no talent with motivational speeches." He sighed as he made his way closer to the duo.

"W-What?!" Shouted Kyzdall embarrassed.

Passing by Josse, Ondan patted her shoulder as he made his way towards the cabin. "Don't worry too much little one, you are strong enough to take care of such puny gods."

Leaving such words behind, the old dragon knocked on the cabin door before entering.

"There you have it, I don't know how you did it but that old bastard likes you." Grinned Kyzdall.

Smiling, Josse raised her head to look at the sky as her expression hardened into one full of determination.

"I'm coming, wait for me!" she quietly muttered to herself.