Chapter 81: The Challenger

"So it's finally time." Said Ysion as he stepped out of the small wooden cabin, following right behind him was the old dragon God Ondan.

"Yes my lord, the little one has finished her training." Replied Ondan with a respectful expression as he followed behind his master.

"You seem to also have taken an interest in her." Said Ysion as he grinned.

"I heard you even taught her how to control mana." He added in an interested face as he looked back at Ondan.

Letting out an embarrassed cough, the Dragon replied. "I merely do not wish for her to bring shame to my lord's name."

"Haha, well then we shall see how this will go." Said Ysion as he looked up towards the blue sky above.


Two beams of light quickly landed in front of Ysion and Ondan causing cracks to appear on the forest ground.

"Our apologies my lord, all preparations are in order." Hurriedly reported Kyzdall.

"Good, well then shall we? Ondan." Called out Ysion to the old Dragon, who gave a quick bow before waving his hand in front of the small cabin that served as their homes for the past three years making it disappear.

Turning his attention towards Josse who stood behind Kyzdall, Ysion found her to be extremely calm as she kept staring at the sky, her eyes full of determination.

Clapping his hands together, Ysion spoke. "Alright then, let the trials begin!" Looking at Josse, he called out.

"Josse, we shall be watching over you." He said with a gentle smile that made her feel comfortable as she looked at him, before hurriedly bowing down.

"I'll be sure to bring you victory my God!" She replied enthusiastically.

"Don't underestimate your opponents little one, no matter what, they are still Gods!" Added Ondan, to which Josse gave a nod of understanding.

"I won't uncle Ondan!"

'Uncle?' Hearing Josse address Ondan as uncle made Ysion quite curious, yet he refrained from saying anything.

Finally, Kyzdall was the last one to speak, with her being his disciple and him her master.

"You have grown exceptionally strong child, show me! Show us! That you truly deserve your title as my disciple and is worthy to journey with the lord!" Patting her head, Kyzdall continued with a gentle smile.

"I'll be waiting for your return little one."

Feeling Kyzdall's warm hand on her head, Josse's heart felt moved as she silently nodded.

"Well then let us make haste." Saying that Ysion summoned his mana as it surrounded the team with a multicolored light before their figures silently disappeared leaving the forest they inhabited for three years behind.


High above the mortal plane, inside a special hidden plane was the holy realm of the Gods, the resting place where deities of this world dwelled.

The plane was exactly the same as any mortal would imagine the land of Gods to be, there was no sun nor moon, yet there was no darkness. The entire plane seemed to have a holy glow to it giving it a divine feel.

It was not as big as Ysion's planes, however, for all the Gods resided in this one. In the middle of it was a giant white city, one befitting those who called themselves Deities.

The entire city gave off a sacred vibe, with a giant tower standing in the middle as it extended towards the sky. This was the meeting hall for all the Gods, it was here where they decided all matters concerning the Universe.

Currently, on the highest floor of the tower, all the Gods gathered around in a large hall with servants serving them with wine and all sorts of delicacies as they laughed and talked with each other.

Their numbers were not many, there was the God of Life, and the Goddess of Death, the God of justice, the Goddess of Earth, the God of the Sea, and the Goddess of Hunt.

These were the Deities of this world, they were all born alongside the creation of their universe with the God of Life and the Goddess of Death being the oldest.

Together they reigned over the mortal plane as they saw fit, their rule unchallenged by no one as they prevented any mortal from defying them.

Under them were countless servants and subordinates that served and tended for all their needs.

As the group was enjoying themselves, a sudden malicious aura washed over the entire realm shrouding it in a blood-red color as it lost its former holy golden one.

The Deities' expressions changed as they all abruptly stood up and teleported above the giant tower.


A loud booming voice thundered in the ears of all those present in this plane. As the Gods stood shocked watching the sky turn blood red as it parted to make way for one small figure to descend.

Donning a purple full body armor, she had an extremely delicate figure, milky white skin with a dark obsidian black eyes and hair that flowed freely behind her back, in her right hand was a giant axe that did not seem to fit her small frame as it exuded a blood-reddish mist, on her left hand was a tall white and black shield with a strange eye symbol that seemed to almost be alive.

As she slowly descended from the red sky, she truly looked like a Goddess of War coming to bring chaos upon them as the Gods and all those present in the plane were left baffled at her appearance.

"My name is Josse, first Disciple of the God of War Kyzdall. And today I am here to dethrone you, show yourselves!" saying that, Josse raised her axe high up towards the sky as a blood-red pillar descended on it causing the entire plane to shake.

Away hidden in the distance, Ysion, Ondan, and Kyzdall sat down as they watched the fight unfold. Kyzdall was the most excited one as he whispered.

"Now the stage has been set, show me what you can do little one."