Chapter 82: The battle

"A mere sole Immortal dares challenge us all?!" Sneered the Goddess of death.

"You must have a death-wish!" Added the Goddess of hunt as she looked at Josse in disdain.

"I do not know who your master is, but you are yet to be qualified to fight us! Bring your master out!" Arrogantly said the God of Justice.

Chuckling, Josse spoke as she let her Mana surrounding her body in a reddish glow. "My master is not for the likes of you to see!" Saying that her body shot forward like an arrow leaving after images of herself.

Before anyone could retaliate, she was already in front of the Goddess if earth whose eyes widened in shock at the scene of Josse suddenly appearing in front of her.

Bringing her giant axe down, Josse aimed for the Goddess's neck who barely managed to retaliate by bringing forward an earth wall that deflected the blow missing her head, yet leaving a huge gash over her chest as blood fell continuously.

"UGHH" Letting out a grunt, the Goddess swiftly retreated.

Not allowing her anytime to recover, Josse pounced on her, assaulting her with a barrage of attacks backed with her Mana as it sent shockwaves throughout the plane.

Finally recovering from their shock, the rest of the Gods made their move. The God of life quickly teleported behind the Goddess of earth as he channeled his mana to quickly heal her.

Gods were essentially Immortal beings, it was almost impossible to kill them, but it was doable. To kill a God, you would have to overwhelm their Mana with yours.

For Gods were impossible to die by mere physical wounds, that's why when Josse attacked, every swing of her axe was covered in mana that served to disrupt her opponents one, making it harder for them to regenerate and close their wounds.

With every attack, her mana seeped into her opponent's body as it brought chaos to it, essentially destroying them from the inside.

Seeing the Goddess of earth being pushed back, the God of life swiftly moved to support her, as he willed his mana to heal her, effectively closing the gash on her chest.

"How dare you!" Shouted the God of justice as he turned into a streak of white light that shot towards Josse's back, in his right hand he held a giant hammer that was easily twice his size and on his left hand, he held a tall shield that covered his entire body.

The Goddess of death did not stand ideal, turning into a black cloud she vanished before appearing to Josse's side as she stabbed towards her with two midnight colored twin swords.

The God of sea on the other hand summoned a giant mountain of water that separated the Goddess of earth away from Josse as he shielded her from her attacks.

Positioning herself behind her companions, the Goddess of hunt summoned a glowing yellow bow as materialized arrows using her mana and shot them at Josse to keep her at bay.

Faced with this pincer attack, Josse quickly moved her shield to block the attack to her side from the Goddess of death, while swinging her giant axe causing it to clash with the hammer of the God of justice, using the shockwave from the clash to her advantage, Josse pushed herself away from the trajectory of the ranged attack coming from the Goddess of hunt.


Way above the battlefield, Ysion, Ondan, and Kyzdall watched the fight bellow carefully. As the collective attack on Josse issued, Kyzdall grinned as he spoke.

"Looks like it's over."

Nodding in agreement, the old dragon replied. "Indeed, their coordination is truly admirable yet they are mismatched." he shook his head.


Back at the fight bellow, as soon as Josse evaded the arrow attack, her eyes suddenly turned to glare at the Goddess of hunt who shivered under her shivered under her glare.

"SEA!" She shouted as she turned to look at her companion.

Hearing the Goddess of hunt call him, the God of sea quickly understood as he saw Josse use her shield to bash away the Goddess of death as she followed it with a wide swing of her axe to move the God of justice out of the way.

With the road clear, Josse shot forward in a beam of light towards the Goddess of hunt who swiftly retreated. Seeing the target of Josse's next attack, the God of sea retracted his sea wall that surrounded the injured Goddess of earth and God of life as he willed it to surround the Goddess of hunt.

Seeing that happen, Josse's lips turned upwards into a smirk as her body blurred for a second before it vanished from its place.

Confused, the Gods were brought back to their senses by a loud scream as they quickly turned their heads back just in time to see Josse's axe decapitate the God of life, his body falling into two pieces towards the ground below.

"NOO!" Shouted the Goddess of death as her eyes turned completely black with rage.

"Don't you dare!" Added the God of justice as he saw Josse's axe rise once more, before decapitating the helpless Goddess of earth as her body soon followed after the God of life.

"Don't rush!" Shouted the God of sea as he saw both the Goddess of death and the God of justice loose their temper as they pounced at Josse.

Grinning, Josse calmly countered their attacks with both her shield and axe, seeing such a scene, the God of sea sighed before shooting forward and summoning a wall of water that shot towards Josse.

Raising her head up to look at the upcoming attack, Josse smirked before her body started glowing a hazy red glow. She seemed to suddenly turn into a blur as she once again disappeared from her place.

Seeing her disappear, the God of sea suddenly felt an ominous feeling as he quickly retracted his shield and summoned another one to surround the Goddess of hunt, alas, it was too late...