Chapter 83: Conclusion

"I-Impossible!" stuttered the Goddess of death.

The God of sea quickly retreating next to her, only the two of them remained, the rest of their siblings already defeated by the disciple of the God of war.

"W-What are you?" muttered the God of sea as he looked at Josse with a face full of terror.

"I told you, I'm Josse the first disciple of the God of war Kyzdall!" She grinned. Just as she was about to shoot forward to finish off her opponents, the sound of clapping suddenly made her halt in her track.

"Haha! You did not disappoint me, little one!" Spoke Kyzdall as he teleported behind her.

Seeing her master appear, Josse gave a respectful bow as her face held a humble expression full of respect, yet she still held herself with pride be befitting that of someone who defeated the Gods!

"Master." she called out respectfully.

Nodding in a satisfied manner, the God of war patted her head with a smile before he turned to look at the Goddess of Death and God of Sea.

The duo seeing Kyzdall's attention turn to them shivered under his gaze. This was the monster that trained the one that defeated them with such ease. If the disciple was already this fearsome, how strong was the master!?

Looking at them with a gaze devoid of emotion, Kyzdall spoke.

"Our fight here is over, we shall be taking our leave."

Confused, the two deities stood shocked as they were unable to understand what Kyzdall meant.

"L-Leave?" hesitated the Goddess of Death as she looked at him with a bitter expression.

Giving a deep bow, the God of Sea spoke in a respectful tone. "We have been completely defeated, the world is no longer ours to rule for it is rightfully yours."

Griding her teeth, the Goddess of Death forced herself to bow down in respect. She had no choice, for they have truly been thoroughly defeated.

Shaking his head, Kyzdall spoke. "It was never our intention to take over your world, this was nothing but a little test for my disciple." He said while affectionately patting Josse's head.

"A test?! You murdered all my siblings as a test?!" Unable to control her rage the Goddess of Death screamed as she glared at Kyzdall and Josse with eyes full of hate.

"Death! No!" Turning to his sister, the God of Sea grabbed her head as he forced her to lower it down.

"Please forgive my sister esteemed one." He pleaded with his head hanged low.

"You better learn to control that mouth of yours child, my patience is not something you would want to test." Growled Kyzdall as his aura leaked out to his surroundings causing the two deities to shiver uncontrollably.

'Of course, he is even more of a monster than his disciple!' The God of sea's mind continuously spun as the aura of Kyzdall filled him with a deep sense of fear he had never felt before.

As quickly as the aura appeared, it soon disappeared as if nothing happened before, still afraid the two deities carefully raised their heads to look at the God of War and his disciple.

"Hmph, how stupid can you be. And you still call yourselves Gods." Said Kyzdall as he shook his head.

"Eh?" Unable to understand the cause for the sudden change in mood, the two deities dumbly watched.

Josse was the one to speak this time. "I did not kill your siblings, I never had any reason to." she said.

"What do you mean, I clearly saw-" before the Goddess of death could continue, the God of Sea suddenly pointed at the ground below where the bodies of their siblings were situated with a shocked face.

"T-They are still alive!" He shouted.

"Of course they are, they are merely unconscious. As I said I have no reason to kill them, the test by master was to defeat you, not kill you." Added Josse as a matter of fact.

"Hmph, we have no interest in your little Universe. Your teamwork was admirable, yet you all lack experience. Let's go little one." Said Kyzdall as he turned to Josse about to teleport.

"Yes, master!" She replied with a voice full of enthusiasm as she smiled.

"W-Wait my lord!" Shouted the Goddess of Death.

Hearing her call out for him, Kyzdall paused as he turned to glance back at her in curiosity.

"Thank you for your mercy!" Shouted the duo simultaneously as they both gave a deep bow to Kyzdall and Josse. For Gods, strength ruled supreme, and mercy was something rarely given to the defeated.

By all means, Josse had all the right to take over their Universe and they would not have any choice but to hand it over, such is the fate of those defeated.

Yet not only had she not done so, but she had also spared their siblings. For that, the duo was extremely grateful.

Nodding in approval, Kyzdall spoke. "Good, with a little bit more experience, this fight outcome would have been difficult to predict." Saying that Kyzdall body slowly disappeared following him was Josse who gave the duo a final smile before also disappearing.

The two deities did not move for a while as they waited, before they teleported down to ground bellow to tend to their unconscious siblings.


"You did well, little one." Spoke Ondan as he patted Josse's shoulders.

"Thank you, uncle!" She replied as her lips curled upwards to form a wide smile.

"With this, you have proven yourself worthy of being the disciple of the God of War and have earned the right to travel with us." Said Ysion, with a small satisfied smile.

"I'm unworthy of your praise my God!" Hurriedly replied Josse as she dropped to her knees in respect.

"Well then, let us go. It's about time we resume our journey." Replied Ysion as his eyes turned to look at the distance, with an intense glare.

"Your orders are our command, my Lord!" Replied both Kyzdall and Ondan.