Chapter 86: The master of the shadows And the Golden Dragon

Far away in a corner of the dark space, hidden away from all prying eyes was a single planet. The entire sphere was black and seemed to be alive!

Obsidian black fog surrounded it sometimes contracting others expanding, as it the planet itself was a living being that was breathing in and breathing out.

The space surrounding said planet was completely desolated, no stars nor light was visible as it engulfed the planet in the realm of shadows.

Suddenly, an impossibly loud roar caused the space surrounding it to shatter as the world of darkness abruptly started to change its shape.

What was once a sphere-shaped planet quickly started to morph into something else, the vague figure of a bird slowly came into being.

Its giant wings broke through space itself causing various void tears to open before it finally made its move.


Millions of miles away from said location was a giant celestial palace, it stood tall in the empty space shining light and illuminating its surroundings.

It looked like a small shining sun and was impossible to look at directly when suddenly an enormous white dragon flew out if, it seemed to eclipse the light coming out of the palace as it made its way away from it.

A giant vortex suddenly sprung open and swallowed the entire celestial palace as the dragon soon followed after, the portal quickly closing behind him.


In a different part of the universe, four beams of light could be seen flying across space.

"Lord, there's a planet ahead." Said Ondan.

Giving a slight nod of acknowledgment, Ysion replied.

"Yes, we are heading there."

"As you command my lord." Ondan and Kyzdall both answered back simultaneously.

Soon the group found themselves standing at the edge of a small universe that held one medium-sized planet, a sun, and a small moon upon which the Gods of said universe erected their palaces.

"Quite the interesting design." Muttered Ysion as he observed it with curiosity.

"My lord, it appears that only two deities are governing over this universe. One of which is a newly born God the other is about the same level as Ondan and I." Said Kyzdall, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Your orders my lord?" Calmly asked Ondan, his gaze not leaving the small moon in the distance.

Josse at the back was feeling excited as she stared at the planet ahead, another new and exciting Universe, never in her wildest dreams had she thought that she would come this far and visit different worlds.

Her eyes unconsciously drifted to Ysion's back as she gazed at him with awe and worship, her master's lord previous attack on the monsters was enough to obliterate her entire existence had she continued staring at it.

The thought caused her blood to turn cold before she shook her head, and watched as Ysion gave the order for them to break into the Universe.

"Remember, this time we are not here to fight."

"Your word is my command lord."

"Understood my lord."

Satisfied, Ysion led his small group past the universe barrier, the feeling akin to passing through a water mirror.

The group watched as two beams of lights left the palace situated on the moon and made their way towards them.

Coming to a halt, the group watched in curiosity as the two beams of lights morphed into two humanoid figures, one was that of a young boy that had the features of a teenager, his green hair was long reaching his waist, he was dressed in a simple robe.

The second figure was surprisingly that of a tall skeleton wearing black armor with a giant Claymore on his back, his eye sockets were hollow as he stared at the group before speaking with a deep voice that sent shivers down Josse's spine.

"Greetings outsiders. What brings you to our home?"

"My lord was simply curious about the structure of your universe." Said Ondan as he pointed at Ysion respectfully.

Hearing that, the skeleton's head turned to face Ysion before his body visibly shuddered.

"A-A God of creation?!" His voice was full of disbelief as he took a couple of steps back in shock.

"Oh? You seem to know what I am?" Asked Ysion with interest.

"Surely you jest great one! Please follow me!" Said the skeleton in a respectful tone, the green-haired teenage boy's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the old skeleton behave so respectfully, he had never seen him act in such a way in his entire existence, not even when faced with those famed 'Universe raiders'!

Yet here was acting so submissive and lowering his head in front of the seemingly unremarkable young man, just who in the world was he?!

"Master, can I head down to the mortal world to play?" Sheepishly asked Josse as she stared at Kyzdall with her large puppy eyes.

Letting out an embarrassed cough, Kyzdall turned to glance at Ysion who let out a laugh followed by a nod, seeing that Josse was ecstatic a wide grin making its way onto her face.

The skeleton then turned towards the boy and spoke.

"Mihr, you go escort the young lady down to the mortal plane and make sure that all her needs are attended to."

Surprised, Mihr was momentarily stunned before quickly regaining his bearings, his face turned into a smile as he gave a respectful bow towards Ysion and the rest before turning towards Josse and politely extending his hand to her.

"My lady." He spoke with a soft voice causing a small bashful smile to make its way into Josse's face as she grabbed his hand, right after the duo turned into two beams of light that streaked towards the planet in the distance.

Seeing them go, Ysion spoke with a smile.

"Such a well behaved child."

Letting out a laugh, the skeleton replied.

"You are too generous esteemed one." He said before continuing.

"Please, follow me."

The group then proceeded after the skeleton and flew into the celestial palace on top of the moon, they were greeted by a group of short-winged spirits that reminded Ysion of the fairy race back in his universe.

Seeing the skeleton appear with Ysion, Ondan, and Kyzdall behind in toe the spirits hurriedly gave respectful bows as they hastily moved to open the giant palace doors where the skeleton lead the group inside.