Chapter 87: The truth

As the group walked inside the celestial palace guided by the small winged spirits, the first thing that greeted them was a long hallway. Stepping inside, Ysion's gaze wandered to the various carvings and paintings that decorated the hallway walls in curiosity.

Each scene seemed to tell a story of its own, a story of Gods and Mortals, a story of this universe. Kyzdall did not seem particularly interested as he followed behind with a somewhat bored expression, while Ondan had an alert look on his face as he kept his guard up.

"Is this your history?" Asked Ysion in undisguised curiosity as he motioned towards the carvings on the walls with his head.

"Ah, very sharp esteemed one. Indeed this wall keeps track of the entire history of our humble universe." Replied the skeleton.

"I can sense a particular presence within, a spirit?" muttered Ysion causing the flame inside the skeleton's socket to dance wildly in shock.

"A-as expected of a God of creation, nothing can escape your gaze, indeed my lord, this entire palace is a sentient divine treasure. Moon, please come out." He said, his tone filled with respect before he called out.

Almost immediately, in front of the group soft twinkling light appeared seemingly out of nowhere before disappearing leaving behind the short figure of an extremely beautiful white-haired lady, her face was flawless, yet her dull grey eyes stood out of place as she glanced at Ysion and his group with curiosity, before giving them a small courteous bow.

Seeing a new person suddenly appear, Ondan swiftly moved to stand in front of Ysion ready to protect him in case anything went wrong, Kyzdall's face also turned sharp as he observed the newcomer.

"Esteemed one, this is Moon, the spirit of the celestial palace and the keeper of knowledge in our Universe." Introduced the skeleton.

"Pleasure to meet you, Moon." Smiled Ysion as he looked at the spirit with interest.

'How come I never thought to create a spiritual weapon or building before.' He thought to himself in almost disappointment.

"The pleasure is mine, God of Creation." She replied, her voice soft and pleasing to the ear.

"Moon here is older than me, older than this Universe itself. She now stands watch over this plane, all the while keeping track of everything." Said the skeleton as he pointed at the carvings on the wall.

"Please allow me, this is not a very good place to talk in." Smiled the spirit, yet somehow that smiled looked out of place as if it was an extremely foreign action for her.

She then clapped her hand twice, Ysion could feel the mana dancing around them yet his face was unconcerned as he stood there, Ondan and Kyzdall moved to stand closer to their God.

Almost immediately, the entire group teleported out of the hallway and into a grand patio that overlooked the vast space, a long table stood in the middle, with one blue planet visible far away in the background.

"Please." motioned the skeleton as he urged Ysion and his companions to the table.

Once seated, a few winged spirits appeared as they served them what looked like tea with some sweets.

"Please help yourself, I'm quite a fan of sweets, I hope you'll enjoy this." Said Moon as she took a light sip from her cup.

Smiling, Ysion took a sip as well, his eyes widenifor a second as he took another one before setting the cup down.

"Delicious." He praised, it was truly delicious, he had never drunk anything like it before. Ondan seeing his master's reaction had a frown as he moved to taste his own cup before his frown deepened.

His mind was thinking of various methods to brew such a tea for his master next time since he appeared to enjoy it a lot.

"I'm glad you liked it, I'll give you some of the leaves to make it if you'd like." Happily answered the spirit, causing Ondan to look at her with a grateful expression.

"Thank you, now then, you also seem to know what I am." Asked Ysion, his gaze turning sharp as he looked at spirit and then the skeleton.

"Indeed, a God of a creation." Calmly replied Moon before taking another sip from from her cup. Ysion, remained quiet as he waited for her to continue.

"To be honest I didn't think i'd see one anymore." She added.

"Oh? So there are more?"

"Were." She corrected.

"And what exactly happened to them?" Ysion asked with a frown.

"Dead, all hunted down and killed."

Hearing that, Ysion's frown deepened as he looked at the spirit waiting for her to continue.

"I have a story that you might be interested in, care to hear, O mighty God of creation?" Asked the spirit with a hint of a smile on her face. Hearing that, Ysion's face reverted to its calm state as he nodded.

Grinning, Moon began.

"A long time ago, long before any star was born, long before any Divine or mortal, a single entity roamed the infinite emptiness. It was from this creature that the multiverse as we know it came to be, it carved out the stars and the infinite number of Universes from its flesh as it vanquished the infinite Void. Yet such a process was draining even to one with soon much power, and so the figure gave birth to two guardians to protect its creations while it slumbered to recover. The guardians who came to be known as the Master of the Shadows, and the Golden Dragon of Light."

"The master of the Shadows, the Golden Dragon of Light?" muttered Ysion as he rolled the names in his tongue, committing them to memory, they seemed somewhat familiar yet he couldn't tell from where.

Moon then continued.

"For eons, the guardians carried out their duty diligently, yet time passed with no sign of their maker waking up. And so the guardians grew tired of their duty as they turned their gaze towards their master's powers." Continued Moon.

Ysion's calm gaze turned into a frown, an unfamiliar emotion boiled inside of him as he listened to Moon's gaze, it was rage, Ysion was confused as the rage was so strong.

"Together, the guardians conspired with one another and did the unthinkable, they turned their fangs towards their maker. Filled with rage and sorrow at their betrayal, the entity that was already weak from creating the multiverse, did not want to give up its power to them, and so he scattered his body into various pieces and dispersed them across the multiverse, each piece possessing a part of his soul, a part of his power. The Power of Creation." Grinned Moon as she looked at Ysion who had his eyes slowly turn red with rage, a rage so strong it seemed to steam from the depths of his soul!